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Randall Walton, "Headline" (2006)

"The Testimony of Truth" January 2006, No. 506, pp. 2-3;

People of the Living God

Newsletter #111...Dec., 2005

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Randall Walton


"Judge rules ‘intelligent design’ can’t be taught in schools." The Judge said that this idea was creationism in disguise. In our opinion, the Judge was right. The "intelligent design" move was an attempt to maintain the teaching that God, the intelligent designer, was the higher power who was responsible for life on this planet in all its many forms. Of course, the teachers did not refer to God directly, but the idea came across anyhow.

There was a time in this nation when God was held in high esteem by nearly everyone and school days began with prayer and Scripture reading. But those days are past; we now have an anti-Christ organization called the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to contend with which is determined to get God out of every public building and function. Their false premise is that they are merely preserving the separation of church and state clause – which is nowhere to be found in official government papers.

Now, it is impossible to prove absolutely that a higher power (God) brought everything on earth into existence. We believe and teach this as a Bible truth, but believing it is a matter of faith. It takes a degree of faith to believe that God brought order together out of a state of chaos and confusion. We believe it so strongly that we are willing to declare this truth anywhere and at any time.

However, it takes a great deal MORE faith to believe that all life is the result of evolving species with succeeding forms being superior to their alleged forebears. The fact is that evolution is a religious exercise which requires utmost faith and belief in order to accept it, and which has never been proved because it is totally unprovable. It is our contention, therefore, that it should be banned from all public buildings and functions because it is not a science. It is a falsehood, a lie, a preposterous and dangerous dogma promoted with the intention of obliterating the living God from the earth.

With the agglomeration of humanity and religious views in this nation, it makes sense that all forms of religious concepts should be avoided in the public arena. (not Christianity alone,

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however. Included should be: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, all of the Eastern religious systems, and others.) And since evolution is a religious concept, it too should be prohibited in all classrooms in the country. School boards across the nation have the right to demand that teachers from K through college stop teaching that man descended from monkeys, for there is not one iota of fact involved in such teaching.

We further insist that science teachers be taught the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It was scientists/engineers who discovered and wrote this law and attested to its veracity and truth. Evolution is a total contradiction of that law, a fact which either means that those who originally stated the law were wrong, or it means that evolution is a clever ruse, a system of denial of fact and truth.

Stated briefly, the Second Law of Thermodynamics says that no source of energy has the power, or energy, to produce anything greater than its inherent ability to produce. This simply means that it is totally impossible for a monkey, or any of its kind, to produce offspring greater than itself. It has neither the energy nor the latent ability to ever, even in an unlimited period of time, to produce a man, which means that evolution is a contradictory doctrine which is based upon imagination and not plain fact.

It should be prohibited from every school, academy, college, and university. It requires deep faith to believe that man sprang from a lower life form. And it takes even deeper faith to believe that the monkey was smart enough to deny the Second Law of Thermodynamics and produce a product which was different from and better than himself! Duh!

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