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Document Nicholas Wade, "A Gene for Romance? So It Seems (Ask the Vole)" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 19, 2005;
Document Richard P. Aulie, "The Doctrine of Special Creation Part I. The Design Argument" (1975)
JASA (Journal of American Scientific Affiliation) March 1975, s. 8-11; ----- This study examines the anti-evolutionary views that are promulgated in the high school biology text recently published by the Creation Research Society. Three main ...
Document "Elephants losing tusks in unnatural selection" (2005)
"The Australian" 19 July, 2005;,5744,15975873%255E601,00.html
Document Tony Watkins, "What you need to know about the evolution debate" (2005)
"Christianity" August 2005; --- Can Genesis and Darwin both be true? Many Christians are adamant that their view of Genesis 1 and 2 has God's seal of approval. In the first of a two-part feature Tony Watkins calls for humility and ...
Image Christianity magazine 2005-8
Document Christoph SCHÖNBORN, "Finding Design in Nature" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 7, 2005, Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 23 , Column 1;
Document Christoph SCHÖNBORN, "Finding Design in Nature" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 7, 2005, Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 23 , Column 1;
Document Jeffrey Shallit, "Response to Dembski's Accusations" (2005)
"Talk Reason";
Image Christoph SCHÖNBORN
Document Cornelia Dean and Laurie Goodstein, "Leading Cardinal Redefines Church's View on Evolution" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 9, 2005;
Document Cornelia Dean, "Questions for Pope on Evolution Stance" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 13, 2005;
Image Skeptical Inquirer 2005-2.gif
Document "Darwinian Evolution Incompatible with Catholic Faith says Cardinal and Author of Catholic Catechism" (2005)
Document "Cardinal says Catholics can believe that God guided evolution" (2005)
July 12, 2005;
Document Dennis R. Trumble, "One Longsome Argument" (2005)
"Skeptical Inquirer" March/April 2005, Volume 29, Number 2;
Document Tomasz Zalewski, "Amerykanie nie wierzą Darwinowi" (2005)
PAP 12 lipca 2005;
Document "Nearly Two-thirds of U.S. Adults Believe Human Beings Were Created by God" (press release)
Document Eleanor Randolph, "Carnivorous Dragonflies" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 9, 2005;
Document Jonathan Guthrie, "Critics attack plan for Christian academies" (2005)
"Financial Times" 2 July, 2005;
Document Nicole Rempel, "Behavioral Modifications in Insects Induced by Parasites and Pathogens"
File Christian C. Carman, "The electrons of the dinosaurs and the center of the Earth: comments on D.D. Turner's 'The past vs. the tiny: historical science and the abductive arguments for realism'" (2005)
"Studies in History and Philosophy of Science" 2005, vol. 36, pp. 171–173. --- Abstract: --- Turner [The past vs. the tiny: Historical science and the abductive arguments for realism. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 35A (2004) 1] claims that the arguments in favor of realism do not ...
Document Richard C. Lewontin, John Maynard Smith, "Are We Robots?" (1990)
"The New York Review of Books" 1990, May 31, 1990, vol. 37, no. 9;
Document Richard C. Lewontin, M.F. Perutz, "Darwin and Marx" (1990)
"The New York Review of Books" December 6, 1990, vol. 37, no. 19;
Image The New York Review of Books.gif
Document Fritz Ward, Jr., "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document Bob Stockburger, "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document Stan Robertson, "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document E. Norbert Smith, "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document Dennis Overbye, "Remembrance of Things Future: The Mystery of Time" (2005)
"The New York Times" June 28, 2005;
Image Time Graphic.jpg