Witamy w serwisie internetowym Polskiego Towarzystwa Kreacjonistycznego
- Joanna Skurzak, "O ewolucji" (2006)
- Klub Zachowawzo-Moistyczny Konserwatyzm.pl; http://www.konserwatyzm.pl/artykuly.php?id=1214
- "Jak granik rafę uratował" (2006)
- kolejny przykład niemocy TE w przewidywaniu przyszłych zjawisk biologicznych (http://serwisy.gazeta.pl/nauka/1,34148,3099177.html)
- "Live" with Leon Kass (2006)
- "The American Enterprise Online" http://www.taemag.com/issues/articleID.19237/article_detail.asp
- Lael Weinberger, "The evolution of an idea" (2005)
- "Journal of Creation" 2005, vol. 19, no. 1, s. 43–45; http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/4354
- Min Lee, "Hawking: John Paul weighed in on universe" (2006)
- Yahoo News! June 15, 2006; http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060615/ap_on_sc/john_paul_hawking_2
- Dan Vergano, Cathy Lynn Grossman, "The whole world, from whose hands?" (2005)
- "The USA Today" Posted 10/10/2005 10:49 PM Updated 10/11/2005 12:06 PM; http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2005-10-10-evolution-debate-centerpiece_x.htm
- William Orem, "What if life on Earth did not begin on Earth?" (2006)
- "Science & Theology News" June 1, 2006; http://www.stnews.org/News-2846.htm
- William Orem, "Astronomer Fred Hoyle’s modern panspermia hypothesis" (2006)
- "Science & Theology News" June 2, 2006; http://www.stnews.org/News-2848.htm
- Marc Kirschner , "Answers to Darwin’s dilemma. Evolution is biased toward useful variations that emerge from genetic similarities shared by all living organisms" (2006)
- "Science & Theology News" June 9, 2006; http://www.stnews.org/news-2861.htm
- Jerry Bergman, "Intelligent design leads to forsaking atheism" (2006)
- "The Journal Gazette" Fort Wayne, IN., Sat. May 27, 2006; http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/journalgazette/living/14682288.htm
- Stephen Barr, Letter (2006)
- "First Things" June 2, 2006; http://www.firstthings.com/
- Martin Hilbert, "Darwin’s Divisions: The Pope, the Cardinal, the Jesuit & the Evolving Debate About Origins" (2006)
- "Touchstone" June 2006, vol. 19, issue 5; http://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=19-05-028-f
- Andrew C. Revkin, "Studies Portray Tropical Arctic in Distant Past" (2006)
- "The New York Times" June 1, 2006
- Agnieszka Stelmach "Teoria inteligentnego projektu kontra neodarwinizm" (2006)
- Stowarzyszenie Kultury Chrześcijańskiej im. ks. Piotra Skargi http://www.piotrskarga.pl/k,2006,05,01.php3
- Agnieszka Stelmach "Teoria inteligentnego projektu kontra neodarwinizm" (2006)
- Stowarzyszenie Kultury Chrześcijańskiej im. ks. Piotra Skargi http://www.piotrskarga.pl/k,2006,05,01.php3
- Paweł Milcarek, "Nie jesteśmy „przypadkowym produktem ewolucji”" (2005)
- "Przewodnik Katolicki" 28.07.2005 09:46;
- "Scientists Scuttle Claims That 'Hobbit' Fossil From Flores, Indonesia, Is A New Hominid" (2006)
- "ScienceDaily" Posted: May 19, 2006; http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/05/060519100438.htm
- "Cel - sztuczna "żywa" komórka" (2006)
- PAP, MFi /19.05.2006 00:12; http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/1323975,16,1,0,120,686,item.html
- Wallace Arthur, "D'Arcy Thompson and the theory of transformations" (2006) pdf
- "Nature Reviews Genetics" May 2006, vol. 7, s. 401-406 ; http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v7/n5/pdf/nrg1835.pdf --- Abstract --- D'Arcy Thompson was a biologist, a mathematician and a classicist. His writing was great literature as well as great science. He is primarily known for a single book — On Growth and Form — and indeed for a single chapter within it, on his 'theory of transformations', which shows how the differences between the forms of related species can be represented geometrically. This theory cries out for causal explanation, which is something the great man eschewed. Perhaps the time is close when comparative developmental genetics will be able to provide such an explanation.
- Helen Briggs, "Reading the chimp book of life" (2005)
- BBC News Thursday, 1 September 2005, 17:07 GMT 18:07 UK; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4204042.stm