- Info
Chris Mooney, "Survival of the Slickest" (2002)
"The American Prospect" Online, Dec 2, 2002; http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewPrint&articleId=6639
Mano Singham, "Philosophy Is Essential to the Intelligent Design Debate" (+ 7 letters) (2002)
PhysicsToday.org; http://www.aip.org/pt/vol-55/iss-6/p48b.html
Adrian L. Melott, "Intelligent Design Is Creationism in a Cheap Tuxedo" (2002)
Physics Today" June 2002; http://www.aip.org/pt/vol-55/iss-6/p48a.html
"AAAS Board Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory" (2002)
American Association for the Advancement of Science; http://www.aaas.org/news/releases/2002/1106id2.shtml
Mark Hartwig, "Whose Comfortable Myth?" (2002)
"Focus on the Family" 2002; http://www.family.org/fofmag/pp/a0021018.cfm
Dick Staub, "Interview: Phillip Johnson. Asking the right questions is at the heart of the evolution debate" (2002)
"Christianity Today" December 2, 2002; http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2002/147/22.0.html
Todd Hertz , "'A Nuclear Bomb' For Evolution? Critics of Darwinism say skull's discovery isn't all it's cracked up to be" (2002)
Christianity Today" August 12, 2002; http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2002/131/31.0.html
Del Ratzsch, "Design Theory and its Critics. Monologues Passing in the Night. Review article of: Robert T. Pennock (ed.), Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics" (2002)
"Ars Disputandi" 2002, vol. 2; http://www.arsdisputandi.org/
Del Ratzsch, "Design Theory and its Critics. Monologues Passing in the Night. Review article of: Robert T. Pennock (ed.), Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics" (2002) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2002, vol. 2; http://www.arsdisputandi.org/
Richard N. Ostling, "'Intelligent design' gains attention in Ohio debate" (2002)
"News-Star" Shawnee, Oklahoma, http://www.news-star.com/stories/031602/rel_44.shtml
Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, "Chromosome Rearrangements and Transposable Elements" (2002)
Annual Review of Genetics, 2002, vol. 36, s. 389-410; Znaczący artykuł dwóch niemieckich genetyków, zwolenników teorii inteligentnego projektu: Wolfa-Ekkeharda Lönniga i Heinza Saedlera, kierowników grup badawczych w Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research w Kolonii.
"Intelligent Design?" (2002)
Natural History, April 2002; http://www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/nhmag.html
Three proponents of Intelligent Design (ID) present their views of design in the natural world. Each view is immediately followed by a response from a proponent of evolution (EVO). The report, printed in its entirety, opens with an introduction by Natural History magazine and concludes with an overview of the ID movement. The authors who contributed to this Natural History report are:
Richard Milner and Vittorio Maestro, ed. (introduction)
Michael J. Behe, Ph.D. (ID) and Kenneth R. Miller, Ph.D. (EVO)
William A. Dembski, Ph.D. (ID) and Robert T. Pennock, Ph.D. (EVO)
Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. (ID) and Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D. (EVO)
Barbara Forrest, Ph.D. (overview)
Carl Wieland, "AiG View on the Intelligent Design Movement" (2002)
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