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Document Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, "He upholds the universe by His word and power" (2006)
Fourth catechesis by Christoph Cardinal Schönborn on Jannuary 8, 2006 in the cathedral of St. Stephan in Vienna. Translated by Prof. John F. Crosby.
Document Karl Giberson, "Beyond Copernicus. Religious believers founded modern science, but Darwinian evolution shook these spiritual foundations" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" December 7, 2005;
Document James R. Moore, "Fisher saw Darwin as another father" (2004)
"Science & Theology News" January 1, 2004;
Document Ashton Nichols, "God before and after Darwin" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" August 19, 2005;
Document Nandagopal R. Menon, "Cardinal reconsiders Darwin remarks. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, once touted as an ID booster, now says the words he used were too vague" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" December 5, 2005;
Document Nandagopal R. Menon, "Catholic scientists take issue with cardinal's message. A New York Times op-ed by Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn questioning evolution comes under fire" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" December 5, 2005;
Document Heather J. Ciras, Bethanie Edwards, Dana Goblaskas, "Discovering Darwin. It wasn’t easy to pick the top Darwin books. We did the hard part, now all you have to do is read them" (2006)
"Science & Theology News" February 27, 2006;
Document Liz Kemmerer, "The evolution of intelligent design. Intelligent design gets a place in the philosophy classrooms of secular Knox College" (2006)
"Science & Theology News" March 10, 2006;
Document Jodi Rudoren, "Ohio Board Undoes Stand on Evolution" (2006)
"The New York Times" February 15, 2006;
Document Jodi Rudoren, "Ohio Expected to Rein In Class Linked to Intelligent Design" (2006)
"The New York Times" February 14, 2006;
Document Dennis Overbye, "Someday the Sun Will Go Out and the World Will End (but Don't Tell Anyone)" (2006)
"The New York Times" February 14, 2006;
Document Mieczysław Pajewski, "U podstaw dyluwiologii" (Kreacjonizm 7) (2005)
"Duch Czasow" 2005, nr 4, s. 15-16.
Document Alison Abbott, "Fractals and art: In the hands of a master" (2006)
"Nature" 9 February 2006, vol. 439, s. 648-650;
Document Philip Pullella, "Pope says science no threat to faith" (2006)
"Yahoo! News" Fri Feb 10, 1:36 PM ET;
Document Rebecca Morelle, "Darwin's warm pond theory tested" (2006)
"BBC News" Last Updated: Monday, 13 February 2006, 12:08 GMT;
Document Karol Darwin, O powstawaniu gatunków. Rozdział IV. Dobór naturalny, czyli przeżycie najstosowniejszego
Document Karol Darwin, O powstawaniu gatunków. Rozdział III. Walka o byt
Document Karol Darwin, "Niektóre moje publikacje "
Document Karol Darwin, "Życie w Down od 14 września 1842 do chwili obecnej, 1876 r."
Document Karol Darwin, "Od mojego ślubu, 29 stycznia 1838, i zamieszkania na ulicy Upper Gower, do wyjazdu z Londynu i osiedlenia się w Down, 14 września 1842 r."
Document Karol Darwin, "Poglądy religijne"
Document Karol Darwin, "Od powrotu do Anglii 2 października 1836 do mojego ślubu 29 stycznia 1839 r."
Document Karol Darwin, "Podróż na okręcie Beagle: od 27 grudnia 1831 do 2 października 1836 r."
Document Karol Darwin, "Cambridge, 1828-1831"
Document Karol Darwin, "Wspomnienia o rozwoju mojego umysłu i charakteru"
Document Neela Banerjee and Anne Berryman, "At Churches Nationwide, Good Words for Evolution" (2006)
"The New York Times" February 13, 2006;
Document Candice Lettigo, "Paley's Place in Seminary Is Secure--But Not Supreme" :-)
Patrz Constance Holden, "Darwin's Place on Campus Is Secure - But Not Supreme", "Science" 10 February 2006, Vol 311, Issue 5762, s. 769-771;; ...
Document Constance Holden, "Darwin's Place on Campus Is Secure - But Not Supreme" (2006)
"Science" 10 February 2006, Vol 311, Issue 5762, s. 769-771;
Document Elizabeth Culotta, "Is ID on the Way Out?" (2006)
"Science" 10 February 2006, Vol 311, Issue 5762, s. 770.
Document "New Analysis Shows Three Human Migrations Out Of Africa" (2006)
"Science Daily" February 10,2006;