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File "Creating controversy" (editorial) (2005)
"Nature Cell Biology" February 2005, vol. 7. no. 2, s. 99.
File "Theory, fact and the origin of life" (2005)
"Nature. Structural and Molecular Biology" February 2004, vol. 12, no. 5, s. 101.
File Susan J. Lolle, Jennifer L. Victor, Jessica M. Young & Robert E. Pruitt, "Genome-wide non-mendelian inheritance of extra-genomic information in Arabidopsis" (2005)
"Nature" 24 March 2005, vol. 434, pp. 505-509; --- Abstract: --- A fundamental tenet of classical mendelian genetics is that allelic information is stably inherited from one generation to the next, resulting in predictable segregation patterns of differing alleles. Although several exceptions to this principle are known, all represent specialized cases that are mechanistically restricted to either a limited set of specific genes (for example mating type conversion in yeast) or specific types of alleles (for example alleles containing transposons3 or repeated sequences). Here we show that Arabidopsis plants homozygous for recessive mutant alleles of the organ fusion gene HOTHEAD5 (HTH) can inherit allele-specific DNA sequence information that was not present in the chromosomal genome of their parents but was present in previous generations. This previously undescribed process is shown to occur at all DNA sequence polymorphisms examined and therefore seems to be a general mechanism for extragenomic inheritance of DNA sequence information.We postulate that these genetic restoration events are the result of a template-directed process that makes use of an ancestral RNA-sequence cache. --- Omówienie w języku polskim: --- Komentarz Jonathana Wellsa:
File Taede Smedes, "A Review of: The Cultures of Creationism: Anti-Evolutionism in English-Speaking Countries. Ed. by Simon Coleman and Leslie Carlin" (2005) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
File Georgia Journal of Science 2005, vol. 63, no. 3
Contents: --- John V. Aliff, "Teaching Evolution and the Challenge of Intelligent Design: A Symposium" s. 144 --- Barbara Carroll Forrest, "Inside Creationism’s Trojan Horse: A Closer Look at Intelligent Design", s. 153 --- Massimo Pigliucci, Joshua Banta, Christen Bossu, Paula Crouse, Troy Dexter, Kerry Hansknecht and Norris Muth, "The Alleged Fallacies of Evolutionary Theory" s. 167 --- Keith B. Miller, "Countering Public Misconceptions About the Nature of Evolutionary Science" s. 175 --- Taner Edis, "Why "Intelligent Design" is More Interesting than Old-Fashioned Creationism" s. 190;
File Krzysztof Łastowski, "O procesie ewolucji biologicznej: pogląd Darwina i jego oponentów" (2002) pdf
w: Krzysztof Łastowski, Paweł Zeidler (red.), Tropami filozofii. Wykłady dla młodzieży z filozofii, tom 2, Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, Poznań 2002, s. 15-30;
File Stanisława M. Rogalska, Anna Kalinka, Magdalena Achrem, Renata Słonimska-Walkowiak, Lidia Skuza i Ewa Filip, "Genetyczne elementy ruchome u roślin i innych organizmów" (2004)
"Kosmos" 2004, t. 53, nr 3–4 (264–265), s. 325–342;
File W. Wayt Gibbs, " Genom ukryty poza DNA", (2004) pdf
"Świat Nauki", styczeń 2004, s.60-65
File W. Wayt Gibbs, "Genomowe klejnoty i śmieci" (2003) pdf
"Świat Nauki", grudzień 2003, s. 36 -41
File Marta Paprocka, Magdalena Wołoszyńska, "Potranskrypcyjne wyciszanie genów u roślin" (2004) pdf
"Kosmos", Tom 53, 2004, Nr 2 (263), s. 193-200
File Andrzej T. Wierzbicki, "Dziedziczenie epigenetyczne" (2004) pdf
"Kosmos", Tom 53, 2004, Nr 3-4 (264-265), s. 271-280
File "Jak granik rafę uratował" (2006)
kolejny przykład niemocy TE w przewidywaniu przyszłych zjawisk biologicznych (,34148,3099177.html)
File Jerry A. Coyne, "Not black and white" (1998)
"Nature", vol. 396, 5 November 1998, pp. 35-36.
File Paul S. Agutter and Denys N. Wheatley, "Foundationf of Biology: On the Problem of “Purpose” in Biology in Relation to Our Acceptance of the Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection" (1999)
"Foundations of Science" 1999, vol. 4, pp. 3–23. --- Abstract: For many years, biology was largely descriptive (“natural history”), but with its emergence as a scientific discipline in its own right, a reductionist approach began, which has failed to be matched by adequate understanding of function of cells, organisms and species as whole entities. Every effort was made to “explain” biological phenomena in physico-chemical terms. It is argued that there is and always has been a clear distinction between life sciences and physical sciences, explicit in the use of the word biology. If this distinction is real, it implies that biological phenomena can never be entirely satisfactorily explained in terms of extant physicochemical laws. One notable manifestation of this is that living organisms appear to – actually do – behave in purposeful ways, and the inanimate universe does not. While this fundamental difference continues to be suppressed, the “purposiveness” (or teleology) which pervades biology remains anathema to almost all scientists (including most biologists) even to the present day. We argue here that it can, however, become a perfectly tenable position when the Theory of Natural Selection is accepted as the main foundation, the essential tenet, of biology that distinguishes it from the realm of physical sciences. In accepting this position, it remains quite legitimate to expect that in many but not all circumstances, extant physical laws (and presumably others still to be discovered) are in no way breached by biological systems, which cannot be otherwise since all organisms are composed of physical material. --- KEY WORDS: teleology, purpose, function, cause-effect, natural selection, biology
File Roger Trigg, "Darwin 1809-1882" (1999)
z: Roger Trigg, Ideas of Human Nature. An Historical Introduction, Blackwell Publishing 1999 (1st ed. 1988), s. 109-123.
File Jakub Kwintkiewicz, "Ruchome elementy genetyczne" (2001)
"Nowiny Lekarskie" 2001, t. 70, nr 8, s. 940–947.
File John F. Brookfield, "Predicting the future" (2001)
"Nature" 28 June 2001, vol. 411, p. 999. --- "The idea of fitness is central to evolutionary biology..."
File Evgeniy S. Balakirev, Francisco J. Ayala, "Pseudogenes: Are They 'Junk' or Functional DNA?" (2003) pdf
Annual Review of Genetics, 2003, vol. 37, p. 123- 151
File J.T. Trevors, D.L. Abel, "Chance and necessity do not explain the origin of life" (2004)
Cell Biology International 2004, vol. 28, pp. 729-739. --- Abstract. --- Where and how did the complex genetic instruction set programmed into DNA come into existence? The genetic set may have arisen elsewhere and was transported to the Earth. If not, it arose on the Earth, and became the genetic code in a previous lifeless, physicalechemical world. Even if RNA or DNA were inserted into a lifeless world, they would not contain any genetic instructions unless each nucleotide selection in the sequence was programmed for function. Even then, a predetermined communication system would have had to be in place for any message to be understood at the destination. Transcription and translation would not necessarily have been needed in an RNA world. Ribozymes could have accomplished some of the simpler functions of current protein enzymes. Templating of single RNA strands followed by retemplating back to a sense strand could have occurred. But this process does not explain the derivation of ‘‘sense’’ in any strand. ‘‘Sense’’ means algorithmic function achieved through sequences of certain decision-node switch-settings. These particular primary structures determine secondary and tertiary structures. Each sequence determines minimum-free-energy folding propensities, binding site specificity, and function. Minimal metabolism would be needed for cells to be capable of growth and division. All known metabolism is cybernetic e that is, it is programmatically and algorithmically organized and controlled.
File The Culture of Critique

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