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Document Nigel M. de S. Cameron, "Life Matters. Leon Kass, a Bioethics Legend, Steps Down. The man who led the President's Council on Bioethics brought protests from the industry and directed groundbreaking studies" (2005)
"Christianity Today" September 19, 2005;
Document John Hurdle, "Lawyers debate God vs. science in court drama Staff and agencies" (2005)
"New Brisbane's News 1" 26 September 2005;
Document Joe Manzari, "Scopes Turns 80" (2005)
"The American Enterprise" September 2005;
Document Alan Boyle, "Einstein and Darwin: A Tale of Two Theories" (2005) May 2, 2005;
File Guillermo Gonzalez, "Habitable Zones in the Universe" (2005) pdf
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres --- Abstract --- Habitability varies dramatically with location and time in the universe. This was recognized centuries ago, but it was only in the last few decades that astronomers began to systematize the study of habitability. The introduction of the concept of the habitable zone was key to progress in this area. The habitable zone concept was first applied to the space around a star, now called the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Recently, other, vastly broader, habitable zones have been proposed. We review the historical development of the concept of habitable zones and the present state of the research. We also suggest ways to make progress on each of the habitable zones and to unify them into a single concept encompassing the entire universe.
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: 'The Death of Science'" (2005)
Live Science 23 September 2005;
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: An Ambiguous Assault on Evolution" (2005)
Live Science 22 September 2005;
Document Ker Than, "Why scientists dismiss 'intelligent design'. It would ‘become the death of science’" (2005) September 23, 2005;
Document Alex Johnson, "‘Intelligent design’ faces first big court test. Parents sue after alternate to evolution added to science curriculum" September 23, 2005;
Document John Darnton, "Darwin paid for the fury he unleashed. How a believer became an iconoclast" (2005)
"San Francisco Chronicle" September 25, 2005;
Document Paul Nelson, "The Whole Question of Metaphysics" (1993)
"Origins Research" 1993, vol. 15, number 1;
Document Michael Ruse, "Speech at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the symposium The New Antievolutionism" (1993)
File H. Wayne House, "Darwinism and the Law: Can Non-Naturalistic Scientific Theories Survive Constitutional Challenge?" (2001) pdf
"Regent University Law Review" 2001, Vol. 13, s. 355-455.
Document Kate Strickler, "Intelligent Design debate lingers" (2005)
"Iowa State Daily" September 01, 2005;
File Roland Hirsch, "Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and the Life Sciences in the 21st Century" (2004) pdf
Roland Hirsch, "Darwinian Evolutionary Theory and the Life Sciences in the 21st Century", w: William A. Dembski (ed.), Uncommong Dissent. Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing, ISI Books, Wilmington, Delaware 2004, s. 215-231;
Document Lynn Margulis, "Ernst Mayr, Biologist Extraordinaire. An appreciation of Harvard's visionary of modern evolutionary synthesis" (2005)
"American Scientist" May-June 2005, Volume: 93 Number: 3 Page: 200;;jsessionid=aaa4KxL1uKYE6
Document "Co się dzieje z Ameryką?" (2005)
"Przekrój" 28 sierpnia 2005;,9811,wid,7804666,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=138e#
Document Gregory H. Moore, "The Incomplete Gödel" (2005)
Review of: Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel. Rebecca Goldstein. 296 pp. W. W. Norton, 2005. $22.95 and A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy of Gödel and Einstein. Palle Yourgrau. x + 210 pp. Basic Books, 2005. $24; "American Scientist" September-October 2005;
File Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998, 2002) pdf
Department of Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, CA 90840, (562) 985-8183; książka o objętości 541 stron.
File The Culture of Critique
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