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File George V. Coyne, S.J., "Ludzka osoba a ewolucja według doktryny katolickiej (z dziejów dialogu nauka-wiara)" 1997 pdf
"Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce" 1997, t. 21, s. 9-16;
File Michał Heller, "Ślepy zoolog" (recenzja: Richard Dawkins, Ślepy zegarmistrz) (1997 ) pdf
"Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce" 1997, t. 20, s. 146-148;
File David C. Lindberg, Ronald L. Numbers, "Metahistoryczne uwagi o konflikcie nauki i teologii" (1997) pdf
"Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce" 1997, t. XX, s. 3–19;
Document Julia C. Keller, "Death penalty’s justice might not be so blind . Recent work in artificial intelligence shows that prisoners may be executed for arbitrary reasons" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" May 10, 2005;
Document Ashley Lawson, "Physics principles too myopic, Nobel winner says . Robert Laughlin thinks physics is in crisis because physicists have problems with their belief systems" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" June 2, 2005;
Document Mike Martin, "Prayer and church may slow Alzheimer's disease. Religious practice may slow the insidious progress of Alzheimer's disease" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" June 9, 2005;
Document Kyle Alspach, "Design proponents take movement to Web" (2005)
"Science & Theology eNews" May 26, 2005;
Document Mikael Stenmark, "Evolution, Purpose and God" (2001)
Ars Disputandi" 2001, vol. 1;
Document Gregory R. Peterson, "A Review: Darwin's Legacy: What Evolution Means Today. By John Dupre" (2004)
"Ars Disputandi" 2004, vol. 4;
File Taede Smedes, "A Review of: The Cultures of Creationism: Anti-Evolutionism in English-Speaking Countries. Ed. by Simon Coleman and Leslie Carlin" (2005) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
Document Taede Smedes, "A Review of: The Cultures of Creationism: Anti-Evolutionism in English-Speaking Countries. Ed. by Simon Coleman and Leslie Carlin" (2005)
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
File Del Ratzsch, "How Not to Critique Intelligent Design Theory. A Review of Niall Shanks, God, The Devil, and Darwin" (2005) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
Document Del Ratzsch, "How Not to Critique Intelligent Design theory. A Review of Niall Shanks, God, The Devil, and Darwin" (2005)
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
Document Richard A. Kerr, "A Better Atmosphere for Life" (2005)
"Science" June 17, 2005, vol. 308, no. 5729, s. 1732.
Document Richard A. Kerr, "The Story of O2" (2005)
"Science" June 17, 2005, vol. 308, no. 5729, s. 1730-1732.
Document Tibor R. Machan, "An Omission of Darwinism" (2005)
"Free-Market News Network";
Image Free-Market News Network.jpg
Image Tibor R. Machan.jpg
Document Scott LaFee, "Intelligent discussion: Local scientists, doctors and professors talk about 'intelligent design'" (2005)
"San Diego Union-Tribune" June 8, 2005;
Document Mark Parascandola, "Evolution: More fallout from the Darwin thesis -- from barnacles to standing up straight" (2003)
"The Washington Post" Sunday, July 20, 2003, Page BW08;
Image red blood cells.jpg
Image Nautilus.jpg
Image San Diego Union-Tribune.gif
Document "Autopsy on the Schiavo Tragedy" (2005)
"The New York Times" June 16, 2005;
Document Abby Goodnough, "Schiavo Autopsy Says Brain, Withered, Was Untreatable" (2005)
"The New York Times" June 16, 2005;
Document Richard N. Ostling, "Leading atheist now believes in God, more or less" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" January 2005;
Document Imre lakatos, "Science and Pseudoscience" (1973)
File Imre Lakatos, "Science and Pseudoscience" (1973) audio MP3
Science and Pseudoscience. --- Science and Pseudoscience was originally broadcast on 30 June 1973 as Programme 11 of The Open University Arts Course A303, 'Problems of Philosophy' and its text was subsequently published in Philosophy in the Open edited by Godfrey Vesey, Open University Press, ...
Document Scott Jaschik, "Not So Intelligently Designed Ph.D. Panel" (2005)
"Inside Higher Ed" June 10, 2005;
File William S. Harris and John H. Calvert, "Intelligent Design: The Scientific Alternative to Evolution" (2003) pdf
"The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly" Autumn 2003, s. 531-561;