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Document John Horgan, "Clash in Cambridge. Science and religion seem as antagonistic as ever" (2005)
"Scientific American" September 12, 2005;
Document Michał Heller, "Wędrówki w genetycznej hiperprzestrzeni" (2005)
"Znak" WRZESIEŃ 2005, NUMER 604;
Document H. Wayne House, "Anti-Christian Bias in Higher Education: Problems and Solutions" (1990) --- Abstract: This article is a paper given at the American Family Association Conference in Atlanta, Georgia in the spring of 1990. It concerns the hostility expressed in various segments ...
Document Daniel C. Dennett, "Pokażcie mi naukę" (2005)
"Racjonalista",4333. Oryginał: Daniel C. Dennett, "Show me science", The New York Times August 28, 2005
Document Bolesław A. Uryn, "W poszukiwaniu mongolskiego ałmasa" (2005)
Document Daniel C. Dennett, "Pokażcie mi naukę" (2005)
"Racjonalista",4333. Oryginał: Daniel C. Dennett, "Show me science", The New York Times August 28, 2005
Document Bernard Korzeniewski, "Podglądanie umysłu i co z tego wynika" (2005)
Document "Kalam Cosmological Argument L. Craiga" (2005),4347
Document Roger Ebert, "'Emily Rose' perplexing, fascinating" (2005)
Document A.O. Scott, "Dancing With the Devil, Then With a Prosecutor" (2005)
"The new York Times" September 9, 2005; --- wzmianka, że żyjemy w wieku inteligentnego projektu.
Document Nicholas Wade, "Brain May Still Be Evolving, Studies Hint" (2005)
"The new York Times" September 9, 2005;
Document Ferdinand S.C. Schiller, "Darwinism and Design Argument" (1903)
Ferdinand S.C. Schiller, "Darwinism and Design Argument", w: tenże, Humanism: Philosophical Essays, London - MacMillan and Co., Limited, New York - The MacMillan Company 1903, chapter VIII, s. 128-156. Originally published in the Contemporary Review for June 1897.
Document Jan Stradowski, "Teoria strun w zupie" (2004)
"Wprost" 31 grudnia 2004, nr 1152;
Document Tomasz P. Terlikowski, "Dogmat ewolucji?" (2005)
"Ozon" 11.08.2005 nr 17,
Document Alain E. Bussard, "A scientific revolution?: The prion anomaly may challenge the central dogma of molecular biology" (2005)
"EMBO Reports" 2005, vol.6, s. 691-694;
Document Sally Jenkins, "Just Check the ID" (2005)
"The Washington Post" Monday, August 29, 2005, p. E01;
Document Stephen C. Meyer, "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories" (2004)
"Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington" 2004, vol. 117, no. 2, pp. 213-239; --- STATEMENT FROM THE COUNCIL OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON --- BSW repudiates Meyer --- Huge Response to Samizdat Article the ...
Document Tom Baldwin, "Religious Right evolves tactics to fight Darwin" (2005)
"The Times" August 30, 2005;,,11069-1755813,00.html
Document Daniel Smith, "Political Science" (2005)
"The New York Times" September 4, 2005;
Document Eugenie C. Scott and Glenn Branch, "Evolution: Just teach it" (2005)
"USA Today"
Document "Curriculum battles across the USA" (2005)
"USA Today"
Document John Angus Campbell and Stephen C. Meyer, "Evolution: Debate it" (2005)
"USA Today" Posted 8/14/2005 8:48 PM Updated 8/14/2005 9:17 PM;
Document William Dembski, "John Mark Reynolds in Touchstone - Out of Touch?" (2005)
Document John Mark Reynolds, "Séances & Science. The Lessons of the Spiritualist Challenge to Darwinism" (2005)
"Touchstone" September 2005, vol. 18, issue 7,
Document Matthew Yglesias, "Kuhn and Intelligent Design" (2005)
Document Alan Cutler, "Science and Religion: 200 Years of Accommodation" (2005)
Review of: Before Darwin. Reconciling God and Nature by Keith Thomson and The Watch on the Heath. Science and Religion Before Darwin by Keith Thomson, "Science" 2 September 2005; vol. 309 no. 5740, s. 1493.
Document Eugene Wolokh, "We know better" (1998)
March 4, 1998;
Document "A Matter of Life and Death. From Darwin to Hitler" (2005)
"Breakpoint with Charles Colson" August 30, 2005.
Document "Intelligent Design to be Taught in Australian Schools - Opponents Furious" (2005)
LifeSite Monday August 29,2005;
Document Jill Lawrence, "New school year, new battle over evolution " (2005)
"USA Today" 8/25/2005;