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Document "Dealing with design" (2005)
Nature vol. 434, p. 1053 (28 April 2005);
File "When science meets religion in the classroom" (2005)
"Nature" 19 May 2005, vol. 435, no. 7040, s. 275-276.
Document "Darwin's evolution theory loses out in mock trial" (2005)
"Hindustan Times" May 16, 2005;,0004.htm
Image Hindustan Times.gif
Document Wiesław Jaszczyński, "Ewolucjonistyczny kreacjonizm" (2005)
Image Zebrowski, Adam i Ewa w raju.jpg
Document "LOU DOBBS TONIGHT: Intelligent Design Versus Random Evolution" (2005)
LOU DOBBS TONIGHT Aired May 12, 2005;
Document Timothy Lamer, "An evolving debate" (2005)
"World Magazine" May 21, 2005;
Document Nina J. Easton, "Scientist puts faith in evolution debate. Professor in Kansas resists 'design' idea" (2005)
"The Boston Globe" May 8, 2005;
Image The Boston Globe.gif
Document Chris Mooney, "Creating a Controversy" (2005)
"The American Prospect" May 16, 2005;
Document Jan Stradowski, "Planeta hobbitów" (2005)
Tygodnik "Wprost", Nr 1145 (07 listopada 2004;
Image Wprost.gif
Document Jodi Wilgoren, "The Terms of Debate in Kansas" (2005)
"The New York Times" May 15, 2005, page 16.
Document Michael Powell, "Doubting Rationalist. 'Intelligent Design' Proponent Phillip Johnson, and How He Came to Be" (2005)
"Washington Post", Sunday, May 15, 2005; D01;
Image Phillip Johnson (duzy).jpg
Image Washington
Image Elisabeth Lloyd.jpg
Document Lawrence M. Krauss, "School Boards Want to 'Teach the Controversy.' What Controversy?" (2005)
Document "The Evolution of Creationism" (2005)
"The New York Times" May 17, 2005;
Image Phillip Johnson (maly).jpg
Document David Albrecht, ""Barney Ban" Will Protect Children, Says State Attorney General Kline. Legislative Leaders' Goal: "Healing Wounds of Darwinism"" (2005)
tekst żartobliwy! ---
Document Kirk Brower, "List of Five Questions on ID, creationism and Christianity" (2005)
Document Shaoni Bhattacharya, "Killer tree-ants snare prey in gruesome traps" (2005)
"New Scientist"
Image New
Image Ants traps.jpg
Document David Klepper, "Evolution hearings end bitterly. Science standards go to vote this summer" (2005)
"The Kansas City Star" May 13, 2005, Friday
Image The Kansas City Star.gif
Document Andrew Gumbel, "Fundamental questions: America debates the place of Darwin and God in schools" (2005)
"The Independent" (London) May 7, 2005, Saturday; Pg. 30.
"Talk Reason" --- Over a decade ago Mary Higby Schweitzer began her research career by announcing that she and professor Jack Horner had discovered evidence of blood residues in a Tyrannosaur rex femur. There followed many years of creationists' distortion of those findings which they presented as ...