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File Georgia Journal of Science 2005, vol. 63, no. 3
Contents: --- John V. Aliff, "Teaching Evolution and the Challenge of Intelligent Design: A Symposium" s. 144 --- Barbara Carroll Forrest, "Inside Creationism’s Trojan Horse: A Closer Look at Intelligent Design", s. 153 --- Massimo Pigliucci, Joshua Banta, Christen Bossu, Paula Crouse, Troy Dexter, ...
Document Pete Dunkelberg, "Irreducible Complexity Demystified" (2003)
"Tal Design" Posted: 26 April 2003;
Document Kazmer Ujvarosy, "Why Rational Thinkers Value the Theory of Intelligent Design" (2005)
"American Chronicle" Wednesday, February 8, 2006;
Document Judith Davidoff, "Bill bans creationism as science" (2006)
"The Capital Times" Published: February 7, 2006;
Document Mariah Blake, "Darwin This: Jews clash over the intelligence of intelligent design" (2005)
"Miami New Times" Article Published Dec 29, 2005;
Image American Chronicle
Document Kazmer Ujvarosy, "The Designer of Intelligent Design" (2006)
"American Chronicle" Wednesday, February 8, 2006;
Document Marcin Gadziński, "USA: zakaz nauczania teorii inteligentnego projektu" (2005)
"Gazeta Wyborcza" 22-12-2005;,34254,3079652.html
Document Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Document Leslie Orgel, The origin of life (1998)
Leslie Orgel, "The origin of life ­ a review of facts and speculations," Trends in Biochemical Sciences 1998, vol. 23, s. 491–495.
Document Judith Shulevitz, "When Cosmologies Collide" (2006)
"The New York Times" January 22, 2006;
Document Kirk Johnson, "Evolution Measure Splits State Legislators in Utah" (2006)
"The New York Times" February 5, 2006;
File John E. Jones III, "Kitzmiller v. Dover" (2005)
Document Rebecca Barnes, "Designed Dispute: Curriculum critical of evolution nears approval in Kansas" (2005)
"Christianity Today" July 2005, Vol. 49, No. 7, Page 18;
Document Tomasz Zalewski, "Szkoły w Kansas walczą z teorią Darwina" (2005)
Document David Berlinski, "On the Origin of Life" (2006)
"Commentary" February 2006, s. 22-33;
File David Berlinski, "On the Origin of Life" (2006) pdf
"Commentary" February 2006, s. 22-33;
Image oropendole
Document "Intelligent Design not supported by science" (2005)
"Iowa State Daily" August 23, 2005;
Document "Types cast" (2005)
"The Guardian" Thursday August 25, 2005;,13026,1555325,00.html
Document "Come out, come out, wherever you are"
"The Guardian" Thursday, August 25, 2005;,13026,1555324,00.html
Document Edward Willett, "Robert J. Sawyer Calculates God" (2004)
Document Carl Zimmer, "Clint Is Dead, Long Live Clint" (2005)
"Corante" August 31, 2005;
Document Owen Gingerich, "The science of eternity. A 2001 workshop called "The Far-Future Universe: Eschatology from a Cosmic Perspective" included commentary on the multiverse" (2001)
"Science & Theology News" January 1, 2001;
Document Jack R. Sibley, "A universe of universes? Astronomy professor Alexei V. Filippenko posed the question, "Could it be that ours is not the only universe?"" (2001)
"Science & Theology News" April 1, 2001;
Document "Multiverse moments of truth. The multiverse idea was the product of a long process of development, with many scientists involved" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" January 16, 2005;
Document "Masters of the multiverse. Who’s who in studying this field" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" January 1, 2005;
Document Kimberly Roots, "Physicist plucks away at our tightly strung universe. Stanford university physicist Leonard Susskind on a “theory of everything”" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" January 1, 2005;
Document Jack Lucentini, "Is This Life?" (2006)
"The Scientist" January 2006 Volume 20 | Issue 1 | Page 30;
Document Stanley Fish, "One University Under God?"(2005)
"The Chronicle of Higher Education" Friday, January 7, 2005;