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Document Shaoni Bhattacharya, "Creationism rift opens within The Vatican" (2005)
From Creationism rift opens within The Vatican
Document Patrick J. Buchanan, "What Are the Darwinists Afraid Of?" (2005)
"Human Events"
Document George Coyne, "God's chance creation" (2005)
"The Tablet" Saturday, 6 August 2005;
Document David Limbaugh, "New Column: The Intelligent Design Bogeyman" (2005) oraz "Human Events" 5 Aug. 2005,
Document Douglas Erwin, "Evolution's Many Branches" (review: Joel Cracraft and Michael J. Donoghue, Assembling the Tree of Life)" (2005)
"American Scientist" July-August 2005, vol. 93, no. 4;
Document Gary Belovsky, "Darwinism and Catholicism should be compatible" (2005)
Notre Dame University News and Information August 1, 2005;
Document Dennis Brown, "Evolution and Christianity" (2005)
University of Notre Dame News and Information July 18, 2005;
Document Bruce Chapman, "Blind Eye Toward Intelligent Design" (2005)
"The Washington Post" July 30, 2005; Page A17;
Document Peter Slevin, "Classroom Evolution's Grass-Roots Defender. Va. Group Sees Threat To Darwinist Teaching" (2005)
"The Washington Post" July 20, 2005;
Document "Bush: Teach 'Intelligent Design'" (2005)
The Associated Press, Washington, Aug. 2, 2005.
Document Jan Kozłowski, "Pan Bóg mógł stworzyć człowieka drogą ewolucji darwinowskiej" (2005)
"Tygodnik Powszechny" 24 lipca 2005, nr 30, 2005;,1238283,0,355785,dzial.html
Document "Bóg, konieczność i przypadek. Z ks. prof. Michałem Hellerem rozmawia Marek Zając" (2005)
"Tygodnik Powszechny" Nr 30 (2924), 24 lipca 2005;,1238284,dzial.html
Document Abp Józef Życiński, "Tabletki Bogu nie szkodzą. 'Witraż z Darwinem': prawa przyrody są darem Stwórcy" (2005)
"Tygodnik Powszechny" 31 lipca 2005, nr 31;,1239195,dzial.html
Document "Niedźwiedzia przysługa fundamentalistów" (2005) [rozmowa z abpem Józefem Życińskim]
"Gazeta Wyborcza" sobota-niedziela 16-17 lipca 2007, s. 26;,42786,2823374.html
Document Charles Krauthammer, "Let's Have No More Monkey Trials. To teach faith as science is to undermine both" (2005)
"Time" magazine Monday, Aug. 01, 2005;,8816,1088714,00.html Monday, Aug. 01, 2005
Document RALPH BLUMENTHAL and BARBARA NOVOVITCH, "Bible Course Becomes a Test for Public Schools in Texas" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 1, 2005;
Document Hugh Ross, "The Faint Sun Paradox" (2002)
"Facts for Faith" Issue 10; 2002, s. 26-33;
Image Coast-to-coast challenges.jpg
Image Ewolucjonisci i Pan Bog.gif
Image Haeckel's tree of life.jpg
Image The Tablet.jpg
Image Human Events.gif
Image American Scientist online.png
Document Hugh Ross and John Rea, "Big Bang - The Bible Taught It First!" (2000)
"Facts for Faith" Issue 3, 2000, s. 26-32;
Image Alvin Plantinga.jpg
Image Gary Belovsky.jpg
Document Charles Petzold, "Maxwell, Molecules, and Evolution" (2005)
Document Richard Lewontin, "Billions and Billions of Demons" (1997)
"Nie możemy pozwolić, aby boska stopa przekroczyła ten próg"
Document "Evolution in the Eyes of the Church (Part 2). Father Edward Oakes on the Difficulty of Reconciling Science and Faith" (2005)
"Zenit" 2005-07-28;
Document "Evolution in the Eyes of the Church (Part 1). Father Edward Oakes on the Importance of Definitions" (2005)
"Zenit" 2005-07-27;