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Document Jodi Wilgoren, "Seeing Creation and Evolution in Grand Canyon" (2005)
"The New York Times" Thursday, October 6, 2005;
Document Roger Lewin, "Evolutionary Theory under Fire" (1980)
"Science" 21 November 1980, vol. 210, s. 883-887; This article reports the 1980 Conference on Macroevolution held in Chicago.
Document Robert Crowther, "Kansas Definition of Science Consistent With All Other States Contrary to Media Claims" (2005)
Evolution News & Views November 15, 2005;
Document Kenneth Chang, "Evolution and Its Discontents" (2005)
"The New York Times" November 14, 2005;
Document Dennis Overbye, "Philosophers Notwithstanding, Kansas School Board Redefines Science" (2005)
"The New York Times" 15 November, 2005;
Document Scott Ott, "Kansas Evolution Ruling Chases Jobs Away" (2005) :-)
Document Associated Press, "Robertson: God May Smite Down Town That Voted Out Anti-Evolution School Board" (2005),2933,175247,00.html
Document "Attacks on journal editor raise questions about academic freedom and intelligent design" (2005)
Catholic News Agency November 13, 2005;
Document "Direct Evolution of a Full Professor" :-) (2005)
Abstract: Success in academia is hypothesized to require specific phenotypes. In order to understand how such unusual traits arise, we used human clones to identify the molecular events that occur during the transition from a graduate student to professor.
Document Tenzin Gyatso, "Our Faith in Science" (2005)
"The New York Times" November 12, 2005;
Document Bruce and Frances Martin, "Neither Intelligent nor Designed" (2003)
"Skeptical Inquirer" November 2003.
Document "Creation Reveals God and His Love, Says Benedict XVI" (2005)
"Zenit" 2005-11-09;
Document "Scientists, theologians to explore infinity" (2005)
"Catholic World News"
Document "God's love orders creation, Pope says" (2005)
"Catholic World News"
Document "Study compares human and chimpanzee DNA" (2005)
Document "Junk DNA is critically important" (2005)
File Marshall Berman, "Intelligent Design Creationism: A Threat to Society - Not Just a Biology" (2003) pdf
"The American Biology Teacher" November/December 2003, vol. 65, no. 9, s. 646-648.
File Dorothy Matthews, "Effect of a Curriculum Containing Creation Stories on Attitudes About Evolution" (2001) pdf
"The American Biology Teacher" August 2001, vol. 63, no, 6, s. 404-409.
File Jerry Coyne, "Creationism by Stealth (a review of Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong by Jonathan Wells)" (2001) pdf
"Nature" 12 April, 2001, vol. 410, s. 745-746.
Document "Sąd nad Darwinem" (2005),34148,3004795.html
Document "Sąd nad Darwinem" (2005),34148,3004795.html
Document "When Science Meets God: Teaching Creation and Evolution in America’s Public Schools"
Document Sheldon Danielson, "Divine Farce: A Scientific / Philosophic Romp Through Intelligent Design" (2005)
"Talk Reason" published: Nov 07, 2005; --- Abstract --- The history of science can be regarded as the gradual process of removing the supernatural from our understanding of natural events and replacing it with concepts of material causality, ...
Document John L. Allen, Jr., Interview with Professor Nicola Cabibbo (2005)
"National Catholic Reporter" July 21, 2005;
Document Excerpts from the official 1995 Position Statement on Teaching Evolution, by the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) (1995)
"The American Biology Teacher", Jan. 1996, pp. 61-62.
Document Ira Rifkin, "Teachers Change Evolution Wording" (1997)
"The Plain Dealer" (Cleveland), October 16, 1997 Thursday, Pg. 10E.
Document Dennis Overbye, "On Gravity, Oreos and a Theory of Everything" (2005)
"The New York Times" November 1, 2005;
Document Alok Jha, "Fuels paradise? Power source that turns physics on its head" (2005)
"The Guardian" Friday, November 4, 2005;,2763,1627425,00.html
Document "Watykan: zaprzeczanie ewolucji grozi fundamentalizmem" (2005)
Document Mieczysław Pajewski, "Ateizm Darwina" (Kreacjonizm 5) (2005)
"Duch Czasów" 2005, nr 2, s. 16-17.