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"God's love orders creation, Pope says" (2005)

"Catholic World News"

God's love orders creation, Pope says

Vatican, Nov. 09 ( - Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) talked about the deception of atheism, and the love of God for all his creatures, at his weekly public audience on November 9.

The Pope's catechetical address was a meditation on Psalm 135-- in which, he said, the key word is "mercy." The Almighty is not passive and aloof, he said; "He appears as a person Who loves his creatures, who watches over them, following them on their journey." God's care continues, the Pontiff noted, despite the weakness and unfaithfulness of his favorite creatures.

The evidence of God's love for his creation is evident in the order of the world, the Pope continued. Thus the psalmist discovers "a divine message secretly inscribed in creation." He contrasted that reaction with those who are "tricked by atheism."

Citing the word of St. Basil the Great, Pope Benedict lamented that many people "imagine the universe without guidance or order, as though at the mercy of chaos." The believer, on the other hand, recognizes order in creation and seeks out the Creator.

About 25,000 people attended the Wednesday audience in St. Peter's Square. After his remarks, the Pope followed his usual practice: repeating a summary of his catechesis in several different languages, then taking time to greet different groups in the crowd, and personally welcoming the prelates and handicapped people who were in attendance. The entire audience lasted about 2 hours.

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