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Kenneth R. Miller, Czy ewolucja jest procesem ukierunkowanym?

Wypowiedzi z eseju "Darwin, Design, and the Catholic Faith" oraz z podręcznika Biology.

W odpowiedzi na znany esej Schonborna Miller napisał tekst zatytułowany "Darwin, Design, and the Catholic Faith"
> <a href="http:/">, w którym powiedział:

"Neo-Darwinism, he [Schonborn] tells us, is an ideology proposing that an “unguided, unplanned process of random variation and natural selection” gave rise to all life on earth, including our own species. To be sure, many evolutionists have made such assertions in their popular writings on the “meaning” on evolutionary theory. But are such assertions truly part of evolution as it is understood by the “mainstream biologists” of which the Cardinal speaks?

Not at all. Consider these words from George Gaylord Simpson, widely recognized as one of the principal architects of the neo-Darwinian synthesis: “The process [of evolution] is wholly natural in its operation. This natural process achieves the aspect of purpose without the intervention of a purposer; and it has produced a vast plan without the concurrent action of a planner. It may be that the initiation of the process and the physical laws under which it functions had a purpose and that this mechanistic way of achieving a plan is the instrument of a Planner - of this still deeper problem the scientist, as scientist, cannot speak.” "

Ale zwróćmy uwagę na to, co Miller i Levin napisali w popularnym podręczniku biologii dla szkół średnich Biology:

“In many ways, each animal phylum represents an experiment in the design of body structures to perform the tasks necessary for survival. Of course, there has never been any kind of plan to these experiments because evolution works without either plan or purpose.” (Biology, Miller & Levine, Prentice Hall, 1995, p. 658)

“Evolution is random and undirected” (ibid.)
> <a href="http:/">

Na stronie znajdujemy następującą opinię:

” As Kenneth Miller and Joseph Levine long asserted it in their popular text, “evolution works without plan or purpose.” ...

> &ldquo;K. Miller and J. Levine, Biology, 5th ed. (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000), 658. This same textbook also contains these similar statements: &ldquo;it is important to keep this concept in mind: Evolution is random and undirected&rdquo; (658, emphasis in the original), and &ldquo;It is important to remember that genetic variation is not controlled or directed toward a goal&rdquo; (299). Miller and Levine have removed the claim that &ldquo;evolution works without plan or purpose&rdquo; in the 2002 edition of their textbook. &ldquo;<p>

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