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Document Casey Luskin, "A Holiday Truce: A Holocaust Survivor Speaks Out. An Interview with Laura Hillman, and Commentary" (2004)
IDEA Center;
Image lilactree.jpg
Image Anthony Flew.jpg
Document Edwin Bendyk, "System na muszce. Złożone mechanizmy przypominają organizmy żywe" (2005)
"Polityka" Nr 10/2004 (2442);
Document Edwin Bendyk, "System na muszce. Złożone mechanizmy przypominają organizmy żywe" (2005)
"Polityka" Nr 10/2004 (2442);
Document Kimberly Roots, "Science and Faith in the Murky Multiverse" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" January 2005; ----- beliefnet;
Document Robert Wright, "Planet with a Purpose" (2004)
Document Julia C. Keller, "Dawkins drops bombs on religion " (2004)
"Science & Theology News" January 2004;
Image jan05_confirm.jpg
Document Craig Holdrege, "Science as Process or Dogma? The Case of the Peppered Moth" (1999)
"Elemente der Naturwissenschaft" 1999, Bd. 70, ss. 39-51. ----- The Nature Institute, 20 May Hill Road, Ghent, New York 12075, Tel: (518) 672 0116; -----
Image moth_fig2.gif
Image moth_fig1.gif
Document Robert Wright, "Moralne zwierzę" (fragmenty książki) (2004)
Robert Wright, Moralne zwierzę, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa, 2004.
Document "Pennsylvania School District First in US to Offer Alternative to Debunked Darwinian Evolution" (2005)
"LifeSite", January 18, 2005;
Document Jim Holt, "Measure for Measure. The strange science of Francis Galton" (2005)
"The New Yorker", The Critics, Books;
Document John Bohannon, "Are Humans Still Evolving?" (2005)
ScienceNOW 18 January 2005, vol. 118, No. 2;
Document Bryce DeWitt, "God's Rays" (2005)
"Physics Today";
Document Deidre Pike,"Evolution Revolution" (2005)
"Citylife" Thursday, February 24, 2005;
File Roger Trigg, "Darwin 1809-1882" (1999)
z: Roger Trigg, Ideas of Human Nature. An Historical Introduction, Blackwell Publishing 1999 (1st ed. 1988), s. 109-123.
Document John Baumgardner, "Recent Rapid Uplift of Today's Mountains" (2005)
IMPACT No. 381 March 2005
Document Mark Perakh, "Beyond suboptimality. Why irreducible complexity does not imply intelligent design" (2005)
Talk Reason; ----------------- Michael Behe's concept of the irreducible complexity (IC) of molecular assemblies in biological cells has been touted by intelligent design (ID) advocates as allegedly strong evidence for ID. In fact, a concept ...
Document Ronald Jenner, “The Tainting of Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash." (2004)
The Paleontology Newsletter 2004 no. 57, pp. 11-17;
Document Chris Mooney, "Intelligent Denials " (2005)
"The American Prospect" Online, Feb 22, 2005;
Document Chris Mooney, "Discovery Phase" (2005)
"The American Prospect" Online, Jan 31, 2005;
File Marcin Gadziński, "Ameryka kłóci się o teorię Darwina" (2004)
"Gazeta Wyborcza" 6 grudnia 2004;,34254,2427062.html
Document "Textbook disclaimer proposed in Shelby County" (2005)
File Werner Gitt, Karl Heinz Vanheiden, Gdyby zwierzęta mogły mówić (1996)
Christilische Literatur-Verbreitung, Postfach 110135, 4800 Bielefeld 11, 2-gie wyd. polskie 1996, stron 129.
Document Simon Singh, "Even Einstein Had His Off Days" (2005)
"The New York Times" January 2, 2005.
File Werner Gitt, Pytania stawiane wciąż na nowo (1994)
Christilische Literatur-Verbreitung e.V. Postfach 110135, 33-661 Bielefeld, I wydanie polskie 1994, ss. 158..
Document Jim Holt, "Unintelligent Design" (2005)
"The New York Times" February 20, 2005 Sunday, Pg. 15.