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Document Ian Tattersall, "I stał się człowiek. Ewolucja i wyjątkowość człowieka" (fragmenty książki) (2001)
Ian Tattersall, I stał się człowiek. Ewolucja i wyjątkowość człowieka, Wydawnictwo W. A. B., Warszawa, 2001.
Document Marcin Rotkiewicz, "Człowiek z II piętra (2002)
"Polityka" nr 50/2002(2380)
Document Marcin Ryszkiewicz, "Biologiczne paradoksy człowieka, czyli o nowej książce Marka Ridleya - 'Cooperative Gene'" (2003)
Document Edwin Bendyk, "Dlaczego jesteśmy dobrzy albo źli" (2004)
"Polityka" nr 52/2004 (2485)
Document Marcin Rotkiewicz, "Na poczatku było ego"(2004)
"Polityka" nr 16/2004(2448)
Document Robert Wright, "Moralne zwierzę" (fragmenty książki) (2004)
Robert Wright, Moralne zwierzę, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa, 2004.
Document Marcin Ryszkiewicz, "Przyszłość w wykładniczym świecie" (2004)
"Polityka" nr 52/2004 (2485)
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution 'just' a theory?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 6;
Document Casey Luskin, "Where did intelligent design come from?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 3;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is intelligent design a credible scientific theory?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 4;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution anti-religious?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 5;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution education important?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 7;
Document Deidre Pike, "Evolution Revolution" (2005)
Tuckson Weekly February 17, 2005;
Document Matt Inlay, "Bill Dembski and the case of the unsupported assertion" (2005)
Talk Reason;
Document Jim Holt, "Unintelligent Design" (2005)
"The New York Times" February 20, 2005 Sunday, Pg. 15.
Document Chris Mooney, "Discovery Phase" (2005)
"The American Prospect" Online, Jan 31, 2005;
Document Chris Mooney, "Intelligent Denials " (2005)
"The American Prospect" Online, Feb 22, 2005;
Document Mark Perakh, "Beyond suboptimality. Why irreducible complexity does not imply intelligent design" (2005)
Talk Reason; ----------------- Michael Behe's concept of the irreducible complexity (IC) of molecular assemblies in biological cells has been touted by intelligent design (ID) advocates as allegedly strong evidence for ID. In fact, a concept identical in all but name with Behe's IC has been around for a long time before Behe. Professional biologists have overwhelmingly rejected Behe's notion as contrary to the evidence, showing that irreducibly complex molecular systems could have evolved via "Darwinian" evolutionary path with a high likelihood. In this essay Mark Perakh approaches the problem from an angle different from that utilized by biologists. He argues that the notion according to which IC implies ID is contrary to logic. IC systems, by definition, are unreliable, so if they are designed, this points to an inept designer. Perakh further argues that in this case we deal not just with the problem of suboptimal design but with a case where the putative designer delberately designed systems in a way making them easily vulnerable to accidental damage. Perakh concludes that if biological systems are indeed IC this more reasonably can be construed as an argument against inteligent design.
Document Richard Gallagher, "Intelligent Design and Informed Debate" (2005)
"The Scientist" Feb. 28, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4;
Document Graciella Flores, "Journals and inteligent design" (2005)
"The Scientist", Feb. 28, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4;

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