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Image T. rex.jpg
Image [email protected]
Document "T. rex fossil has 'soft tissues' " (2005)
"BBC News" UK edition, Thursday, 24 March, 2005;
Document Jeff Hecht, "Blood vessels recovered from T. rex bone" (2005)
Image Tkanka T. rexa.jpg
Document Thomas Hayden, "Dances with fruit flies" (2005)
"U.S. News & World Report" 28 March 2005;
Document Wojciech Mikołuszko, "Czy Darwin miał rację? Katolicy a teoria ewolucji" G.S. Johnstona (2005)
"Gazeta Wyborcza" 22-03-2005;,19970,2615124.html
Document Eugenie C. Scott, "Dealing with Antievolutionism" ---
Document Richard K. Stucky, "Paleontology: The Window to Science Education"
Document Jere H. Lipps, "The Decline of Reason?"
Document "Zbadanie teorii ewolucji"
Świecki Ruch Misyjny "Epifania";
Wydawnictwo "Pojednanie", Lublin 1999.
File Paul S.L. Johnson, Stworzenie (1938)
Paul S.L. Johnson, Epifaniczne wykłady Pisma Świętego, t. II. Stworzenie, Philadelphia, P.A., USA 1938, stron 225.
Document Richard A. Wiedenheft, "Evolution vs. Intelligent Design" (2005)
"Bible Advocate" March 2005, vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 4-7;
Document John Ankerberg and John Weldon, "Truth in Advertising: Damaging the Cause of Science"
Document John Ankerberg and John Weldon, "Evolution, Logic and Increasing Doubts"
Document Frank Close, "The Quantum Universe" (2005)
Nature, 24 March 2005, vol. 434, s. 438-439; a review of "Science and Ultimate Reality: Quantum Theory, Cosmology and Complexity" edited by John D. Barrow, Paul C.W. Daview & Charles L. Harper, Jr, Cambridge University Press 2004.
Document David Limbaugh, "Slamming Intelligent Design" (2004);
File Krzysztof Zbytniewski, "Kosmiczny ksiądz i Marsjanie" (2004)
16 stycznia 2004; wywiad z Michałem Hellerem. Początek: "O tym, czy jesteśmy w Kosmosie sami, czy Jezus umarł także za grzechy kosmitów, i czego powinny uczyć się o stworzeniu świata dzieci, opowiada nam wybitny kosmolog, fizyk i filozof ksiądz profesor Michał Heller."
File Derek D. Turner, "The past vs. the tiny: historical science and the abductive arguments for realism" (2004)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 2004, vol. 35, pp. 1–17. --- Abstract --- Scientific realism is fundamentally a view about unobservable things, events, processes, and so on, but things can be unobservable either because they are tiny or because they are past. The familiar abductive ...
File J.T. Trevors, D.L. Abel, "Chance and necessity do not explain the origin of life" (2004)
Cell Biology International 2004, vol. 28, pp. 729-739. --- Abstract. --- Where and how did the complex genetic instruction set programmed into DNA come into existence? The genetic set may have arisen elsewhere and was transported to the Earth. If not, it arose on the Earth, and became the genetic ...
Document "How Did Life Begin? An Interview with Andy Knoll" (2004)
Image Linia Knolla b.gif
Image Linia Knolla a.gif
Image Bacteria.jpg
Image DNA.jpg
Image Stanley Miller in laboratory.jpg
Image Planet Earth.jpg
Image Charles Darwin.jpg
Image Andy Knoll.jpg