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Image Eight Ball in the Corner Wormhole.jpg
Document Charles Colson, "Double Dutch. Evolution in Dutch Schools" (2005)
BREAKPOINT with Charles Colson;
Document M.G. Ritchie and C. Macias Garcia, "Evolution of Species: Explosive speciation in a cricket" (2005)
"Heredity" 2005, vol. 95, nos. 5-6;
Document J.F. Storz, "Population genetics: Nonrandom dispersal and local adaptation" (2005)
"Heredity" 2005, vol. 95, nos. 3-4;
Document "Extinction: 'Superpredator' Attack! (In 10 Million Years.)" (2005)
Newsweek June 20, 2005;
Document "Fossils could fill gaps in human evolution. Remains from Ethiopia date back 4.5 million years" (2005)
Reuters Jan 19, 2005;
Document "Scientists take evolution fight online. National Academies sets up Web site to defend theory" (2005)
Reuters June 10, 2005;
Document George F. Will, "A Debate That Does Not End. The most widely publicized misdemeanor case in American history went to trial 80 years ago this month in Dayton, Tenn." (2005)
"Newsweek" July 4, 2005;
Document Laura Lynn Brown, "Between evolution and creation. Intelligent design advocates are the latest voices in the evolving discussion over what should be taught in public school classrooms" (2005)
"Arkansas Democrat-Gazette" June 25, 2005.
Document Sharon Begley, "Race Is Only Skin Deep, So It Isn't a Solid Basis For Medical Decisions" (2003)
"The Wall Street Journal Europe", 1-3.08.2003.
Document Robert McGough, "Scientist's Provocative Theory Explains Puzzling Disorder As Extreme Version of Male Brain" (2003)
"The Wall Street Journal Europe" 16.07.03
Document Ron Grossman, "Evolution of a Dichotomy. Blame evil on the Great Designer" (2005)
"Chicago Tribune" June 26, 2005;,1,1506003.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Document E. Peter Greenberg, "Tiny teamwork" (2003)
"Nature" 10.07.2003, vol. 424, s. 134; o współpracy między bakteriami.
Document Nicholas Wade, "Miniature People Add Extra Pieces to Evolutionary Puzzle" (2004)
"The New York Times" November 9, 2004.
Document Stephen M. Barr, "Theology for Physicists [Review: Science and the Trinity by John Polkinghorne]" (2005)
"First Things" May 2005, no. 153, s. 39-42;
Document John D. Barrow and John K. Webb, "Inconstant Constants: Do the inner workings of nature change with time" (2005)
"Scientific American"
Document Charles H. Lineweaver i Tamara M. Davis, "Nieporozumienia wokół wielkiego wybuchu" (2005)
"Świat Nauki" 2005, nr 5, s. 22-31;
Document Charles T. Rubin, "Daedalus and Icarus Revisited" (2005)
"The New Atlantis", Number 8, Spring 2005, pp. 73-91;
Document Peggy Fletcher Stack, "Mormons are taught to leave theory of evolution to science" (2005)
"The Salt Lake Tribune" Article Last Updated: 6/12/2005 01:09 AM;
Document Peggy Fletcher Stack, "Teaching Humanity's Origins: Evolved or designed?" (2005)
"The Salt Lake Tribune" Article Last Updated: 06/12/2005 04:44:36 AM;
Document "Discovery Institute Opposes Proposed PA Bill on Intelligent Design" (2005)
June 22, 2005;
Image The Salt Lake Tribune.gif
Image Discovery Institute.jpg
File Kurt P. Wise and Andrew A. Snelling. "A Note on the Pre-Flood/Flood Boundary in the Grand Canyon" (2005) pdf
"Origins" 2005, no. 58, s. 7-29;
Document C. Żekanowski i P. Łuków, "Genocenetryzm: między biologią, filozofią i kulturą #5" (2005)
Document C. Żekanowski i P. Łuków, "Genocenetryzm: między biologią, filozofią i kulturą #4" (2005
Document C. Żekanowski i P. Łuków, "Genocenetryzm: między biologią, filozofią i kulturą #3" (2005)
Document C. Żekanowski i P. Łuków, "Genocenetryzm: między biologią, filozofią i kulturą #2" (2005)
Document C. Żekanowski i P. Łuków, "Genocentryzm: między biologią, filozofią i kulturą #1" (2005)
Document Cornelia Dean, "Opting Out in the Debate on Evolution: (2005)
"The New York Times" June 21, 2005;