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Document Eörs Szathmáry, "A robust approach" (2006)
BOOK REVIEWED - Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems by Andreas Wagner Princeton University Press: 2005. 408 pp. $49.50, Ł32.50, "Nature" 05 Jan 2006, vol. 439, s. 19-20. --- Abstract --- The functional overlap between different components protects biological systems.
Document Geoff Brumfiel, "Our Universe: Outrageous fortune" (2006)
"Nature" 05 Jan 2006, vol. 439, s. 10-12. --- Abstract --- A growing number of cosmologists and string theorists suspect the form of our Universe is little more than a coincidence. Are these harmless thought experiments, or a challenge to science itself? Geoff Brumfiel investigates.
Document Mario Seiglie, "The Intelligent Design Revolution" (2006)
"The Good News" January/February 2006, vol. 11, no. 1, s. 18-20.29;
Document Robert Sprackland, "Darwin's theory is a fact" (2006)
"Seattle Post-Intelligencer" Thursday, January 19, 2006;
Document Holley Horrell, "Expert traces history of evolution debates" (2006)
"The Chronicle" Online, The Independent Daily at Duke University, January 27, 2006;
Document Elizabeth Culotta and Elizabeth Pennisi, "Evolution in Action" (2005)
"Science" 23 December 2005, vol. 310, no. 5756, s. 1878-1879;
Document Bill Sulon and Adelle M. Banks, "Intelligent Design Is Too Religious For Schools, Judge Rules" (2005)
"Christianity Today" December 19, 2005;
Document Rudy Takala, "Making Darwin Right" (2006)
"Opinion Editorials" January 01, 2006;
Document Glenn McGee, "Design: More Intelligent Every Day" (2006)
"The Scientist" January 2006, Volume 20 | Issue 1 | Page 28;
Document "Catholics confront faith and evolution" (2006)
National Public Radio (NPR) January 1, 2006 Sunday;
Document Stephen C. Meyer, "Intelligent design is not creationism" (2006)
"The Daiy Telegraph" Filed: 28/01/2006;
Document Owen Williamson, "War Against Reason: The “Intelligent Design” Scam" (2006)
"Political Affairs" Marxist Thought Online February 2006;
Document Fredric P. Nelson, M.D., "Darwin's Logical Fallacy" (b.d.)
Document Lisa Anderson, "It's no fun being a biology teacher in Kansas" (2005)
"The Chicago Tribune" December 29, 2005, 8:03 PM CST;,1,6183551.story?page=2&coll=chi-news-hed
File Francis J. Beckwith, "Public Education, Religious Establishment, and the Challenge of Intelligent Design" (2003)
"Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, & Public Policy" 2003, vol. 17, no. 2, s. 461-519;
File Francis J. Beckwith, "Science and Religion Twenty Years After McLean v. Arkansas: Evolution, Public Education, and the New Challenge of Intelligent Design" (2003)
"Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy" Spring 2003, vol. 26, no. 2, s. 455-499;
File Francis J. Beckwith, "Gimme That Ol' Time Separation: A Review Review" (2005)
"Chapman Law Review" Spring 2005, vol. 8, no, 1. s. 329-327.
Document Eric Ryan Telfer, "The Science-Religion Dichotomy and the Intelligent Design Debate" (2005)
Work in Progress. Last up-dated 4/16/2005;
Document R. Albert Mohler, Jr., "Darwin's Dangerous Idea--No Middle Ground" (2006)
Dr. Mohler's Blog, Tuesday, January 3, 2006;
Document R. Albert Mohler, Jr., "Why Darwinism Survives" (2006)
Dr. Mohler's Blog, Tuesday, January 17, 2006;
Document R. Albert Mohler, Jr., "Is God an Accident of Evolution?"(2006)
Dr. Mohler's Blog, Wednesday, January 18, 2006;
Document Gordon Brumm, "Intelligent Design: Skeptical Thoughts about the Skepticism (2)" (2006)
"The Lakawood Observer" 08.29 AM / 11th January 2006;
Document Gordon Brumm, "Intelligent Design: Skeptical Thoughts about the Skepticism (1)" (2005)
"The Lakewood Observer" 12.54 PM / 30th December 2005;
Document Andrew Cline, "Stretching the Constitution to keep out intelligent design" (2006)
"The Baltimore Sun" January 2, 2006;,1,1400659.story?coll=bal-oped-headlines&ctrack=1&cset=true
Document Phyllis Schlafly, "False judge makes mockery of case for 'intelligent design'" (2006) Jan 2, 2006;
Document Rebecca Heald, "Serving Up a Plate of Chromosomes" (2006)
"Science" 20 January 2006, vol. 311, s. 343-344.
File W.R. Stoeger, G.F.R. Ellis, and U. Kirchner, "Multiverses and Cosmology: Philosophical Issues" (2006)
Date (revised v2): Thu, 19 Jan 2006 18:53:06 GMT (42kb); --- Abstract --- The idea of a multiverse -- an ensemble of universes or universe domains -- has received increasing attention in cosmology, both as the outcome of the originating ...
Document Jeff Israely, "Rome Weighs in (Gently) on Intelligent Design" (2006)
"Time" Posted Thursday, Jan. 19, 2006;,8599,1150808,00.html
Document Chhavi Sachdev, "Herbert Gintis: The flip side of altruism" (2006)
"Science & Theology News" January 16, 2006;
Document Steve Reuland, "How to Falsify ID" (2006)
"Talk Reason" published: Jan 21, 2006; --- Abstrat --- Steve Reuland shows the fallaciousness of the ID advocates' position which equates the testability of some of their particular assertions to the testability of ID as a general concept. Reuland ...