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Document Christopher Scott, "Stand by Science. As goes high school biology, so goes American leadership in sciences" (2005)
"Edutopia" June-July 2005;
Document Catherine Candisky, "Evolution Debate Re-Emerges:
Ohio teacher's dissertation under Darwinist attack; "Columbus Dispatch" (Ohio) June 9, 2005 Thursday, Home Final Edition, Pg. 01C.
Document Brad Harrub, Ph.D. and Bert Thompson, Ph.D. and Dave Miller, Ph.D., "“This is the Way God Made Me” A Scientific Examination of Homosexuality and the “Gay Gene”" (2003)
Document Denyse O'Leary, "Darwinism - An Intellectual Scandal in Science?" (2005)
Document Paul Johnson, "Thoughts on the Existence of God" (2005)
Image Paul Johnson.bmp
Image Forbes.bmp
Document Rob Moll, "Science that Backs Up Faith. Interview with Lee Strobel" (2005)
"Christianity Today" May 30;
Image Christianity Today.gif
Document William H. Jefferys, "Review of The Privileged Planet" (2005)
National Center for Science Education;
Document Tommy Nguyen, "Smithsonian Distances Itself From Controversial Film" (2005)
"The Washington Post" Thursday, June 2, 2005; C01;
Image Privileged Planet film.jpg
Document David Berlinski, "Keeping an Eye on Evolution: Richard Dawkins, a relentless Darwinian spear carrier, trips over Mount Improbable" (1996)
Review of: Climbing Mount Improbable, by Richard Dawkins, W.H. Norton & Company, Inc. 1996, 288 pages, "The Globe & Mail", November 2, 1996, p. D10.
Document Terry M. Gray, "The Mistrial of Evolution. A review of Phillip E. Johnson's Darwin on Trial" (1992)
The following essay is an expanded and less edited version of an article that appeared in the "Banner", April 13, 1992 under the title, "The Mistrial of Evolution". It is a review of the book, Darwin on Trial, by Phillip E. Johnson. The review is by Terry M. Gray, associate professor of chemistry ...
Document Thomas Assheuer, "Krew na ołtarzu" (2005)
"Forum" nr 22/2005 (oryginal: Die Zeit 23.03.2005);,0,9010,924,1,artykul.html
File "Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?" (2000) pdf
United Church of God, 32-stronicowa broszura.
Document Mario Seiglie, Tom Robinson and Scott Ashley, "God, Science and the Bible. News from the world of science about God and the Bible" (2005)
"The Good News" may-June 2005, s. 12-13;
Document John Wilson, "Unintelligent Debate. It's time to cool the rhetoric in the Intelligent Design dispute" (2004)
"Christianity Today" September 2004, Vol. 48, No. 9, Page 62;
Document Ted Olsen, "Creationism Scandalous. The debate over evolution takes Britain by storm" (2002)
"Christianity Today" May 21, 2002, Vol. 46, No. 6, Page 15;
Document Dick Staub, Interview: William Dembski's Revolution. The author of Intelligent Design set out to answer the toughest questions about the movement he helped promote" (2004)
Christianity Today" March 29, 2004;
Document FRANCIS X. CLINES, "In Ohio School Hearing, a New Theory Will Seek a Place Alongside Evolution" (2002)
"The New York Times" February 11, 2002;
Document Todd Hertz, "Ohio Has Designs on Science Standards. State may be the first to add intelligent design to education mandates" (2002)
"Christianity Today" February 18, 2002;
Document LaTonya Taylor, "Intelligent Design Battle Moves to Ohio. Opponents say the movement is trying to do an end run around science" (2002)
"Christianity Today" September 9, 2002, Vol. 46, No. 10, Page 22;
Document Paul Nussbaum, "Can God and evolution coexist?" (2005)
"Philadelphia Inquirer" 30 May 2005;
Document James Glanz, "Biology Text Illustrations More Fiction Than Fact" (2001)
"The New York Times" April 8, 2001;
Document Mario Seiglie, "What Do DNA Discoveries Mean for Evolution? A Good News Interview with Michael Behe, Ph.D." (2005)
"The Good News" May-June 2005, s. 8-9;
Document Clint Cooper, "Authors say public still holds misconceptions of Scopes trial" (2005)
"Chattanooga Times" May 29, 2005.
Document Nicholas Wade, "For Gay Men, an Attraction to a Different Kind of Scent" (2005)
"The New York Times" May 10, 2005;
Document James Glanz, "Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation" (2001)
"The New York Times" April 8, 2001;