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Link "Czy ludzkość mogła zasiedlić Ziemię w krótkim okresie czasu?" (1994)
„Na Początku...” 30 maja 1994, t. II, nr 11 (37), s. 130–131.
Folder Audio
Audycje dźwiękowe
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Document Kwestia pochodzenia
Film w wersji polskiej (136 238 kB)
Document Unsolved Mysteries: The Origin of Life
Document Dembski-Shermer debate (video)
Is life on Earth the result of a supernatural Creator or Darwinian evolution? Can science prove the existence of God? Is Intelligent Design science? Join the debate between Dr. Michael Shermer, editor in chief of Skeptic magazine and Dr. William Dembski, fellow of the Discovery Institute. The faithful and heretical alike will gain new insight from this fascinating interview. ( 12/07/2005)
File Dembski-Shermer debate (audio) 12/07/2005 Is life on Earth the result of a supernatural Creator or Darwinian evolution? Can science prove the existence of God? Is Intelligent Design science? Join the debate between Dr. Michael Shermer, editor in chief of Skeptic magazine and Dr. William Dembski, fellow of the Discovery Institute. The faithful and heretical alike will gain new insight from this fascinating interview.
Document Dembski-Ruse debate
ABC's Nightline, 9 maja 2005. Source:
Document Stanglewicz
brak opisu
Document TVN Fakty 2005-02-19
Plik audio
File A Rotary Nanomachine - Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Bacterial Flagella -- Protonic Nanomachine Project, ERATO
Nanotechnology Researchers Network Center of Japan;
Folder Jiří Kupka
File 28. Marta Cuberbiller, Nierzetelny zarzut nierzetelności (2010)
"Idź pod prąd" lipiec-sierpień 2010, nr 7-8 (72-73), s. 12-13.
File G.Chaoputier, J.Seifert, "Ewolucja czy kreacja"
Wywiad Beaty Zubowicz z G. Chapoutierem, J. Seifertem, PlusMinus, 49 (725), sobota-niedziela, 9-10 2006, s. A7, A10, w: Rzeczpospolita, 287 (7581),
Document Stephen Bartholomew, Jr., "Genetics Proves Absurdity of Whale Evolution" (2021)
In recent years evolutionists have increasingly promoted the evolution of whales as one of the most convincing examples of macroevolution. Their alleged evidence is a mounting number of fossils that they claim are of transitional creatures in this process. In the debate about this subject, creationists have generally focused upon these same creatures, particularly specific details of their anatomy. In essence, the debate boils down to evolutionists explaining why they believe these creatures are ancestors of whales and creationists explaining why they can’t be. Although this issue merits discussion, focusing too much attention upon it is somewhat myopic, for there is another area of investigation that deserves considerably more attention, which is the process that supposedly created these transitional creatures in the first place. This process is the central focus of this paper. Focusing primarily upon genetics, in particular mutations, it demonstrates that the evolutionists’ theory of whale evolution is not only flawed, but absurd. Although evolutionists agree that mutations are instrumental in the process of evolution, they generally include genetic drift, migration, genetic recombination, and natural selection as other contributors to the process. This paper demonstrates exactly why these other processes are all ultimately dependent upon mutations for the changes that are supposedly required. According to evolutionary theory, however, the ultimate initiator of the changes must be not only mutations but very specific mutations, beneficial ones. It will be shown that, according to evolutionists’ own descriptions, beneficial mutations do not create what is absolutely necessary for the process of whale evolution: entirely new physiological features, ones that would require DNA that never before existed.
Folder 2021
File Carl Wieland, "AiG View on the Intelligent Design Movement" (2002)
Folder 2008
File Michael Le Page, "Evolution myths: Religion and evolution are incompatible" (2008)
New Scientist 16 April, 2008;
News Item Kolejne potwierdzenie kreacjonizmu
Prace biologów z University of California dostarczają kolejnego eleganckiego potwierdzenia przewidywań kreacjonizmu – w tym przypadku degeneratywnego kierunku biologicznej zmiany.

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