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Wyniki wyszukiwania 1528 element(ów) pasuje do podanych kryteriów.

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Folder 2008
File Carl Wieland, "AiG View on the Intelligent Design Movement" (2002)
File "Intelligent Design?" (2002)
Natural History, April 2002; Three proponents of Intelligent Design (ID) present their views of design in the natural world. Each view is immediately followed by a response from a proponent of evolution (EVO). The report, printed in its ...
File Del Ratzsch, "Design Theory and its Critics. Monologues Passing in the Night. Review article of: Robert T. Pennock (ed.), Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics" (2002) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2002, vol. 2;
Document Richard N. Ostling, "'Intelligent design' gains attention in Ohio debate" (2002)
"News-Star" Shawnee, Oklahoma,
Document Del Ratzsch, "Design Theory and its Critics. Monologues Passing in the Night. Review article of: Robert T. Pennock (ed.), Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics" (2002)
"Ars Disputandi" 2002, vol. 2;
Document Todd Hertz , "'A Nuclear Bomb' For Evolution? Critics of Darwinism say skull's discovery isn't all it's cracked up to be" (2002)
Christianity Today" August 12, 2002;
Document Dick Staub, "Interview: Phillip Johnson. Asking the right questions is at the heart of the evolution debate" (2002)
"Christianity Today" December 2, 2002;
Document Mark Hartwig, "Whose Comfortable Myth?" (2002)
"Focus on the Family" 2002;
Document "AAAS Board Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory" (2002)
American Association for the Advancement of Science;
Document Adrian L. Melott, "Intelligent Design Is Creationism in a Cheap Tuxedo" (2002)
Physics Today" June 2002;
Document Mano Singham, "Philosophy Is Essential to the Intelligent Design Debate" (+ 7 letters) (2002);
Document Chris Mooney, "Survival of the Slickest" (2002)
"The American Prospect" Online, Dec 2, 2002;
File William Dembski, "The Intelligent Design Movement" (1998)
Cosmic Pursuit, Spring 1998;
File Stephen Nichols, "When America Put the Bible on Trial. The Scopes Monkey Case a Century Later" (2021)
March 31, 2021;
Folder 2021
Document Stephen Bartholomew, Jr., "Genetics Proves Absurdity of Whale Evolution" (2021)
In recent years evolutionists have increasingly promoted the evolution of whales as one of the most convincing examples of macroevolution. Their alleged evidence is a mounting number of fossils that they claim are of transitional creatures in this process. In the debate about this subject, ...
Document Stephanie Pappas, "What fueled humans' big brains? Controversial paper proposes new hypothesis" W plejstocenie, od 2,6 miliona lat temu do 11 700 lat temu, znacznie zwiekszył się mózg ludzki. Uczeni z uniwersytetu Tel Avivu postawili nową hipotezę: gdy zabrakło dużych zwierząt, mózg ludzki musiał się powiększyć, by umożliwić ...
Folder 2007
File Andreas Lange et al., "Structural and functional characterization of a putative de novo gene in Drosophila"
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021) 12:1667 | | | Comparative genomic studies have repeatedly shown that new protein-coding genes can emerge de novo from noncoding DNA. Still unknown is how and when the structures of ...
Folder 2021
File Adam Adamczyk, W sprawie pseudonaukowej teorii Inteligentnego Projektu - list otwarty do polskich uczelni (2020)
File Łukasz Sakowski, Ekspansja antyewolucyjnej fundacji En Arche w Polsce (2020)
Bloger atakuje Fundację En Arche
Document Mieczysław Pajewski, "Dwie twierdze" (Kreacjonizm 6) (2005)
"Duch Czasów" 2005 nr 3, s. 15-17.
File 47. Marta Cuberbiller, Teorie powstania Księżyca
Do naturalistycznych teorii powstania Księżyca należy hipoteza oderwania się od Ziemi, przechwycenia, kondensacji i zderzenia. Przyjrzyjmy się krótko każdej z nich.
Document PAP, "Naukowcy przeciwko Darwinowi" (2005)
Document PAP, "Naukowcy przeciwko Darwinowi" (2005)
Folder Problemy Genezy 2012, t. XX
Document 03 Paul A. Bartz, Wiara ewolucjonisty (2010)