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Document Carl Zimmer, "Building a Virtual Microbe, Gene by Gene by Gene" (2005)
"The New York Times", August 16, 2005;
Document Carl Zimmer, "The Big Picture" (2005)
"Corante" August 21, 2005;
Document William Safire, "Neo-Creo" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 21, 2005;
Document David Stout, "Frist Urges 2 Teachings on Life Origin" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 20, 2005;
Document Jodi Wilgoren, "Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on the Defensive" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 21, 2005;
Document Mark Perakh, "What else could be expected from Dembski?" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document Aleksandra Kowalczyk, "Bakteria doktora Frankensteina" (2005)
"Ozon" nr 14, 21.07.2005; --- Jeden z najsłynniejszych genetyków świata Craig Venter postanowił zabawić się w Boga. Lepi własnymi rękami nowe życie. Dla dobra ludzkości, ma się rozumieć.
Document Małgorzata Minta, "To nie meteoryt" (2005)
"Ozon" nr 15, 28.07.2005;
Document Małgorzata T. Załoga, "Starość i śmierć są zaprogramowane genetycznie w mitochondriach zapewniających każdej komórce energię do życia. A od naszych matek zależy, czy będą dostarczać jej dużo i długo, czy wcześnie dostaną zadyszki" ( 2005)
"Ozon" nr 15, 28.07.2005;
Document Michael Shermer, "Why God's in a class by himself" (2005)
"Los Angeles Times" August 7, 2005;,0,6949553.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions
Document Jerry Coyne, "The Faith That Dare Not Speak Its Name" (2005)
"The New Republic" 22 August, 2005;
Document "Over 400 Scientists Convinced by New Scientific Evidence That Darwinian Evolution is Deficient" (2005)
"Discovery Institute News"
Document Mark Perakh, "The Skeptic on Dembski" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document Michael Shermer, "God & Evolution: Intelligent Design theory, George W. Bush & the Question of God" (2005)
eSkeptic: the email newsletter of the Skeptics Society, Tuesday, August 16th, 2005
Image Paul Davies (rysunek).gif
Document Paul Davies, "Chance or creation? Only the multiverse knows for sure" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" January 1, 2005;
Document Mehru Jaffer, "God, Science, communism and the Russian Orthodox Church" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" August 12. 2005;
Document David Klinghoffer, "Toward Theological Evolution" (2005)
"The Forward" 12 August, 2005;
Document Leon Wieseltier, "Creations" (2005)
"The New Republic" 22 August, 2005;
Document Claudia Wallis, "The Evolution Wars" (2005)
"Time" Aug. 15, 2005;,10987,1090909,00.html
Document Jason Rosenhouse, "Should We 'Teach the Controversy'?" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document George Diepenbrock, "Kline fiasco really about fear of changing school standards" (2005)
"Southwest Daily Times" Friday 18 February, 2005;
Document Dean H. Kenyon, "Kreacjonistyczne ujęcie pochodzenia życia" (1998)
Artykuł z książki Kazimierza Jodkowskiego pt. Metodologiczne aspekty kontrowersji ewolucjonizm-kreacjonizm, "Realizm. Racjonalność. Relatywizm", Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 1998, s. 482-495. Oryginał: The Creationist View of Biologic Origins - Dean H. Kenyon [Professor of Biology, San Francisco State ...
Document Jarosław Chrostowski, Jan Stradowski, "Komputery mogą działać w kilku wszechświatach? Fizyka żywych trupów" (2005)
"Wprost" 8 sierpnia 2005;,8173,wid,7737655,prasaWiadomosc.html
Document Thomas Jay Oord, "Self-organizing evolutionary theology. Biological evolution both enriches and challenges theology according to theologian Niels Henrik Gregersen" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" August 5, 2005;
Document William Lane Craig, Review: Has Science Found God? by Victor J. Stenger (2005)
"Journal of Church & State"; Winter 2005, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p156, 2p
Document Elisabeth Bumiller, "Bush Remarks Roil Debate on Teaching of Evolution" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 3, 2005;
Document Dana Parsons, "Creation and Science Friction" (2005)
"Los Angeles Times" August 14, 2005;,1,2136504.column?coll=la-editions-orange&ctrack=1&cset=true
Document James Glanz, "Survey Finds Support Is Strong For Teaching 2 Origin Theories (abstract)" (2005)
"The New York Times" March 11, 2000, Saturday, Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 1, Column 1;
Document Paul Krugman, "Design for Confusion" (2005)
The New York Times" August 5, 2005;