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Document William Grassie, "Beyond Intelligent Design" (2005)
Document Metanexus Institute, "Dover Judge Rules in Favor of More Metanexus: International Institute Advocates A New Look at Science Education" (2005)
Document Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, "The Designs of Science" (2006)
"First Things" January 2006, 159, s. 34-38;
Document David Sloan Wilson, "Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution" (2005)
"PLoS Biology" December 13, 2005, vol. 3, issue 12;
Document Gary Gately, "A Town in the Spotlight Wants Out of It" (2005)
"The New York Times" December 21, 2005;
Document Laurie Goodstein, "Evolution Trial in Hands of Willing Judge " (2005)
"The New York Times" December 18, 2005;
Document "The Orignal Statement by the Dover School Board" (2005)
"The New York Times" December 20, 2005;
Document Laurie Goodstein, "Judge Rejects Teaching Intelligent Design" (2005)
"The New York Times" December 21, 2005;
File Sudhir Kumar, Alan Filipski, Vinod Swarna, Alan Walker, and S. Blair Hedges, "Placing confidence limits on the molecular age of the human–chimpanzee divergence" (2005)
PNAS December 27, 2005, vol. 102, no. 52, s. 18842–18847,
Document Tomasz Zalewski, "Proces przeciw zwolennikom teorii 'rozumnego projektu' na finiszu" (2005),1356,wid,8078128,wiadomosc.html
Document Tomasz Zalewski, "Sąd przychylił się ku Darwinowi" (2005),1356,wid,8128735,wiadomosc.html
Document "Intelligent-design decision expected Tuesday. Darwin’s defenders and detractors set for federal ruling" (2005)
Document Julia M. Klein, "Rules of Attration. Men, women and Darwin. Can evolutionary psychology take the mystery out of how we meet and mate?" (2005)
"Los Angeles Times" August 29, 2005;,0,4091107.story?coll=la-home-health
Document Carl Zimmer, "Children Learn by Monkey See, Monkey Do. Chimps Don't" (2005)
"The New York Times" December 13, 2005;
Document Jonathan Neal, "Intelligent Design theory is flawed, anti-scientific" (2005)
"The Exponent" 2005-12-06;
Document Lawrence M. Krauss, "Bez strachu przed nauką. O fizyce i społecznych problemach nauki mówi Lawrence M. Krauss" (2004)
"Świat Nauki" wrzesień 2004,
Document David Warmflash i Benjamin Wiess, "Czy życie przybyło z kosmosu?" (2005)
"Świat Nauki" grudzień 2005,
File Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, "Ateny, Jerozolima, Pcim..." (2005) pdf
Recenzja: Francis Wheen, Jak brednie podbiły świat (Muza, Warszawa 2005), "Świat Nauki" Grudzień 2005, s. 83,
Document Michael Shermer, "Rezonans Ruperta" (2005)
"Świat Nauki" grudzień 2005;
File Stanisława M. Rogalska, Anna Kalinka, Magdalena Achrem, Renata Słonimska-Walkowiak, Lidia Skuza i Ewa Filip, "Genetyczne elementy ruchome u roślin i innych organizmów" (2004)
"Kosmos" 2004, t. 53, nr 3–4 (264–265), s. 325–342;
Document Bruce Alberts, "A Wakeup Call for Science Faculty" (2005) html
"Cell" 123, December 2, 2005, s. 739-741.
File Bruce Alberts, "A Wakeup Call for Science Faculty" (2005) pdf
"Cell" 123, December 2, 2005;
File William Jennings Bryan, The Last Message of William Jennings Bryan, Fleming H. Revell Company, New York - Chicago - Toronto - London and Edinburgh 1925. pdf
Tekst niewygłoszonej mowy na tzw. procesie Scopesa w 1925 roku;
File William Jennings Bryan, "God and Evolution" (1922) pdf
"The New York Times" 26 February 1922, Section 7, 1: 6–9, 11: 1;
File John R. Baumgardner, Andrew A. Snelling, Russell D. Humphreys, Steven A. Austin, "Measurable 14C in Fossilized Organic Materials: Confirming the Young Earth Creation-Flood Model" (2003) pdf
w: Robert L. Ivey, Jr. (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Creationism, held August 4-9, 2003, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA, Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 2003, s. 127-142.
File Jakub Kwintkiewicz, "Ruchome elementy genetyczne" (2001)
"Nowiny Lekarskie" 2001, t. 70, nr 8, s. 940–947.
File J.B.S.Haldane, "The Cost of Natural Selection" (1957) pdf
"Journal of Genetics" 1957, vol. 55, s. 511-524,
Document George Ellis, "Physics ain't what it used to be" (2005)
Book reviewed - The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion f Intelligent Design by Leonard Susskind, "Nature" 8 December 2005, vol. 438, s. 739-740.
Document "Similar stem cells in insect and human gut" (2005)
Document Carl T. Hall, "Man's best friend shares most genes with humans. Full genome sequence to be published today" (2005)
"San Francisco Chronicle" Thursday, December 8, 2005;