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File Leon R. Kass, "The Permanent Limitations of Biology" (2002) pdf
Leon R. Kass, "The Permanent Limitations of Biology", chapter 10 of Leon R. Kass, Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity. The Challenge for Bioethics, Encounter Books, San Francisco 2002, s. 277-305.
File Bradley Monton, "God, Fine-Tuning, and the Problem of Old Evidence" (2005)
Abstract: The fundamental constants that are involved in the laws of physics which describe our universe are finely-tuned for life, in the sense that if some of the constants had slightly different values life could not exist. Some people hold that this provides evidence for the existence of God. I will present a probabilistic version of this fine-tuning argument which is stronger than all other versions in the literature. Nevertheless, I will show that one can have reasonable opinions such that the fine-tuning argument doesn’t lead to an increase in one’s probability for the existence of God. Keywords: fine-tuning argument, argument from design, ur-probability
File J.W. Moffat, "Cosmic Microwave Background, Accelerating Universe and Inhomogeneous Cosmology" (2005)
File John Updike, "The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe" (2005) pdf
"Physics Today" April 2005, vol. 58, issue 4, p. 39.
File Krzysztof Zbytniewski, "Kosmiczny ksiądz i Marsjanie" (2004)
16 stycznia 2004; wywiad z Michałem Hellerem. Początek: "O tym, czy jesteśmy w Kosmosie sami, czy Jezus umarł także za grzechy kosmitów, i czego powinny uczyć się o stworzeniu świata dzieci, opowiada nam wybitny kosmolog, fizyk i filozof ksiądz profesor Michał Heller."
File David C. Lindberg, Ronald L. Numbers, "Metahistoryczne uwagi o konflikcie nauki i teologii" (1997) pdf
"Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce" 1997, t. XX, s. 3–19;
File Michał Heller, "Ślepy zoolog" (recenzja: Richard Dawkins, Ślepy zegarmistrz) (1997 ) pdf
"Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce" 1997, t. 20, s. 146-148;
File George V. Coyne, S.J., "Ludzka osoba a ewolucja według doktryny katolickiej (z dziejów dialogu nauka-wiara)" 1997 pdf
"Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce" 1997, t. 21, s. 9-16;
File Francis Galton, "'The part of religion in human evolution" (1894)
"National Review" 1894 vol. 23, s. 755-63;
File Francis J. Beckwith, "Gimme That Ol' Time Separation: A Review Review" (2005)
"Chapman Law Review" Spring 2005, vol. 8, no, 1. s. 329-327.
File Dorothy Matthews, "Effect of a Curriculum Containing Creation Stories on Attitudes About Evolution" (2001) pdf
"The American Biology Teacher" August 2001, vol. 63, no, 6, s. 404-409.
File "When science meets religion in the classroom" (2005)
"Nature" 19 May 2005, vol. 435, no. 7040, s. 275-276.
File The Elie Wiesel Foundation For Humanity. Nobel Laureates Initiative, September 9, 2005, TO: Kansas State Board of Education (2005) pdf
List 38 laureatów Nagrody Nobla przeciwko proponowanym zmianom w programie nauczania nauk przyrodniczych w szkołach publicznych stanu Kansas;
File Bruce Alberts, "A Wakeup Call for Science Faculty" (2005) pdf
"Cell" 123, December 2, 2005;
File Anne Marie Lofaso, "The Constitutional Debate over Teaching Intelligent Design as Science in Public Schools" (2005) pdf
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy December 2005; --- Abstract --- This essay is a broad review of the evolution vs. creationism controversy, with emphasis on the legal aspects regarding teaching ID in science classes of public schools, but also discussing the question of whether ID is science (in author's view, it is not). It provides a succinct but rather complete review of the USA courts' decisions regarding the inclusion of ID and of older forms of creationism into school curricula.
File John E. Jones III, "Kitzmiller v. Dover" (2005)
File Paweł Siwek "Ewolucjonizm w świetle nauki"
Pełna wersja książki w formacie DjVu (
File Paweł Siwek "Ewolucjonizm w świetle nauki" (*.doc)
Plik po przejściu skanów przez FineReader 7 Pro PL. Plik jest w formacie MS Word 2003.
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