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Witamy w serwisie internetowym Polskiego Towarzystwa Kreacjonistycznego

Document Jonathan Judaken, "Deadly Ethics?: The Impact of Social Darwinism on Eugenics and Racism in Germany [a review of: Richard Weikart. _From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany]" (2005)
H-NET BOOK REVIEW Published by [email protected] (June 2005);
Document Aleksandra Kowalczyk, "Obudź w sobie zwierzę" (2005)
"Ozon" nr 11, 30.06.2005,
Document "Mass extinction theory on the rocks" (2005)
"New Scientist" 23 July 2005, issue 2509, page 17;
Document "Prayer fails to help heart surgery patients" (2005)
"New Scientist" 23 July 2005, issue 2509, page 16;
Document "New pope questioned over evolution" (2005)
"New Scientist" 23 July 2005, issue 2509, page 5;
Document Ronald Bailey, "Unintelligent Design. Science is on the side of evolution" (2005)
"Reason" Online May 25, 2005;
Document Ronald Bailey, "The Myth of Millions of Years. Creationist cosmology is full of wormholes" (2005)
"Reason" Online July 20, 2005;
Document Ronald Bailey, "Creation Summer Camp. Live from the 2005 Creation Mega-Conference" (2005)
"Reason" Online July 19,2005;
Document Dennis Overbye, "Hunting for Life in Specks of Cosmic Dust" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 19, 2005;
Document "Scientific data supports design in evolution, says cardinal" (2005)
"Tidings" July 15, 2005;
Document Marek Zając, "Witraż z Darwinem. Nowy spór o teorię ewolucji" (2005)
"Tygodnik Powszechny" 18.07.2007;,242,kioskart.html
News Item Witraż z Darwinem - nowy spór o teorię ewolucji
Document Nicholas Wade, "A Gene for Romance? So It Seems (Ask the Vole)" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 19, 2005;
Document Richard P. Aulie, "The Doctrine of Special Creation Part I. The Design Argument" (1975)
JASA (Journal of American Scientific Affiliation) March 1975, s. 8-11; ----- This study examines the anti-evolutionary views that are promulgated in the high school biology text recently published by the Creation Research Society. Three main features of the doctrine of special creation-the design argument, catastrophism, and the ideal type-are examined in a historical context. It is argued that this creationist model, here distinguished from the Judaeo-Christian doctrine of creation, is essentially non-Biblical in character. The creationist model in the textbook is very similar to the interpretation of similarity and variability that prevailed in the late 18th and 19th centuries, Moreover, with its emphasis on fixitij, creationism represents in large measure an extension of Greek philosophy. It was part of the biology that, until the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, was strongly influenced by the thought of Plato and Aristotle. By contrast, the them,, of evolution could only arise where, in the West, the antecedent ideas of progress, origin, linear time, and future fulfillment were part of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. The Judeo-Christian doctrine of creation and the theory of evolution may be complementary, but they can never he alternative views of organic nature.
Document "Elephants losing tusks in unnatural selection" (2005)
"The Australian" 19 July, 2005;,5744,15975873%255E601,00.html
Document Tony Watkins, "What you need to know about the evolution debate" (2005)
"Christianity" August 2005; --- Can Genesis and Darwin both be true? Many Christians are adamant that their view of Genesis 1 and 2 has God's seal of approval. In the first of a two-part feature Tony Watkins calls for humility and mutual respect for various viewpoints as he outlines six things you need to know about this controversial subject.
Document Kenneth R. Miller, "Darwin, Design, and the Catholic Faith" (2005)
Document "Niedźwiedzia przysługa fundamentalistów" (2005) [rozmowa z abpem Józefem Życińskim]
"Gazeta Wyborcza" sobota-niedziela 16-17 lipca 2007, s. 26;,42786,2823374.html
Document Jeffrey Shallit, "Response to Dembski's Accusations" (2005)
"Talk Reason";
Document Cornelia Dean, "Questions for Pope on Evolution Stance" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 13, 2005;
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