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Document Matt Donnelly, "Making irreducible complexity a bit simpler" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" October 13, 2005;
Document James Curtsinger, "Intelligent Design 101: Short on science, long on snake oil" (2005)
Document Benjamin D. Wiker, "Faith, Science and the Persecution of Richard Sternberg" (2005)
Catholic Educator's Resource Center;
Document Marshall Berman, "Intelligent Design: The New Creationism Threatens All of Science and Society" (2005)
APS News, October 2005, Vol 14, No. 9;
Document Ondrej Hejma, "'Intelligent design' supporters gather" (2005)
"Seattle Post-Intelligencer" Monday, October 24, 2005;
Document Allan Glenn, "Organisms that Look Designed" (2005)
The author of this post, Allan Glenn, passed away on November 4, 2005 from cystic fibrosis, at the age of 20. A surgery that could possibly have saved his life would have cost about $400,000. His insurance refused to cover such a surgery. He was bright and witty. We all suffered a loss on November 4. --------------------------------------------(The following summary was written by Allan himself.) A tongue-in-cheek spoof (and, I've been told, devastating reductio ad absurdum) of the "irreducible complexity" arguments put forth by proponents of Intelligent Design "theory." This article describes some of the most grotesque lifeforms known to man and makes a case for a sociopathic god worthy of an H.P. Lovecraft novel. "Equal Time" proponents, be careful what you wish for--or the baby-killing liberals might just have this taught in schools. Now with dozens more evolution-wrecking lifeforms, lots of colorful pictures and myriad inside jokes! Note: This article contains mature subject matter like utterly horrendous parasites and graphic illustrations of disease-ridden walking corpses; it is NOT for the squeamish. published: Nov 06, 2005 ---
Document Sheldon Danielson, "Divine Farce: A Scientific / Philosophic Romp Through Intelligent Design" (2005)
"Talk Reason" published: Nov 07, 2005; --- Abstract --- The history of science can be regarded as the gradual process of removing the supernatural from our understanding of natural events and replacing it with concepts of material causality, matter and energy. In so doing, science has often found itself in conflict with religious dogma committed to a contrary view of the natural order. In the past such conflicts have usually taken the form of open contests between competing magisteria: theological on the one hand, empirical and rational on the other. Intelligent Design presents science with a qualitatively new kind of challenge: theology masquerading as science – a modern Trojan Horse. In responding to this subterfuge, this paper reviews the history and philosophy of science, neo-Darwinian evolution theory, and examines in detail some of ID’s specific claims.
Document "Attacks on journal editor raise questions about academic freedom and intelligent design" (2005)
Catholic News Agency November 13, 2005;
Document Stephen Pincock, "Monkey business" (2005)
Document Rush Holt, "Intelligent Design: It's Not Even Wrong" (2005)
Document Tom Heneghan, "Vienna cardinal draws lines in Intelligent Design" (2005)
Document Stephen C. Meyer, "Not by chance. From bacterial propulsion systems to human DNA, evidence of intelligent design is everywhere" (2005)
"National Post" 01 December, 2005;
Document Seth Shostak, "SETI and Intelligent Design" (2005) --- Abstract --- Intelligent Design (ID) proponents often refer to the SETI project as allegedly using a methodology analogous to their search for signs of Intelligence in the universe in general and in the biosphere in particular. They point out that the SETI project has been enjoying support from the scientific community (which is true) and therefore ID must be construed as legitimate as well. In particular, William Dembski has been persistently using such an argument in his ceaseless attempts to confer legitimacy upon his discourse aimed at "proving" that ID is a real scientific theory deserving serious consideration. On this site several contributors (Elsberry, Edis, Perakh, Shallit, and others) have debunked Dembski's numerous publications, including his pseudo-mathematics, and including his use of the SETI example. However, until now the SETI institute's staff has been staying away from the discussion of the alleged similarity of their methodology to ID's approach. In this essay, Seth Shostak of the SETI institute starts from the standpoint of the legitimate SETI approach and shows the lack of substantiation in ID advocates' comparison of their notions to the actual contents of the SETI project. In fact, SETI methodology has nothing in common with the ID advocates' fallacious approach and in a certain sense is contrary to it.
Document Edna DeVore, "Intelligent Design and Evolution at the White House" (2005)
Document Rob Moll, "Science that Backs Up Faith" (2005)
"Christianity Today" May 30, 2005:
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: An Ambiguous Assault on Evolution" (2005)
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: 'The Death of Science'" (2005)
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: Belief Posing as Theory" (2005)
Document Jill Lawrence, "'Intelligent design' ruling may have ripples" (2005)
"USA Today" Posted 12/22/2005 10:08 PM;
Document Ken Miller, "An idea that provoked, but didn't deliver" (2005)
"Philadelphia Inquirer" Posted on Sun, Dec. 25, 2005;

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