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Document Rick Montgomery, "Bruised Science. Researchers in U.S. increasingly feel embattled, distrusted" (2005)
"The Kansas City Star" Sunday, March 06, 2005; --- punkty 8 i 9.
Document Josh Funk, "Evolution dispute to go public in May hearings" (2005)
"The Kansas City Star" Tuesday, Mar 08, 2005;
Document David Klepper, "Evolution hearings advance in Kansas" (2005)
"The Kansas City Star" Tuesday, Mar 08, 2005;
File Stelling J., Sauer U., Szallasi Z., Doyle F.J. 3rd, Doyle J., "Robustness of cellular functions" (2004)
"Cell" 2004, Sep 17, vol. 118, no. 6, pp. 675-685. ----- Abstract ----- Robustness, the ability to maintain performance in the face of perturbations and uncertainty, is a long-recognized key property of living systems. Owing to intimate links to cellular complexity, however, its molecular and ...
Document Devon McPhee, "Genesis: God’s word. Evolution: God’s work" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" March 2005;
Document Charles Colson, "Teach the Controversy: The Intelligent Design in Schools" (2005)
BreakPoint with Charles Colson. Commentary #050303 - 03/03/2005
Document Devon McPhee, "Monkeys’ morality is serious business. Human traits such as cooperation, reconciliation and consolation can be traced to primate behavior" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" March 2005;
Image de Waal and Thompson.jpg
Image de Waal.jpg
Document Carrie Severson, "AI advances, but robo-replacements still at bay " (2005)
"Science & Theology News" March 2005;
Image Margaret Towne.jpg
Image Krzysztof Szymborski.jpg
Image Noreen Herzfeld.jpg
Document Julia C. Keller, "Ernst Mayr, a leading evolutionary biologist, dies at 100 " (2005)
"Science & Theology News" March 2005;
Document Lenski et al., "The evolutionary origin of complex features. Supplementary information" (2003)
File Richard E. Lenski, Charles Ofria, Robert T. Pennock, Christoph Adami, "The evolutionary origin of complex features" (2003)
"Nature" 8 May 2003, vol. 423, s. 139-144; --- Patrz też Lenski et al., "The evolutionary origin of complex features. Supplementary information".
Document Krzysztof Szymborski, "Zagadki ewolucji" (1986)
z: Krzysztof Szymborski, Oblicza nauki, Warszawa 1986;,3946
Document Krzysztof Szymborski, "Fakty i tylko fakty" (1986)
z: Oblicza nauki, Warszawa 1986;,3932
Document "Dziobak i człowiek słyszą inaczej (2005)",38/t,3424
Image dziobak.jpg
Document "Sędziwe czaszki z Etiopii wydłużają historię H.Sap" (2005),38/t,3495
Document Bożena Kastory, "Genetyk poszukuje Boga" (2005)
"Newsweek Polska", 14.02.2005, nr 07, s. 62;
Document "Co Adam widział w tej Ewie?"
Document "Genotyp do poprawki? Naukowcy firmy Celera mogli popełnić błędy w rozszyfrowywaniu DNA człowieka"
Document Richard Gallagher, "Intelligent Design and Informed Debate" (2005)
"The Scientist" Feb. 28, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4;
Document Suzanne Goldenberg, "Religious right fights science for the heart of America" (2005)
"The Guardian" February 7, 2005;,,1407171,00.html
Document Graciella Flores, "Journals and inteligent design" (2005)
"The Scientist", Feb. 28, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4;
Document Tanita Casci , "It's not all in the DNA" (2005)
"Nature Reviews Genetics" 2005, vol. 6, s. 165;;
Document Marcin Rotkiewicz, "Z gliny powstałeś" (2004)
"Polityka" nr 09/2004 (2441)
Document Marcin Ryszkiewicz, "Przyszłość w wykładniczym świecie" (2004)
"Polityka" nr 52/2004 (2485)