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File Werner Gitt, Karl Heinz Vanheiden, Gdyby zwierzęta mogły mówić (1996)
Christilische Literatur-Verbreitung, Postfach 110135, 4800 Bielefeld 11, 2-gie wyd. polskie 1996, stron 129.
File Werner Gitt, ... a inne religie? (2000)
Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung e.V. Postfach 110135 · 33661 Bielefeld, pierwsze wydanie polskie 2000, ss. 159.
File Paul S.L. Johnson, Stworzenie (1938)
Paul S.L. Johnson, Epifaniczne wykłady Pisma Świętego, t. II. Stworzenie, Philadelphia, P.A., USA 1938, stron 225.
File Werner Gitt, In the Beginning was Information (1997/2000)
Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung e.V. Postfach 110135 · 33661 Bielefeld, 1st English Edition 1997, 2nd English Edition 2000, stron 256.
File Evolution. Facts, Fallacies and Implications (2004)
broszura 32 stron. Copyright © 2004 The Restored Church of God.
File "Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?" (2000) pdf
United Church of God, 32-stronicowa broszura.
File Kurt P. Wise and Andrew A. Snelling. "A Note on the Pre-Flood/Flood Boundary in the Grand Canyon" (2005) pdf
"Origins" 2005, no. 58, s. 7-29;
File Marcus Ross, "Who Believes What? Clearing up Confusion over Intelligent Design and Young-Earth Creationism" (2005) pdf
"Journal of Geoscience Education", May 2005, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 319-323.
File David P. Cavanaugh and Todd Charles Wood, "A Baraminological Analysis of the Tribe Heliantheae sensu lato (Asteraceae) Using Analysis of Pattern (ANOPA)" (2002) pdf
"Occasional Papers of the Baraminology Study Group" Number one; --- Abstract --- Morphological characteristics from 97 genera representing the major groups of tribe Heliantheae sensu lato and several outgroups were analyzed using Analysis of Pattern (ANOPA) and baraminic distance correlation. The ANOPA results revealed a complex structure that does not correspond to any previous classification and does not exhibit any obvious discontinuity. The baraminic distance correlation confirmed continuity between all taxa studied. Taken together, results from this study and our previous one (Wood and Cavanaugh 2001) strongly support monobaraminic status for tribes Heliantheae s. l. and Eupatorieae collectively. This monobaramin contains 5730 species, more than 25% of the sunflower family.
File John R. Baumgardner, Andrew A. Snelling, Russell D. Humphreys, Steven A. Austin, "Measurable 14C in Fossilized Organic Materials: Confirming the Young Earth Creation-Flood Model" (2003) pdf
w: Robert L. Ivey, Jr. (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Creationism, held August 4-9, 2003, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA, Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 2003, s. 127-142.
File Michael J. Behe, "Evidence for Design at the Foundation of Life" (2000) pdf
Michael J. BEHE, "Evidence for Design at the Foundation of Life", w: Michael J. BEHE, William A. DEMBSKI and Stephen C. MEYER (eds.), Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 2000, s. 113-129;
File Jerry Coyne, "Creationism by Stealth (a review of Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong by Jonathan Wells)" (2001) pdf
"Nature" 12 April, 2001, vol. 410, s. 745-746.
File Del Ratzsch, "Design Theory and its Critics. Monologues Passing in the Night. Review article of: Robert T. Pennock (ed.), Intelligent Design Creationism and its Critics" (2002) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2002, vol. 2;
File Richard E. Lenski, Charles Ofria, Robert T. Pennock, Christoph Adami, "The evolutionary origin of complex features" (2003)
"Nature" 8 May 2003, vol. 423, s. 139-144; --- Patrz też Lenski et al., "The evolutionary origin of complex features. Supplementary information".
File William S. Harris and John H. Calvert, "Intelligent Design: The Scientific Alternative to Evolution" (2003) pdf
"The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly" Autumn 2003, s. 531-561;
File Marshall Berman, "Intelligent Design Creationism: A Threat to Society - Not Just a Biology" (2003) pdf
"The American Biology Teacher" November/December 2003, vol. 65, no. 9, s. 646-648.
File Eric Anderson, "Irreducible Complexity Reduced: An Integrated Approach to the Complexity Space" (2004)
ABSTRACT William Dembski’s and Michael Behe’s recent article, Irreducible Complexity Revisited, provides an important update on the irreducible complexity argument since the publication some 8 years ago of Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box. Their article, however, exhibits some confusion, or at least a lack of explicit clarification, regarding the interplay among specified complexity, cumulative complexity and irreducible complexity. In the present article, I analyze the relationship of these concepts and show that the argument from irreducible complexity cannot be divorced from the broader argument of specified complexity. While this has been previously acknowledged in a broad sense, I make explicit irreducible complexity’s dependence on specified complexity, including specified complexity as applied to cumulative complexity, and further demonstrate why this dependence causes the irreducible complexity argument to break down in the evolutionist’s mind. Indeed, this dependence is directly responsible for evolutionists’ ability to acknowledge the existence of irreducibly complex biological features while still rejecting the irreducible complexity argument. Finally, the present article demonstrates how the arguments from complexity can be better understood within the context of an integrated approach to the complexity space. With a better understanding of the complexity space, the concepts of irreducible complexity and specified complexity can be fortified and focused in order to bring the full weight of these arguments to bear on evolutionary claims.
File Stelling J., Sauer U., Szallasi Z., Doyle F.J. 3rd, Doyle J., "Robustness of cellular functions" (2004)
"Cell" 2004, Sep 17, vol. 118, no. 6, pp. 675-685. ----- Abstract ----- Robustness, the ability to maintain performance in the face of perturbations and uncertainty, is a long-recognized key property of living systems. Owing to intimate links to cellular complexity, however, its molecular and cellular basis has only recently begun to be understood. Theoretical approaches to complex engineered systems can provide guidelines for investigating cellular robustness because biology and engineering employ a common set of basic mechanisms in different combinations. Robustness may be a key to understanding cellular complexity, elucidating design principles, and fostering closer interactions between experimentation and theory.
File Roland Hirsch, "Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and the Life Sciences in the 21st Century" (2004) pdf
Roland Hirsch, "Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and the Life Sciences in the 21st Century", w: William A. Dembski (ed.), Uncommong Dissent. Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing, ISI Books, Wilmington, Delaware 2004, s. 215-231;
File William A. Dembski, "Searching Large Spaces: Displacement and the No Free Lunch Regress" (2005)
Abstract --- Searching for small targets in large spaces is a common problem in the sciences. Because blind search is inadequate for such searches, it needs to be supplemented with additional information, thereby transforming a blind search into an assisted search. This additional information can be quantified and indicates that assisted searches themselves result from searching higher-level search spaces–by conducting, as it were, a search for a search. Thus, the original search gets displaced to a higher-level search. The key result in this paper is a displacement theorem, which shows that successfully resolving such a higher-level search is exponentially more difficult than successfully resolving the original search. Leading up to this result, a measure-theoretic version of the No Free Lunch theorems is formulated and proven. The paper shows that stochastic mechanisms, though able to explain the success of assisted searches in locating targets, cannot, in turn, explain the source of assisted searches. ---

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