- Info
H. Allen Orr, "The Genetic Theory of Adaptation: A Brief History" (2005)
"Nature Reviews/Genetics" February 2005, vol. 6, s. 119-127.
Scott J. Steppan, "Seeing the Forest for the Trees" (2005)
A review: Joel Cracraft and Michael J. Donoghue (Eds.), Assembling the Tree of Life, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004, "Science" February 4, 2005.
Roxanne Khamsi, "Ear-splitting discovery rocks mammal identity" (2005)
Published online: 10 February 2005; | doi:10.1038/news050207-16
Carol Kaesuk Yoon, "Ernst Mayr, Pioneer in Tracing Geography's Role in the Origin of Species, Dies at 100"
"The New York Times" February 5, 2005
Michael Hopkin, "Ernst Mayr dies, aged 100" (2005)
Julia C. Keller, "Ernst Mayr, a leading evolutionary biologist, dies at 100 " (2005)
"Science & Theology News" March 2005; http://www.stnews.org/news_ernst_0305.html
Frank J. Sulloway, "Ernst Mayr, 1904-2005" (2005)
E-Skeptic #55 for February 11, 2005.
"Ernst Mayr" (2005)
"The Daily Telegraph" 08 Feb 2005
Lynn Margulis, "Ernst Mayr, Biologist Extraordinaire. An appreciation of Harvard's visionary of modern evolutionary synthesis" (2005)
"American Scientist" May-June 2005, Volume: 93 Number: 3 Page: 200; http://www.americanscientist.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/42365;jsessionid=aaa4KxL1uKYE6
"Silencing paradox resolved" (2005)
http://www.biomedcentral.com/news/20050207/01, February 7, 2005.
John Bohannon, "Are Humans Still Evolving?" (2005)
ScienceNOW 18 January 2005, vol. 118, No. 2; http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org.content.lib.utexas.edu:2048/cgi/content/full/2005/118/2
"Controlling Protein Diversity" (2005)
From http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/02/050204213546.htm
Source: Baylor College Of Medicine
Date: 2005-02-07
"What The Eye Doesn't See: Birds Can Be Deceived By Camouflage In The Same Way That Humans Are" (2005)
"ScienceDaily" Source: University Of Bristol Date: 2005-03-18 URL: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/03/050309115827.htm
Deirdre Lockwood, "Flexible fossil shows tyrannosaur's softer side" (2005)
[email protected]; http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050321/full/050321-13.html
Andrew P. Hendry, "Evolutionary biology: The power of natural selection" (2005)
"Nature" Wednesday, 16 February 2005, Vol 433, No 7027, p. 694.
"T. rex fossil has 'soft tissues' " (2005)
"BBC News" UK edition, Thursday, 24 March, 2005; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4379577.stm
Howard C. Berg, "Motile Behavior of Bacteria" (2005)
"Physcs Today on the Web"; http://www.aip.org/pt/jan00/berg.htm
Freeman Dyson , "The Darwinian Interlude" (2005)
TechnologyReview.com; http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/03/issue/magaphone.asp?trk=nl
Christian de Duve, "The onset of selection" (2005)
"Nature" 10 February 2005, vol. 433, pp. 581-582.
Axel Meyer, "On the Importance of Being Ernst Mayr" pdf (2005)
"PLoS Biology" May 2005, vol. 3, issue 5, e152, pp. 0100-0102; http://biology.plosjournals.org/archive/1545-7885/3/5/pdf/10.1371_journal.pbio.0030152-p-S.pdf
Jeff Hecht, "Blood vessels recovered from T. rex bone" (2005)
Justin Reedy, "Retrovirus struck ancestors of chimpanzees and gorillas millions of years ago, but did not affect ancestral humans" (2005)
News and Information from the University of Washington; http://www.uwnews.org/article.asp?articleID=8611
Guillermo Gonzalez, "Habitable Zones in the Universe" (2005)
Comments: 71 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; to be published in "Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres" ---
Abstract: ---
Habitability varies dramatically with location and time in the universe. This was recognized centuries ago, but it was only in the last few decades that astronomers began to systematize the study of habitability. The introduction of the concept of the habitable zone was key to progress in this area. The habitable zone concept was first applied to the space around a star, now called the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Recently, other, vastly broader, habitable zones have been proposed. We review the historical development of the concept of habitable zones and the present state of the research. We also suggest ways to make progress on each of the habitable zones and to unify them into a single concept encompassing the entire universe.
Oliver Sacks, "Remembering Francis Crick" (2005)
"The New York Review of Books" Volume 52, Number 5 · March 24, 2005; http://www.nybooks.com/articles/17861
Jim Holt, "Measure for Measure. The strange science of Francis Galton" (2005)
"The New Yorker", The Critics, Books; http://www.newyorker.com/critics/books/?050124crbo_books
Bruce J. McFadden, "Fossil Horses - Evidence for Evolution" (2005)
"Science" 18 March 2005, vol. 307, s. 1728-1730. --- Abstract --- The modern day horse Equus is a beloved icon but also, thanks to its many fossil relatives, has proved valuable for understanding macroevolution (that is, the long-term evolution of species). In his Perspective, MacFadden discusses fossil evidence supporting a branching family tree for the Family Equidae and points out why horse fossils have been beneficial for understanding evolution.
Tanita Casci , "It's not all in the DNA" (2005)
"Nature Reviews Genetics" 2005, vol. 6, s. 165; http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nrg/journal/v6/n3/full/nrg1572_fs.html; http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nrg/journal/v6/n3/full/nrg1572_fs.html&filetype=pdf
Richard K. Stucky, "Paleontology: The Window to Science Education"
"Pygmy found near home of hobbits" (2005)
"Herald Sun" 30 Apr 2005; http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,15129125%255E663,00.html
"What's Evolution, Anyway?"
Fyodor A. Kondrashov, "In search of the limits of evolution" pdf (2005)
Nature Genetics January 2005, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 9-10; http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v37/n1/pdf/ng0105-9.pdf
Susan Lumpkin, Review: The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins (2005)
"Zoogoer" March April 2005; http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/2005/2/books34_2.cfm
Nick Atkinson, "Speciation's Defining Moment" (2005)
"The Scientist" April 11, 2005; http://www.the-scientist.com/2005/4/11/30/1
Thomas Hayden, "Dances with fruit flies" (2005)
"U.S. News & World Report" 28 March 2005; http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/050328/28evo.htm
W. Martin, "Molecular evolution: Lateral gene transfer and other possibilities" (2005)
"Heredity" June 2005, Volume 94, Number 6, Pages 565-566; http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/hdy/journal/v94/n6/full/6800659a.html
S. Goodacre, A. Helgason, J. Nicholson, L. Southam, L. Ferguson, E. Hickey, E. Vega, K. Stefánsson, R. Ward, and B. Sykes, "Genetic evidence for a family-based Scandinavian settlement of Shetland and Orkney during the Viking periods" (2005) pdf
"Heredity" 2005, s. 1-7; http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/hdy/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/6800661a.html&filetype=pdf --- Abstract --- The Viking age witnessed the expansion of Scandinavian invaders across much of northwestern Europe. While Scandinavian settlements had an enduring cultural impact on North Atlantic populations, the nature and extent of their genetic legacy in places such as Shetland and Orkney is not clear. In order to explore this question further, we have made an extensive survey of both Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in the North Atlantic region. Our findings indicate an overall Scandinavian ancestry of »44% for Shetland and »30% for Orkney, with approximately equal contributions from Scandinavian male and female subjects in both cases. This contrasts with the situation for the Western Isles, where the overall Scandinavian ancestry is less (»15%) and where there is a disproportionately high contribution from Scandinavian males. In line with previous studies, we find that Iceland exhibits both the greatest overall amount of Scandinavian ancestry (55%) and the greatest discrepancy between Scandinavian male and female components. Our results suggest that while areas close to Scandinavia, such as Orkney and Shetland, may have been settled primarily by Scandinavian family groups, lone Scandinavian males, who later established families with female subjects from the British Isles, may have been prominent in areas more distant from their homeland.
"The Boldest Hoax [Piltdown forgery]" (2005)
Ernst Mayr, Excerpts from "What Evolution Is"
Basic Books 2001.
William Mullen, "Break a fossil, look what you learn. A maverick scientist finds possible blood vessels in a T. rex bone, a discovery that could unlock many mysteries of dinosaurs" (2005)
"Chigago Tribune" March 25, 2005; http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0503250246mar25,1,4542402.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true
Fyodor A. Kondrashov, "In search of the limits of evolution" html (2005)
Nature Genetics January 2005, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 9-10; http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v37/n1/full/ng0105-9.html
"Odd fly uncovers evolution secret" (2005)
Biodiversity will create more biodiversity --- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4461827.stm
Colin Woodard, "Clever Canines. Did domestication make dogs smarter?" (2005)
"The Chronicle of Higher Education" April 15, 2005, vol. 51, Issue 32, Page A12; http://chronicle.com/free/v51/i32/32a01201.htm --- psy uczą się od ludzi lepiej niż szympansy.
"'Jumping Gene' Helps Explain Immune System's Abilities" (2005)
"Science Daily" 2005-01-07 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/01/050106114650.htm
"Without mutations, we would still be in the primaeval slime... along with the chemists, says Professor Steve Jones" (2005)
connected.telegraph; http://connected.telegraph.co.uk/connected/main.jhtml?xml=/connected/2005/05/04/ecrview04.xml
"The Evolution Of Phenotypic Polymorphism" (2005)
"Science Daily" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/04/050416183740.htm
Deborah Smith, "Hobbit' just a little man with small brain" (2005)
"The Sydney Morning Herald" February 19, 2005; http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2005/02/18/1108709439138.html?oneclick=true
Dinitia Smith, "A Critic Takes On the Logic of Female Orgasm" (2005) + some letters to NYT
"The New York Times" May 17, 2005; http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/17/science/17orga.html
Richard A. Kerr, "A Better Atmosphere for Life" (2005)
"Science" June 17, 2005, vol. 308, no. 5729, s. 1732.
S. Goodacre, A. Helgason, J. Nicholson, L. Southam, L. Ferguson, E. Hickey, E. Vega, K. Stefánsson, R. Ward, and B. Sykes, "Genetic evidence for a family-based Scandinavian settlement of Shetland and Orkney during the Viking periods" (2005) html
"Heredity" 2005, s. 1-7; http://www.nature.com/hdy/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/6800661a.html
Richard A. Kerr, "The Story of O2" (2005)
"Science" June 17, 2005, vol. 308, no. 5729, s. 1730-1732.
Robert Lee Hotz, "Pioneering scientist J. Craig Venter plans to map the genome of millions of microbes he is collecting from Midtown air samples" (2005)
"The Los Angeles Times" April 17, 2005; http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-venter17apr17,1,7082923,print.story?ctrack=2&cset=true
W. Martin, "Molecular evolution: Lateral gene transfer and other possibilities" (2005) pdf
"Heredity" June 2005, Volume 94, Number 6, Pages 565-566.
"Fossils could fill gaps in human evolution. Remains from Ethiopia date back 4.5 million years" (2005)
Reuters Jan 19, 2005; http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6843721/
M.G. Ritchie and C. Macias Garcia, "Evolution of Species: Explosive speciation in a cricket" (2005)
"Heredity" 2005, vol. 95, nos. 5-6; http://www.nature.com/hdy/journal/v95/n1/full/6800690a.html
Alain E. Bussard, "A scientific revolution?: The prion anomaly may challenge the central dogma of molecular biology" (2005)
"EMBO Reports" 2005, vol.6, s. 691-694; http://emboreports.npgjournals.com/cgi/content/full/6/8/691
"Extinction: 'Superpredator' Attack! (In 10 Million Years.)" (2005)
Newsweek June 20, 2005; http://msnbc.msn.com/id/8184938/
"Elephants losing tusks in unnatural selection" (2005)
"The Australian" 19 July, 2005; http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,15975873%255E601,00.html
Christen Brownlee, "Killer Findings: Scientists piece together 1918-flu virus" (2005)
"Science News" Week of Oct. 8, 2005; Vol. 168, No. 15, p. 227;
J.F. Storz, "Population genetics: Nonrandom dispersal and local adaptation" (2005)
"Heredity" 2005, vol. 95, nos. 3-4; http://www.nature.com/hdy/journal/v95/n1/full/6800683a.html
Gina Kolata, "Experts Unlock Clues to Spread of 1918 Flu Virus" (2005)
"The New York Times" 6 October, 2005; http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/06/health/06flu.html?th&emc=th
Amy Harmon, "Blacks Pin Hope on DNA to Fill Slavery's Gaps in Family Trees" (2005)
"The New York Times" http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/25/science/25genes.html?th&emc=th --- DNA tests are fueling the biggest surge in African-American genealogy since Alex Haley's 1976 novel, "Roots."
Douglas Erwin, "Evolution's Many Branches" (review: Joel Cracraft and Michael J. Donoghue, Assembling the Tree of Life)" (2005)
"American Scientist" July-August 2005, vol. 93, no. 4; http://www.americanscientist.org/template/BookReviewTypeDetail/assetid/44476#44627
D.T. Max, "The Literary Darwinists" (2005)
"The New York Times" November 6, 2005; http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/06/magazine/06darwin.html?th&emc=th
Olivia Judson, "Evolution Is in the Air" (2005)
"The New York Times" November 6, 2005; http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/06/opinion/06judson.html?th&emc=th
"Similar stem cells in insect and human gut" (2005)
"Study compares human and chimpanzee DNA" (2005)
"ScienceDaily" http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.php?feed=Science&article=UPI-1-20050831-17573200-bc-us-chimpgenome.xml
"Junk DNA is critically important" (2005)
"ScienceDaily" http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.php?feed=Science&article=UPI-1-20051019-14451400-bc-us-junkdna.xml
Sudhir Kumar, Alan Filipski, Vinod Swarna, Alan Walker, and S. Blair Hedges, "Placing confidence limits on the molecular age of the human–chimpanzee divergence" (2005)
PNAS December 27, 2005, vol. 102, no. 52, s. 18842–18847, http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/0509585102v1
"Direct Evolution of a Full Professor" :-) (2005)
Success in academia is hypothesized to require specific phenotypes. In order to understand how such unusual traits arise, we used human clones to identify the molecular events that occur during the transition from a graduate student to professor.
Carl T. Hall, "Man's best friend shares most genes with humans. Full genome sequence to be published today" (2005)
"San Francisco Chronicle" Thursday, December 8, 2005; http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/12/08/MNG75G4GLM1.DTL
Elizabeth Culotta and Elizabeth Pennisi, "Evolution in Action" (2005)
"Science" 23 December 2005, vol. 310, no. 5756, s. 1878-1879; http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/310/5756/1878
Helen Briggs, "Reading the chimp book of life" (2005)
BBC News Thursday, 1 September 2005, 17:07 GMT 18:07 UK; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4204042.stm
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