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Sander Gliboff, "Darwin on Trial Again" [a review of: Richard Weikart. From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany] (2004)

H-NET Online, Published by: H-German (September, 2004);

Richard Weikart. From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics,
> and Racism in Germany. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. xi + 312 pp.<br> Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. $59.95 (cloth), ISBN
> 1-403-96502-1.<br>
> Reviewed by: Sander Gliboff, Department of History and Philosophy of<br> Science, Indiana University.
> <br> Published by: H-German (September, 2004)
> <br> Darwin on Trial Again
> <strong>
> The American creationist movement has been waging war against Darwin<br> and modern science for decades, but their strategy is evolving. Instead
> of pitting only the Bible against the biology, they are cultivating<br> their credentials in a variety of academic disciplines and attacking
> from many new directions. On the history front, Richard Weikart's book<br> appropriates the Holocaust and indeed the entire course of Western
> civilization for the creationist side, as it traces a decline in<br> Western morals from the Origin of Species to the origin of National
> Socialism. It is being sold at a big discount by the Discovery<br> Institute, one of several organs of the religious right that is touting
> it as an argument against teaching evolution. It may also prove<br> instrumental in making a case against reforming marriage and legalizing
> abortion or assisted suicide, because it includes comparable proposals<br> among the links between Darwin and Hitler.
> <br> According to Weikart, all of these evils have stemmed from Darwinian
> &quot;naturalism.&quot; Naturalism is the principle that marks the modern<br> boundary between science and theology or metaphysics. It limits
> scientific investigation to the natural realm and disallows<br> supernatural agencies and divine intervention in scientific
> explanations. For example, it might very well please the Creator to<br> make an object fall with a force that is inversely proportional to the
> square of its distance from the center of the earth, but under<br> naturalism, physicists leave that Creator out of the equations that
> describe and explain gravitation. Similarly, biologists do not invoke<br> the Creator in their work, either.
> <br> Among modern creationists, Phillip Johnson first made an issue of
> biologists' naturalism in Darwin on Trial (1991), where he raised<br> legalistic and philosophical objections to the way it banishes God from
> the sciences. Here Weikart builds upon Johnson's work with historical<br> and ethical objections. In particular, he objects to the fact that
> Darwin included humanity as part of Nature and treated the human mind<br> and the moral sense as subjects for biological research. Rather than
> investigate Man's immortal soul or the divine foundations of ethics,<br> Darwin's naturalistic approach took ethics to be a human creation, a
> product of the brain and of cultural and biological evolution. That,<br> says Weikart, undermined traditional Christian values and constituted
> the first link in a chain of ideas leading to National Socialism and<br> the Holocaust.
> <br> The book is very well crafted to maintain a scholarly stance and avoid
> any blatant evangelizing or explicit political advocacy. It never cites<br> Johnson or other creationists and it does not identify the author as a
> fellow of the Discovery Institute. Skillfully, it deploys the bugbear<br> of naturalism to draw attention away from anti-Semitism, with its
> inconvenient Christian connections, as well as from any other<br> intellectual, political, social, cultural, economic, diplomatic,
> military, or technological components of Nazism or factors in Hitler's<br> success. The result, by scholarly standards, is an overly narrow and
> selective history, which makes only cursory use of the extensive<br> secondary literature on the origins of National Socialism and the
> history of Darwinism.[1]<br>
> In the first part of the book, titled &quot;Laying new foundations for<br> ethics," Weikart anchors the Darwinian end of his chain of ideas. He
> has Darwin and early Darwinians developing evolutionary systems of<br> ethics. These systems varied among themselves or allowed for historical
> change in ethical norms, hence were relativistic in comparison to<br> Christianity, which was absolute. Part two, "Devaluing human life,"
> ascribes to Darwinians the view that individual human lives are not<br> sacred, not equal, and may be sacrificed selectively for the sake of
> evolutionary progress or other perceived good. Here the chain branches<br> and links up with eugenics on the one hand and with scientific theories
> of racial inequality on the other. Part three, &quot;Eliminating the<br> 'inferior ones,'" connects the theories to practical proposals. On the
> eugenics branch: promoting population fitness through marriage reform,<br> birth control, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. On the side of
> scientific racism: promoting international and inter-racial struggle,<br> imperialism, and militarism. Part four, "Impacts," completes the chain
> to Hitler, who, Weikart argues, was influenced by both the practical<br> proposals and the theories of ethics, which he needed for winning
> converts to his cause. Hitler and his followers are depicted not as<br> amoral, but as having embraced the wrong sort of morality, the
> naturalistic sort, instead of the one that was engraved in stone. And<br> that, so to speak, is the moral of Weikart's story: there is no
> workable form of morality that is not God-given and absolute. All else<br> leads to Hitler.
> <br> Methodologically, the book is the kind of history of ideas that
> connects thinkers and texts by means of conceptual or linguistic<br> resemblances. There are indeed some thought-provoking connections to be
> made here, for as is well known, National Socialism incorporated ideas<br> about biology, race, struggle, and survival. Less well known may be the
> particular scientists and social thinkers in Weikart's study, whose<br> writings conveyed Darwinian ideas to the twentieth-century German
> audience. They developed various naturalistic systems of ethics and<br> various proposals for racial advancement, some of which were
> reprehensible by any reasonable standard, and some of which bore<br> resemblances to later Nazi ideas.
> <br> The method becomes problematic, however, when one tries to argue from
> these kinds of resemblances to causal relationships. Is the scientific<br> causing the political? Influencing it? Converging with it? Being
> appropriated and misrepresented by it? Maybe the influences go the<br> other way, and science is responding to political trends and pressures.
> Maybe science and politics are both responding to something else in the<br> historical context. A good historian of science will have an eye out
> for various patterns of give and take among biologists, physicians,<br> social philosophers, politicians, even theologians, interested segments
> of the public, and eventually Hitler. With Weikart, it is a foregone<br> conclusion that the connections are causes and influences, always
> emanating from Darwin.<br>
> Weikart goes so far as to assert that &quot;in philosophical terms,<br> Darwinism was a necessary, but not a sufficient, cause for Nazi
> ideology&quot; (p. 9). As the book portrays it, Darwinism's causal role lay<br> in undermining Christian ethics, which would otherwise have held as the
> last bastion against Nazism, no matter how many other causes were<br> working in Hitler's favor. I suppose this is also the rationalization
> for leaving all those other causes out of the book. There is of course<br> no way to investigate what would have happened without Darwinism, or
> even to imagine the modern world without any challenges to pre-modern<br> Christian doctrines. Perhaps Nazism could have been avoided, as Weikart
> asserts. Perhaps it would only have had to appropriate less biological<br> rhetoric and more of some other sort.
> <br> Weikart tries to argue that no ideology as coherent and destructive as
> Nazism could ever have developed as long as ethics stood on<br> unquestioned Christian foundations, which upheld the sanctity of every
> individual life. He seems at times to picture a halcyon pre-Darwinian<br> past, when the absolute theoretical foundations of ethics made a real
> difference in practice. However, as Weikart does acknowledge, there<br> were many ethical lapses before Darwin, too. One might reasonably doubt
> whether Western civilization was significantly more corrupt after its<br> intellectuals took the naturalistic turn, but Weikart does not. He
> argues--incredibly, for someone who likes his morals absolute--that<br> things like racism and slavery were less bad before Darwin, because
> Europeans still had Christian values and were moved to send<br> missionaries to Africa as well as slave traders (pp. 103, 185).
> <br> It is dismaying to see such opinions being passed off as results of
> scholarly research. The book's few merits only deepen the dismay<br> because they suggest that Weikart knows better. His book is rich in
> primary material, thoroughly documented, and clearly and concisely<br> written. It features an intriguing and diverse cast of characters,
> including biologists like Ernst Haeckel, philosophers like Christian<br> Ehrenfels, the eugenicists Alfred Ploetz and Wilhelm Schallmayer, the
> psychologist August Forel, and the feminist Helene Stoecker.<br> Unfortunately, Weikart only repeats their most outrageous stances on
> ethics and human evolution and omits their criticisms of the<br> still-Christian (despite Darwin) societies in which they lived. In
> short, he does not strive for a contextual understanding of the<br> selected writers any more than for an explanation of Hitler. They are
> only characters in a contrived, cautionary tale against religious<br> apostasy, Darwinism, and free inquiry into the foundations of ethics.
> <br> Note
> <br> [1]. Relevant works on the roles of science, medicine, and eugenics in
> the history of National Socialism include, e.g.: Henry Friedlander, The<br> Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution (Chapel
> Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995); Robert N. Proctor,<br> Racial Hygiene. Medicine under the Nazis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
> University Press, 1988). On important discontinuities between Weimar<br> eugenics and Nazi extermination: Atina Grossmann, Reforming Sex. The
> German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950 (New<br> York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995). For an overview of the
> history of Darwinism, including discussion of religion and morals, see<br> Peter J. Bowler, Evolution: The History of an Idea (Berkeley:
> University of California Press, 2003). For a more detailed historical<br> treatment of Darwinian ethics: Robert J. Richards, Darwin and the
> Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior (Chicago:<br> University of Chicago Press, 1987).
> <br> Citation: Sander Gliboff. "Review of Richard Weikart, From Darwin to
> Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany,&quot;<br> H-German, H-Net Reviews, September, 2004. URL:
> <a href="http:/">
> <br> Copyright © 2004 by H-Net, all rights reserved. H-Net permits the
> redistribution and reprinting of this work for nonprofit, educational<br> purposes, with full and accurate attribution to the author, web
> location, date of publication, originating list, and H-Net: Humanities<br> & Social Sciences Online. For any other proposed use, contact the
> Reviews editorial staff at [email protected].<br>
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