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Document Tony Ortega, "Your Orricial program to the Scopes II Kansas Monkey Trial" (2005)
"The Pitch" May 05, 2005;
Image Michael Behe.gif
Image Steve Abrams and Kathy Martin.gif
Image John Calvert and William Harris.gif
Image Mustafa Akyol.gif
Image Evolution.gif
Document Nick Atkinson, "Darwin Meets Chomsky. Scientists converge in a multidisciplinary approach to understanding human language" (2005)
"The Scientist" Volume 18, Issue 24, p. 16, Dec. 20, 2004;
Image Monkey alarm.jpg
Image Man is but a worm.jpg
Document Josh Funk, "Witnesses haven't read standards. Evolution critics testify against the proposed state science standards but admit they haven't read them" (2005)
"The Wichita Eagle" Sat, May. 07, 2005.
Document "Human Persons Created in the Image of God" (2004)
As the text developed, it was discussed at numerous meetings of the subcommission and several plenary sessions of the International Theological Commission held at Rome during the period 2000-2002. The present text was approved in forma specifica, by the written ballots of the International ...
Document Warwick Mansell, "Creationist ‘lies’ under attack" (2005)
"Times Educational Supplement", 6th May 2005,page 2.
Document Geoff Brumfiel, "Epidemia kreacjonizmu w USA" (2005)
Oryginał: G. Brumfiel, "Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?", Nature, 27.04.05 Tłumaczenie polskie: Marcin Klapczyński;,4109
Document "Without mutations, we would still be in the primaeval slime... along with the chemists, says Professor Steve Jones" (2005)
Document William A. Dembski, "The Intelligent Design Movement" (1998)
Document Gordy Slack, "The atheist" [Richard Dawkins] (2005)
Image Stworzenie swiata.jpg
Document Geoff Brumfiel, "Epidemia kreacjonizmu w USA" (2005)
Oryginał: G. Brumfiel, "Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?", Nature, 27.04.05 Tłumaczenie polskie: Marcin Klapczyński;,4109
Image Brumfiel 2pol.jpg
Image Brumfiel 1pol.jpg
Document "Pygmy found near home of hobbits" (2005)
"Herald Sun" 30 Apr 2005;,5478,15129125%255E663,00.html
Document Dave Eaton, "Students should learn the weak points of evolutionary theory, too" (2005) Minneapolis - St. Paul;
Document Mark Hartwig, "The science of design" (2005)
"York Daily Record" Sunday, April 24, 2005;
Document James A. Shapiro, "A Third Way" (1997)
Originally published in the February/ March 1997 issue of "Boston Review";
File John Updike, "The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe" (2005) pdf
"Physics Today" April 2005, vol. 58, issue 4, p. 39.
Document John Updike, "The Accelerating Expansion of the Universe" (2005)
"Physics Today Online"
Document Geoff Brumfiel, "Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434, s. 1062-1065; --- Abstract --- The intelligent-design movement is a small but growing force on US university campuses. For some it bridges the gap between science and faith, for others it goes ...
Image Brumfiel 3.jpg
Image Brumfiel 2.jpg
Image Brumfiel 1.jpg