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File Paul S. Agutter and Denys N. Wheatley, "Foundationf of Biology: On the Problem of “Purpose” in Biology in Relation to Our Acceptance of the Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection" (1999)
"Foundations of Science" 1999, vol. 4, pp. 3–23. --- Abstract: For many years, biology was largely descriptive (“natural history”), but with its emergence as a scientific discipline in its own right, a reductionist approach began, which has failed to be matched by adequate understanding of function of cells, organisms and species as whole entities. Every effort was made to “explain” biological phenomena in physico-chemical terms. It is argued that there is and always has been a clear distinction between life sciences and physical sciences, explicit in the use of the word biology. If this distinction is real, it implies that biological phenomena can never be entirely satisfactorily explained in terms of extant physicochemical laws. One notable manifestation of this is that living organisms appear to – actually do – behave in purposeful ways, and the inanimate universe does not. While this fundamental difference continues to be suppressed, the “purposiveness” (or teleology) which pervades biology remains anathema to almost all scientists (including most biologists) even to the present day. We argue here that it can, however, become a perfectly tenable position when the Theory of Natural Selection is accepted as the main foundation, the essential tenet, of biology that distinguishes it from the realm of physical sciences. In accepting this position, it remains quite legitimate to expect that in many but not all circumstances, extant physical laws (and presumably others still to be discovered) are in no way breached by biological systems, which cannot be otherwise since all organisms are composed of physical material. --- KEY WORDS: teleology, purpose, function, cause-effect, natural selection, biology
Document Mark Perakh, "The Dream World of William Dembski's Creationism" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document Mike Gene, "All that matters" (2005)
Document Michael Powell, "Editor Explains Reasons for 'Intelligent Design' Article" (2005)
"The Washington Post" August 19, 2005; page A19
Document Joyce Howard Price, "Advance made in stem-cell debate" (2005)
"The Washington Times" August 20, 2005;
Document S.J. Dahlman, "Face to Faith - Evolution, ID argument about what’s really science " (2005)
"Johnson City Press" August 20, 2005;
Document "Editorial: Intelligent Design and the Smithsonian" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 20, 2005;
Document Carl Zimmer, "What Came Before DNA?" (2004)
"Discover", June 2004;
Document Carl Zimmer, "How and Where On Earth Did Life Arise?" (2005)
"Science" July 1, 2005;
Document Ariel Hart, "Judge in Georgia Orders Anti-Evolution Stickers Removed From Textbooks" (2005)
"The New York Times" January 14, 2005;
Document Associated Press, "Kansas Board Advances a Draft Critical of Evolution" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 10, 2005;
Document Carl Zimmer, "Building a Virtual Microbe, Gene by Gene by Gene" (2005)
"The New York Times", August 16, 2005;
Document Carl Zimmer, "The Big Picture" (2005)
"Corante" August 21, 2005;
Document William Safire, "Neo-Creo" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 21, 2005;
Document David Stout, "Frist Urges 2 Teachings on Life Origin" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 20, 2005;
Document Jodi Wilgoren, "Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on the Defensive" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 21, 2005;
Document Aleksandra Kowalczyk, "Bakteria doktora Frankensteina" (2005)
"Ozon" nr 14, 21.07.2005; --- Jeden z najsłynniejszych genetyków świata Craig Venter postanowił zabawić się w Boga. Lepi własnymi rękami nowe życie. Dla dobra ludzkości, ma się rozumieć.
Document Małgorzata Minta, "To nie meteoryt" (2005)
"Ozon" nr 15, 28.07.2005;
Document Małgorzata T. Załoga, "Starość i śmierć są zaprogramowane genetycznie w mitochondriach zapewniających każdej komórce energię do życia. A od naszych matek zależy, czy będą dostarczać jej dużo i długo, czy wcześnie dostaną zadyszki" ( 2005)
"Ozon" nr 15, 28.07.2005;
Document Michael Shermer, "Why God's in a class by himself" (2005)
"Los Angeles Times" August 7, 2005;,0,6949553.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions
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