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Document Metanexus Institute, "Dover Judge Rules in Favor of More Metanexus: International Institute Advocates A New Look at Science Education" (2005)
Document "Darwinism Completely Refutes Intelligent Design". Spiegel interview with evolution philosopher Daniel Dennett (2005)
"Der Spiegel" December 26, 2005;,1518,392319,00.html
Document Casey Luskin, "Why Don't Proclamations that Evolution and Religion are Compatible Have a Large Effect on this Debate?" (2005)
Evolution News & Views. Center for Science & Culture, December 19, 2005;
Document Jean E. Barker, "The Christian roots of capitalism" (2005)
Review of "The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success" by Rodney Stark (Random House 2005), "San Francisco Chronicle" Sunday, December 25, 2005;
Document Eric Ryan Telfer, "The Science-Religion Dichotomy and the Intelligent Design Debate" (2005)
Work in Progress. Last up-dated 4/16/2005;
Document Nandagopal R. Menon, "Catholic scientists take issue with cardinal's message. A New York Times op-ed by Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn questioning evolution comes under fire" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" December 5, 2005;
Document Nandagopal R. Menon, "Cardinal reconsiders Darwin remarks. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, once touted as an ID booster, now says the words he used were too vague" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" December 5, 2005;
Document Ashton Nichols, "God before and after Darwin" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" August 19, 2005;
Document Karl Giberson, "Beyond Copernicus. Religious believers founded modern science, but Darwinian evolution shook these spiritual foundations" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" December 7, 2005;
Document Stephen Barr, Letter (2006)
"First Things" June 2, 2006;
Document Mark Perakh, "Dembski "displaces Darwinism" mathematically -- or does he?" (2005)
Mark Perakh briefly reviews a recent article by William Dembski ( and shows that, contrary to Dembski's claims, it cannot serve as part of the mathematical foundation of intelligent design. Among several serious faults of Demsbki's paper is his view of biological evolution as a search for a small target in a large search space. In fact, biological evolution is not searching for a target. Probabilities calculated by Dembski, for example, for "finding" a specific protein in the space of all possible proteins of a given length are irrelevant because evolution is not "searching" for a predetermined specific protein. Likewise, Dembski's "displacement problem" (which in his new article is in fact not identical to the problem of the same name as rendered by Dembski in his earlier publications) is equally irrelevant for evolution, since the latter conducts no target-oriented searches. ---
Document Richard A. Wiedenheft, "Evolution vs. Intelligent Design" (2005)
"Bible Advocate" March 2005, vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 4-7;
Document Scott Uminsky, "A Review and Evaluation of Mark Perakh's 'Unintelligent Design'" (2005)
Document Ron Strom, "PBS station cancels intelligent-design film" (2005)
Document William Dembski, "Is Intelligent Causation Perfectly Natural?" (2005)
Document David Roach, "Dembski: Intelligent design offers alternative to Darwinism" (2005)
Document Eric Ryan Telfer, "Who Designed the Designer?: Some Comments regarding Christianity and Various Theories of Intelligent Design"
Document "Cast out from class" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434.
Document "Natural divisions" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434.
Document Geoff Brumfiel, "Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434, s. 1062-1065; --- Abstract --- The intelligent-design movement is a small but growing force on US university campuses. For some it bridges the gap between science and faith, for others it goes beyond the pale. Geoff Brumfiel meets the movement's vanguard.

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