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Document George Neumayr, "The Monkey Wrench" (2005)
"The American Spectator" Published 7/29/2005 12:11:37 AM; --- 80th anniversary of the Scopes trial.
Document David B. Hart, "The Anti-Theology of the Body" (2005)
"The New Atlantis", Number 9, Summer 2005, pp. 65-73; --- John Paul II’s legacy reaches across many domains of human life. He was a religious shepherd for Catholic believers, a moral leader during the Cold War and after, and a truly modern ...
Document Robert W. Jenson, "Reading the Body" (2005)
"The New Atlantis", Number 9, Summer 2005, pp. 73-82; --- John Paul II’s legacy reaches across many domains of human life. He was a religious shepherd for Catholic believers, a moral leader during the Cold War and after, and a truly modern ...
Document Eric Cohen, "The Real Meaning of Genetics" (2005)
"The New Atlantis" Summer 2005, pp. 29-41;
Document John L. Allen Jr., "Catholic experts urge caution in evolution debate: Scientists, theologians take issue with Schönborn's op-ed article" (2005)
"National Catholic Reporter" July 29, 2005;
Document John L. Allen Jr., "Schoenborn and science vs. theology" (2005)
"National Catholic Reporter" July 22, 2005;
Image The National Catholic Reporter.jpg
Image Eugenie Scott.jpg
Document "Darwin defender retracts accusations: Eugenie Scott responds to lawsuit by parent-activist" (2005)
"WorldNetDaily" TUESDAY JULY 26 2005;
Document "Parent sues district on Darwin-only rule: Claims officials obstructed curriculum exposing children to theory's weaknesses" (2005)
"WorldNetDaily" SATURDAY JANUARY 15 2005;
Document "Darwin-only challenger claims libel. Parent says 'evolution spokeswoman' trying to discredit effort" (2005)
"WorldNetDaily" SATURDAY APRIL 23 2005 ;
Document "Creationism Skirmish" (2005)
"Science" Volume 309, Number 5731, Issue of 01 July 2005;
Document Arthur L. Caplan, "Misusing the Nazi Analogy" (2005)
"Science" 22 July, 2005, vol. 309, s. 535;
Document Amy Harmon, "Blacks Pin Hope on DNA to Fill Slavery's Gaps in Family Trees" (2005)
"The New York Times" --- DNA tests are fueling the biggest surge in African-American genealogy since Alex Haley's 1976 novel, "Roots."
Document Paul Lawrence Farber, A review of: Richard Weikart, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany (2005)
Journal of the History of Biology 2005, vol. 38, s. 390-391.
Document Sander Gliboff, "Darwin on Trial Again" [a review of: Richard Weikart. From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany] (2004)
H-NET Online, Published by: H-German (September, 2004);
Document Robert William Goodrich, "The Political Selection of Ideology [a review of: Richard Weikart, Socialist Darwinism: Evolution in German Socialist Thought from Marx to Bernstein, International Scholars Publications, Bethesda, Md. 1998]" (2001)
H-NET BOOK REVIEW, published by H-Ideas (March, 2001);
Document Jonathan Judaken, "Deadly Ethics?: The Impact of Social Darwinism on Eugenics and Racism in Germany [a review of: Richard Weikart. _From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany]" (2005)
H-NET BOOK REVIEW Published by [email protected] (June 2005);
Document Aleksandra Kowalczyk, "Obudź w sobie zwierzę" (2005)
"Ozon" nr 11, 30.06.2005,
Document "Mass extinction theory on the rocks" (2005)
"New Scientist" 23 July 2005, issue 2509, page 17;
Document "Prayer fails to help heart surgery patients" (2005)
"New Scientist" 23 July 2005, issue 2509, page 16;
Document "New pope questioned over evolution" (2005)
"New Scientist" 23 July 2005, issue 2509, page 5;
Document Ronald Bailey, "Unintelligent Design. Science is on the side of evolution" (2005)
"Reason" Online May 25, 2005;
Document Ronald Bailey, "The Myth of Millions of Years. Creationist cosmology is full of wormholes" (2005)
"Reason" Online July 20, 2005;
Document Ronald Bailey, "Creation Summer Camp. Live from the 2005 Creation Mega-Conference" (2005)
"Reason" Online July 19,2005;
Document Dennis Overbye, "Hunting for Life in Specks of Cosmic Dust" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 19, 2005;
Document "Scientific data supports design in evolution, says cardinal" (2005)
"Tidings" July 15, 2005;
Document Marek Zając, "Witraż z Darwinem. Nowy spór o teorię ewolucji" (2005)
"Tygodnik Powszechny" 18.07.2007;,242,kioskart.html
Image Mating Dance of the Fruit Fly.jpg
Image A Gene for Romance.jpg