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Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution education important?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 7;
Document Casey Luskin, "ACLU Intelligent Design FAQ: An Analysis and Response" (2005) - Jest to odpowiedź na dostępny na naszej stronie tekst "Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School Board FAQ – Intelligent Design and Evolution" (2004)
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution 'just' a theory?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 6;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution anti-religious?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 5;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is intelligent design a credible scientific theory?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 4;
Document Casey Luskin, "Where did intelligent design come from?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 3;
Document "Key to intelligence questioned" (2005)
Document Casey Luskin, "How is intelligent design like and unlike traditional creationism?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 2;
Document "Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School Board FAQ – Intelligent Design and Evolution" (2004)
American Civil Liberties Union;
Document Donald R. May, "Embryonic stem cell research as an obsession" (2005) February 14, 2005
Document Christian de Duve, "The onset of selection" (2005)
"Nature" 10 February 2005, vol. 433, pp. 581-582.
Document Joyce Howard Price, "Researcher claims bias by Smithsonian" (2005)
"The Washington Times" February 13, 2005;
Document Frank J. Sulloway, "Ernst Mayr, 1904-2005" (2005)
E-Skeptic #55 for February 11, 2005.
Document Casey Luskin, ""What is the concept of 'intelligent design'?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 1
Document Dennis Prager, "The case for Judeo-Christian values" (2005)
Document Mark Steyn, "Should evolutionists be preserved if they cannot adapt?" (2004)
"The Washington Times" National Weekly Edition, December 27, 2004 - January 2, 2005.
Document Diane Carroll, "‘Intelligent design' backers offer option" (2005)
"The Kansas City Star" Sun, Jan. 30, 2005.
File Eric Anderson, "Irreducible Complexity Reduced: An Integrated Approach to the Complexity Space" (2004)
ABSTRACT William Dembski’s and Michael Behe’s recent article, Irreducible Complexity Revisited, provides an important update on the irreducible complexity argument since the publication some 8 years ago of Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box. Their article, however, exhibits some confusion, or at ...
Document Bob Holmes, "Alive! The race to create life from scratch" (2005)
12 February 2005 news service
Document Edwin Bendyk, "Dlaczego jesteśmy dobrzy albo źli" (2004)
"Polityka" nr 52/2004 (2485)
Document Oliver Morton, "Biology's New Forbidden Fruit" (2005)
"The New York Times", February 11, 2005.
Document "Open Minds Teach Both Sides"
Document Roxanne Khamsi, "Ear-splitting discovery rocks mammal identity" (2005) Published online: 10 February 2005; | doi:10.1038/news050207-16
Document Marcin Rotkiewicz, "Człowiek z II piętra (2002)
"Polityka" nr 50/2002(2380)
Document Marcin Rotkiewicz, "Na poczatku było ego"(2004)
"Polityka" nr 16/2004(2448)
Document Alexander R. Pruss, "Divine Creation and Evolution" (2005, unpublished)
Document Angie Herrington, "Evolution bill will get fair hearing in House, Georgia lawmakers say" (2005)
"Chattanooga Times Free Press" (Tennessee), February 9, 2005 Wednesday, Pg. B2.
Document Diane Carroll, "State board to hear debate on evolution" (2005)
"The Kansas City Star" (MO), February 10, 2005, Page B1.
Document "Resolution Regarding the Science Curriculum Standards [in Kansas]" (2005)
Motion passed at Kansas State Board of Education meeting, Feb. 9, 2005.
File J.W. Moffat, "Cosmic Microwave Background, Accelerating Universe and Inhomogeneous Cosmology" (2005)