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Witamy w serwisie internetowym Polskiego Towarzystwa Kreacjonistycznego

Document Mieczysław Pajewski, "Starożytne i religijne pochodzenie ewolucjonizmu i kreacjonizmu" (Kreacjonizm 2) (2004)
"Duch Czasów" 2004, nr 3, s. 15-16.
Document Mieczysław Pajewski, "Starożytne i religijne pochodzenie ewolucjonizmu i kreacjonizmu" (Kreacjonizm 2) (2004)
"Duch Czasów" 2004, nr 3, s. 15-16.
Document Mieczysław Pajewski, "Dwa podstawowe modele" (Kreacjonizm 1) (2004)
Document Bo Emerson, "Intelligent design suit inspired by local man's ideas" (2005)
"Atlanta Journal-Constitution" 09/27/05;
Document Matt Donnelly, "The father of intelligent design" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" September 29, 2005;
Document "Designed and Confused" (2005)
"Los Angeles Times" October 4, 2005;,0,2311388.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials
Document Marc Siegel, "Darwin and God" (2005)
"The Nation" October 17, 2005;
Document Matt Donnelly, "A cardinal’s climb-down" (2005)
"Science & Theology News"
Document Thomas Jay Oord, "Egocentric altruism may not be a contradiction" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" May 30, 2005;
Document Stephen G. Post, "An attitude of gratitude for the deeply forgetful" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" October 5, 2005;
Document Christen Brownlee, "Killer Findings: Scientists piece together 1918-flu virus" (2005)
"Science News" Week of Oct. 8, 2005; Vol. 168, No. 15, p. 227;
Document Sallie Baliunas, "Descent of Man in Dover" (2005)
TCS Tech Central Station 10/07/2005;
Document Douglas Kern, "Why Intelligent Design Is Going to Win" (2005)
TCS Tech Central Station 10/07/2005;
Document Paul Davies, "A quantum recipe for life" (2005)
"Nature" 6 October 2005, vol. 437, no. 7060, s. 819. --- Abstract: Sixty years on, Erwin Schrödinger's prediction that quantum mechanics would solve the riddle of how life started has not been fulfilled. But the appeal of using quantum theory to solve the mystery persists.
Document Anna Seward, "Q&A: Intelligent Design" (2005)
"The Guardian" Friday, September 30, 2005;,5500,1582042,00.html
Document Ruth Gledhill, "Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible" (2005)
"The Times" October 5, 2005;,,13509-1811332,00.html
Document Gina Kolata, "Experts Unlock Clues to Spread of 1918 Flu Virus" (2005)
"The New York Times" 6 October, 2005;
Document Jodi Wilgoren, "Seeing Creation and Evolution in Grand Canyon" (2005)
"The New York Times" Thursday, October 6, 2005;
Document John Hedley Brooke, "Secular religion" (review: Michael Ruse, Evolution-Creation Struggle) (2005)
"Nature" 6 October 2005, vol. 437, no. 7060, s. 815.
File David P. Cavanaugh and Todd Charles Wood, "A Baraminological Analysis of the Tribe Heliantheae sensu lato (Asteraceae) Using Analysis of Pattern (ANOPA)" (2002) pdf
"Occasional Papers of the Baraminology Study Group" Number one; --- Abstract --- Morphological characteristics from 97 genera representing the major groups of tribe Heliantheae sensu lato and several outgroups were analyzed using Analysis of Pattern (ANOPA) and baraminic distance correlation. The ANOPA results revealed a complex structure that does not correspond to any previous classification and does not exhibit any obvious discontinuity. The baraminic distance correlation confirmed continuity between all taxa studied. Taken together, results from this study and our previous one (Wood and Cavanaugh 2001) strongly support monobaraminic status for tribes Heliantheae s. l. and Eupatorieae collectively. This monobaramin contains 5730 species, more than 25% of the sunflower family.
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