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Document Mike Martin, "Prayer and church may slow Alzheimer's disease. Religious practice may slow the insidious progress of Alzheimer's disease" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" June 9, 2005;
Document Julia C. Keller, "Death penalty’s justice might not be so blind . Recent work in artificial intelligence shows that prisoners may be executed for arbitrary reasons" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" May 10, 2005;
Document Jonathan Judaken, "Deadly Ethics?: The Impact of Social Darwinism on Eugenics and Racism in Germany [a review of: Richard Weikart. _From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany]" (2005)
H-NET BOOK REVIEW Published by [email protected] (June 2005);
Document Paul Lawrence Farber, A review of: Richard Weikart, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany (2005)
Journal of the History of Biology 2005, vol. 38, s. 390-391.
Document Arthur L. Caplan, "Misusing the Nazi Analogy" (2005)
"Science" 22 July, 2005, vol. 309, s. 535;
Document David B. Hart, "The Anti-Theology of the Body" (2005)
"The New Atlantis", Number 9, Summer 2005, pp. 65-73; --- John Paul II’s legacy reaches across many domains of human life. He was a religious shepherd for Catholic believers, a moral leader during the Cold War and after, and a truly modern philosopher who did not accept all the assumptions of modernity. His writings are significant not just for Catholics but for everyone, and not just in the theological realm but in the ethical realm. The New Atlantis asked two leading thinkers—Eastern Orthodox theologian David B. Hart and Lutheran theologian Robert W. Jenson—to consider the significance of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body for bioethics and beyond.
Document Robert W. Jenson, "Reading the Body" (2005)
"The New Atlantis", Number 9, Summer 2005, pp. 73-82; --- John Paul II’s legacy reaches across many domains of human life. He was a religious shepherd for Catholic believers, a moral leader during the Cold War and after, and a truly modern philosopher who did not accept all the assumptions of modernity. His writings are significant not just for Catholics but for everyone, and not just in the theological realm but in the ethical realm. The New Atlantis asked two leading thinkers—Eastern Orthodox theologian David B. Hart and Lutheran theologian Robert W. Jenson—to consider the significance of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body for bioethics and beyond.
Document "A Matter of Life and Death. From Darwin to Hitler" (2005)
"Breakpoint with Charles Colson" August 30, 2005.
Document Nicholas Wade, "Brain May Still Be Evolving, Studies Hint" (2005)
"The new York Times" September 9, 2005;
Document Hillary Mayell, "Spear Led to Era of Early-Human Peace, Expert Says" (2005)
"The National Geographic" September 6, 2005;
Document Marek Słomka, "Straszenie Darwinem" (2005)
Tygodnik Powszechny, nr 11, 13 marca 2005
Document Wojciech Mikołuszko, "Czy Darwin miał rację? Katolicy a teoria ewolucji" G.S. Johnstona (2005)
"Gazeta Wyborcza" 22-03-2005;,19970,2615124.html
Document Odpowiedź na recenzję: Wojciech Mikołuszko, "Czy Darwin miał rację? Katolicy a teoria ewolucji" G.S. Johnstona (2005)
"Gazeta Wyborcza" 02-04-2005;,19970,2615124.html
Document "Rośliny robią 'przewrót' w genetyce" (2005),16,1,0,120,686,item.html
Document Mario Seiglie, "What Do DNA Discoveries Mean for Evolution? A Good News Interview with Michael Behe, Ph.D." (2005)
"The Good News" May-June 2005, s. 8-9;
Document Tommy Nguyen, "Smithsonian Distances Itself From Controversial Film" (2005)
"The Washington Post" Thursday, June 2, 2005; C01;
Document William H. Jefferys, "Review of The Privileged Planet" (2005)
National Center for Science Education;
Document Denyse O'Leary, "Darwinism - An Intellectual Scandal in Science?" (2005)
Document Scott Jaschik, "Not So Intelligently Designed Ph.D. Panel" (2005)
"Inside Higher Ed" June 10, 2005;
Document Scott LaFee, "Intelligent discussion: Local scientists, doctors and professors talk about 'intelligent design'" (2005)
"San Diego Union-Tribune" June 8, 2005;

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