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Document George Sim Johnston, "Czy Darwin miał rację? Katolicy a teoria ewolucji"
Obecnie większość ludzi jest przekonana, że darwinowskie wyjaśnienie powstawania gatunków stanowi niezaprzeczalny fakt. Prawda jest jednak o wiele bardziej zaskakująca: teoria Darwina nie tylko, że nie została dowiedziona, lecz stała się obiektem wzrastającej krytyki w samym środowisku przyrodników.
Discussion Item Tu też są komentarze
Tu też są komentarze
Discussion Item Dyskusja na pl.soc.religia
Dyskusja na pl.soc.religia
Document Kazimierz Jodkowski, "Metodologiczne aspekty kontrowersji ewolucjonizm-kreacjonizm"
Link CreationWiki
The CreationWiki is a free encyclopedia of creation science being assembled by an international editorial staff. We encourage all creationists to get involved with the development of this valuable resource. There are currently 2,561 articles from a creationist point of view.
Folder 2006
Document David Berlinski, "On the Origin of Life" (2006)
"Commentary" February 2006, s. 22-33;
File David Berlinski, "On the Origin of Life" (2006) pdf
"Commentary" February 2006, s. 22-33;
Document Rebecca Morelle, "Darwin's warm pond theory tested" (2006)
"BBC News" Last Updated: Monday, 13 February 2006, 12:08 GMT;
Document "Red rain may prove life came from outer space" (2006)
New Wales 6/3/2006;
Document "Small Molecule Interactions Were Central To The Origin Of Life" (2006)
"Science Daily" Posted: May 16, 2006;
Document William Orem, "Astronomer Fred Hoyle’s modern panspermia hypothesis" (2006)
"Science & Theology News" June 2, 2006;
Document William Orem, "What if life on Earth did not begin on Earth?" (2006)
"Science & Theology News" June 1, 2006;
Folder 2006
Document Chhavi Sachdev, "Herbert Gintis: The flip side of altruism" (2006)
"Science & Theology News" January 16, 2006;
Folder 2006
Document R. Albert Mohler, Jr., "Why Darwinism Survives" (2006)
Dr. Mohler's Blog, Tuesday, January 17, 2006;
Folder 2006
Document Jack Lucentini, "Is This Life?" (2006)
"The Scientist" January 2006 Volume 20 | Issue 1 | Page 30;
File W.R. Stoeger, G.F.R. Ellis, and U. Kirchner, "Multiverses and Cosmology: Philosophical Issues" (2006)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 19 Jan 2006 18:53:06 GMT (42kb); --- Abstract --- The idea of a multiverse -- an ensemble of universes or universe domains -- has received increasing attention in cosmology, both as the outcome of the originating process that generated our own universe, and as an explanation for why our universe appears to be fine-tuned for life and consciousness. Here we carefully consider how multiverses should be defined, stressing the distinction between the collection of all possible universes, and ensembles of really existing universes, which are essential for an anthropic argument. We show that such realised multiverses are by no means unique, and in general require the existence of a well-defined and physically motivated distribution function on the space of all possible universes. Furthermore, a proper measure on these spaces is also needed, so that probabilities can be calculated. We then discuss several other major physical and philosophical problems which arise in the context of ensembles of universes, including the emergence and causal effectiveness of self-consciousness, realized infinities, and fine- tuning, or the apparent need for very special initial conditions for our universe -- whether they or generalized generic primordial conditions are more fundamental. Then we briefly summarise scenarios like chaotic inflation, which suggest how ensembles of universe domains may be generated, and point out that the regularities which must underlie any systematic description of truly disjoint multiverses must imply some kind of common generating mechanism. Finally, we discuss the issue of testability, which underlies the question of whether multiverse proposals are really scientific propositions.

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