- Info
Jonathan Michael Kaplan, "What Genes Can't Do" (2003)
A Review of: Lenny Moss, What Genes Can't Do (MIT Press 2003); "Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews"; http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=1353
Michael J. Benton, "Patterns and Rates of Species Evolution" (2003)
Michael J. Benton, PATTERNS AND RATES OF SPECIES EVOLUTION, in Biological Systematics, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net] [Retrieved September 16, 2005]; http://palaeo.gly.bris.ac.uk/Benton/reprints/2003eolss.html
Evgeniy S. Balakirev, Francisco J. Ayala, "Pseudogenes: Are They 'Junk' or Functional DNA?" (2003) pdf
Annual Review of Genetics, 2003, vol. 37, p. 123- 151
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