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Metanexus Institute, "Dover Judge Rules in Favor of More Metanexus: International Institute Advocates A New Look at Science Education" (2005)

Metanexus Institute


Contact: William J. Grassie

215/789-2200, ext. 121

or Marcia Carle, 215/789-2200, ext. 102


Dover Judge Rules in Favor of More Metanexus:
> International Institute Advocates <br> A New Look at Science Education

Philadelphia , Dec. 21--- Metanexus welcomes the Dover ruling by Judge James E. Jones, III against the teaching of Intelligent Design in the case of the Dover School Board. Unfortunately, Judge Jones' ruling will not end the controversy over evolution. The narrow focus on Intelligent Design obscures many profound issues at the interface of science and religion, according to Philadelphia-based Metanexus Institute, an international organization specializing in matters of science and religion.

“There are some deep-seated problems with the way science is taught in our schools, resulting in a citizenry that has little understanding of—or interest in—important issues of science—issues that are vital to our well-being in the 21 st century,” says William Grassie, Metanexus Institute's executive director. “Beyond not understanding the known natural history of the planet or basic scientific concepts, most also have only a superficial knowledge of philosophical thought and religious traditions—our own and those of others. For instance, many people still confuse the important, meaningful insights of religion with science or in rebellion turn their science into a ‘religion'.”

Should Intelligent Design have a place in the classrooms? “Perhaps,” says Grassie, “as part of a curriculum that creates real philosophical understanding of science, its strengths and its limits.” He added, “Even though the scope of what we don't know is enormous, this does not require that we reject the evidence we have uncovered over the centuries of scientific advancement.”

Grassie proposed, “ Our students, their parents, their teachers, and citizens in general would benefit from studying not only the narrowly construed sciences, but also the broader religious and philosophical issues involved in science. New educational models need to be developed.”

The debate over Intelligent Design , the subject of the Dover trial, has fostered an intense discussion between scientists, philosophers, religious thinkers, and public-at-large. Metanexus Institute takes a stance that encourages constructive dialogue without overturning the sciences or ignoring important religious insights. With governing and advisory boards sporting deep credentials in science and religion, Metanexus Institute proposes to craft pilot projects that will create new models for science education. A conference at Arizona State University in January will advance those plans. Metanexus also plans to hold a “teach-in” on the topic at its annual international congress, June 3 – 7, 2006, to be held at the University of Pennsylvania .

Metanexus welcomes opportunities to engage in the science and religion dialogue, including the current discussions of evolution and intelligent design and has hosted on its website one of the most extensive debates on the issue available online. Included on the website is a recent commentary entitled "Beyond Intelligent Design" in which Grassie argues that:

“ The core of the evolution wars is whether a scientific understanding of biology allows room for religious and philosophical commitments to purpose in human life, purposes that somehow also must connect to the unfolding history of the universe. While scientists often wax poetic about nature, evoking wonder, awe, and indeed reverence, they mostly lack philosophical and theological language to contextualize such feelings and motivations as continuous with perennial spiritual quests. The public voices of ‘science' are more often than not promoting atheism, confusing the boundaries between science and scientism.”


The Metanexus Institute is an international, interdisciplinary, interfaith organization that advances scientific research, education and outreach on the constructive engagement of science and religion. Metanexus is a leader in a growing network of individuals and groups exploring the dynamic interface between cosmos, nature, and culture in communities and on campuses throughout the world. Metanexus sponsors dialogue groups, lectures, workshops, research, courses, grants, and publications. Metanexus leads and facilitates over 300 projects in 37 countries. Projects include the Local Societies Initiative, the Templeton Research Lectures, and topical interdisciplinary research projects such as the Spiritual Transformation Scientific Research Project, Spiritual Capital, Religion and Health, Religion and Human Flourishing, Foundational Questions in Physics and Cosmology, and other endeavors. A membership organization, Metanexus hosts an online journal with over 180,000 monthly page views and 8,000 subscribers in 57 countries. For more information visit Metanexus Institute 3624 Market Street Suite 301, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Ph. (215)789.2200 • Fax: (215)789.2222

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