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Document Tom Baldwin, "Religious Right evolves tactics to fight Darwin" (2005)
"The Times" August 30, 2005;,,11069-1755813,00.html
Document Kate Strickler, "Intelligent Design debate lingers" (2005)
"Iowa State Daily" September 01, 2005;
Document John Hurdle, "Lawyers debate God vs. science in court drama Staff and agencies" (2005)
"New Brisbane's News 1" 26 September 2005;
Document "From Scopes to Dover: Should the Courts Permit Public Schools to Teach Intelligent Design?" (transcript) (2005)
The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, September 22, 2005;
Document Timothy P. White, "Letter to the University of Idaho Faculty, Staff and Students" (2005)
University of Idaho, Office of the President;
Document "If You're Fed Up with the Religious Right, You're Not Alone" (2005)
DefCon. Campaign to Defend the Constitution. Because the Religious Right Is Wrong;
Document Anna Seward, "Q&A: Intelligent Design" (2005)
"The Guardian" Friday, September 30, 2005;,5500,1582042,00.html
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Folder Personal Items for abednarski
contains personal workarea items for abednarski
Folder Personal Items for ajanczewski
contains personal workarea items for ajanczewski
Folder Personal Items for dciotucha
contains personal workarea items for dciotucha
Folder Personal Items for emoczydlowski
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