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Document Lamya Hamad, Book Review: By Design or by Chance? (2005)
Lamya Hamad, Book Review: By Design or by Chance?,
Document Gerald L. Zelizer, "Where did we come from? (And what can we teach our kids?)" (2005)
"USA Today" Posted 2/6/2005 7:39 PM
Document Richard A. Wiedenheft, "Evolution vs. Intelligent Design" (2005)
"Bible Advocate" March 2005, vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 4-7;
Document Mark Perakh, "Beyond suboptimality. Why irreducible complexity does not imply intelligent design" (2005)
Talk Reason; ----------------- Michael Behe's concept of the irreducible complexity (IC) of molecular assemblies in biological cells has been touted by intelligent design (ID) advocates as allegedly strong evidence for ID. In fact, a concept identical in all but name with Behe's IC has been around for a long time before Behe. Professional biologists have overwhelmingly rejected Behe's notion as contrary to the evidence, showing that irreducibly complex molecular systems could have evolved via "Darwinian" evolutionary path with a high likelihood. In this essay Mark Perakh approaches the problem from an angle different from that utilized by biologists. He argues that the notion according to which IC implies ID is contrary to logic. IC systems, by definition, are unreliable, so if they are designed, this points to an inept designer. Perakh further argues that in this case we deal not just with the problem of suboptimal design but with a case where the putative designer delberately designed systems in a way making them easily vulnerable to accidental damage. Perakh concludes that if biological systems are indeed IC this more reasonably can be construed as an argument against inteligent design.
Document Jerry Adler, "Doubting Darwin" (2005)
"Newsweek" Feb. 7, 2005.
Document Michael J. Behe, "Design for Living" (+ letters to NYT) (2005)
"The New York Times" February 7, 2005
Document Casey Luskin, "ACLU Intelligent Design FAQ: An Analysis and Response" (2005) - Jest to odpowiedź na dostępny na naszej stronie tekst "Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School Board FAQ – Intelligent Design and Evolution" (2004)
Document Scott Uminsky, "A Review and Evaluation of Mark Perakh's 'Unintelligent Design'" (2005)
Document Casey Luskin, "Is intelligent design a credible scientific theory?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 4;
Document Casey Luskin, "How is intelligent design like and unlike traditional creationism?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 2;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution 'just' a theory?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 6;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution anti-religious?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 5;
Document Casey Luskin, "Is evolution education important?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 7;
Document Casey Luskin, ""What is the concept of 'intelligent design'?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 1
Document Charles Colson, "Teach the Controversy: The Intelligent Design in Schools" (2005)
BreakPoint with Charles Colson. Commentary #050303 - 03/03/2005
Document William Dembski, "Is Intelligent Causation Perfectly Natural?" (2005)
Document Deidre Pike, "Evolution Revolution" (2005)
Tuckson Weekly February 17, 2005;
Document Casey Luskin, "Where did intelligent design come from?" (2005)
Response to ACLU ID FAQ: Part 3;
Document Mark Hartwig, "The Science of Design" (2005);; repr.
Document Ron Strom, "PBS station cancels intelligent-design film" (2005)
Document Dan Peterson, "The Little Engine That Could... Undo Darwinism" (2005)
"The American Spectator", June 2005
Document Chris Mooney, "Intelligent Denials " (2005)
"The American Prospect" Online, Feb 22, 2005;
Document Richard Gallagher, "Intelligent Design and Informed Debate" (2005)
"The Scientist" Feb. 28, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4;
File William A. Dembski, "Searching Large Spaces: Displacement and the No Free Lunch Regress" (2005)
Abstract --- Searching for small targets in large spaces is a common problem in the sciences. Because blind search is inadequate for such searches, it needs to be supplemented with additional information, thereby transforming a blind search into an assisted search. This additional information can be quantified and indicates that assisted searches themselves result from searching higher-level search spaces–by conducting, as it were, a search for a search. Thus, the original search gets displaced to a higher-level search. The key result in this paper is a displacement theorem, which shows that successfully resolving such a higher-level search is exponentially more difficult than successfully resolving the original search. Leading up to this result, a measure-theoretic version of the No Free Lunch theorems is formulated and proven. The paper shows that stochastic mechanisms, though able to explain the success of assisted searches in locating targets, cannot, in turn, explain the source of assisted searches. ---
Document Graciella Flores, "Journals and inteligent design" (2005)
"The Scientist", Feb. 28, 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4;
Document Suzanne Goldenberg, "Religious right fights science for the heart of America" (2005)
"The Guardian" February 7, 2005;,,1407171,00.html
Document Chris Mooney, "Discovery Phase" (2005)
"The American Prospect" Online, Jan 31, 2005;
Document David Berlinski, "There are valid criticisms of evolution" (2005)
"The Wichita Eagle"; Pełna wersja:
Document Jim Holt, "Unintelligent Design" (2005)
"The New York Times" February 20, 2005 Sunday, Pg. 15.
Document Matt Inlay, "Bill Dembski and the case of the unsupported assertion" (2005)
Talk Reason;
Document "Review of: William Dembski, Michael Ruse (eds.), Debating Design" (2005)
"Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews";
Document "Natural divisions" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434.
Document Michael J. Everhart, "Criticisms of evolution aren't based on science" (2005)
"The Wichita Eagle" March 15, 2005;
Document Jeffrey Shallit, "Response to Dembski's Accusations" (2005)
"Talk Reason";
Document Alex Williams, Explaining design away. A review of Darwin and Design by Michael Ruse" (2004)
First published: TJ December 2004, vol. 18, no. 3, s. 31–34;
Document H. Allen Orr, "Devolution. Why intelligent design isn't" (2005)
"The New Yorker", Issue of 2005-05-30;
Document "US scientists battle over challenge to Darwinism" (2005)
Document Tom Robinson, "Intelligent Design" (2005)
"The Good News" May-June 2005, s. 2 (editorial);
Document Eric Ryan Telfer, "Who Designed the Designer?: Some Comments regarding Christianity and Various Theories of Intelligent Design"
Document Stephen C. Meyer, "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories" (2004)
"Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington" 2004, vol. 117, no. 2, pp. 213-239; --- STATEMENT FROM THE COUNCIL OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON --- BSW repudiates Meyer --- Huge Response to Samizdat Article the Darwinists Tried to Suppress
Document Mario Seiglie, "What Do DNA Discoveries Mean for Evolution? A Good News Interview with Michael Behe, Ph.D." (2005)
"The Good News" May-June 2005, s. 8-9;
Document Mark Perakh, "Dembski "displaces Darwinism" mathematically -- or does he?" (2005)
Mark Perakh briefly reviews a recent article by William Dembski ( and shows that, contrary to Dembski's claims, it cannot serve as part of the mathematical foundation of intelligent design. Among several serious faults of Demsbki's paper is his view of biological evolution as a search for a small target in a large search space. In fact, biological evolution is not searching for a target. Probabilities calculated by Dembski, for example, for "finding" a specific protein in the space of all possible proteins of a given length are irrelevant because evolution is not "searching" for a predetermined specific protein. Likewise, Dembski's "displacement problem" (which in his new article is in fact not identical to the problem of the same name as rendered by Dembski in his earlier publications) is equally irrelevant for evolution, since the latter conducts no target-oriented searches. ---
Document Paul Krugman, "Design for Confusion" (2005)
The New York Times" August 5, 2005;
Document Mark Hartwig, "The science of design" (2005)
"York Daily Record" Sunday, April 24, 2005;
Document William H. Jefferys, "Review of The Privileged Planet" (2005)
National Center for Science Education;
Document Casey Luskin, "Refuted Before it was Written: A Guide to Allen Orr's "Devolution" Article in The New Yorker" (2005)
Document "Cast out from class" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434.
Document Kyle Alspach, "Design proponents take movement to Web" (2005)
"Science & Theology eNews" May 26, 2005;
Document Michael Powell, "Doubting Rationalist. 'Intelligent Design' Proponent Phillip Johnson, and How He Came to Be" (2005)
"Washington Post", Sunday, May 15, 2005; D01;
Document Tommy Nguyen, "Smithsonian Distances Itself From Controversial Film" (2005)
"The Washington Post" Thursday, June 2, 2005; C01;
Document Mark Perakh, "The Skeptic on Dembski" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document Denyse O'Leary, "Darwinism - An Intellectual Scandal in Science?" (2005)
Document Robin Leboe, "[r]evolution" (2005)
Document David Roach, "Dembski: Intelligent design offers alternative to Darwinism" (2005)
Document Bruce Chapman, "Blind Eye Toward Intelligent Design" (2005)
"The Washington Post" July 30, 2005; Page A17;
Document Geoff Brumfiel, "Intelligent design: Who has designs on your students' minds?" (2005)
"Nature" 28 April 2005, vol. 434, s. 1062-1065; --- Abstract --- The intelligent-design movement is a small but growing force on US university campuses. For some it bridges the gap between science and faith, for others it goes beyond the pale. Geoff Brumfiel meets the movement's vanguard.
Document Jodi Wilgoren, "Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on the Defensive" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 21, 2005;
Document Mark Perakh, "What else could be expected from Dembski?" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document Stan Robertson, "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document CNN Larry King Live: Latest on Investigation Into Olivia Newton-John's Boyfriend's Disappearance; Intelligent Design in American Classrooms?" (2005)
File Del Ratzsch, "How Not to Critique Intelligent Design Theory. A Review of Niall Shanks, God, The Devil, and Darwin" (2005) pdf
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
Document Scott LaFee, "Intelligent discussion: Local scientists, doctors and professors talk about 'intelligent design'" (2005)
"San Diego Union-Tribune" June 8, 2005;
Document Fritz Ward, Jr., "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
File "Intelligent Design is Falsifiable" (2005) oraz
Document Danny Westneat, "Evolving opinion of one man " (2005)
"The Seattle Times" August 24, 2005;
Document Scott Jaschik, "Not So Intelligently Designed Ph.D. Panel" (2005)
"Inside Higher Ed" June 10, 2005;
Document Jonah Avriel Cohen, "Why intelligent design theory ought to be taught" (2005)
"The American Thinker" August 25th, 2005;
Document E. Norbert Smith, "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document Bob Stockburger, "Review: By Design or by Chance? by freelance writer Denyse O'Leary" (2005)
Document Del Ratzsch, "How Not to Critique Intelligent Design theory. A Review of Niall Shanks, God, The Devil, and Darwin" (2005)
"Ars Disputandi" 2005, vol. 5;
Document "Top Questions" [on Discovery Institute, Intelligent Design, etc.]
Discovery Institute;
Document S.J. Dahlman, "Face to Faith - Evolution, ID argument about what’s really science " (2005)
"Johnson City Press" August 20, 2005;
Document Cornelia Dean, "Scientists Speak Up on Mix of God and Science" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 23, 2005;
Document Ron Grossman, "Evolution of a Dichotomy. Blame evil on the Great Designer" (2005)
"Chicago Tribune" June 26, 2005;,1,1506003.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Document Christoph SCHÖNBORN, "Finding Design in Nature" (2005)
"The New York Times" July 7, 2005, Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 23 , Column 1;
Document John Sutherland, interview with Michael Behe, "A design for life" (2005)
"The Guardian" September 12, 2005;,3604,1567967,00.html
Document Mark Perakh, "The Dream World of William Dembski's Creationism" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document Michael Powell, "Editor Explains Reasons for 'Intelligent Design' Article" (2005)
"The Washington Post" August 19, 2005; page A19
Document "Editorial: Intelligent Design and the Smithsonian" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 20, 2005;
Document David Klinghoffer, "Toward Theological Evolution" (2005)
"The Forward" 12 August, 2005;
Document Jerry Coyne, "The Faith That Dare Not Speak Its Name" (2005)
"The New Republic" 22 August, 2005;
Document A.O. Scott, "Dancing With the Devil, Then With a Prosecutor" (2005)
"The new York Times" September 9, 2005; --- wzmianka, że żyjemy w wieku inteligentnego projektu.
Document Ronald Bailey, "Unintelligent Design. Science is on the side of evolution" (2005)
"Reason" Online May 25, 2005;
Document William Safire, "Neo-Creo" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 21, 2005;
Document Kenneth Chang, "In Explaining Life's Complexity, Darwinists and Doubters Clash" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 22, 2005;
File Marcus Ross, "Who Believes What? Clearing up Confusion over Intelligent Design and Young-Earth Creationism" (2005) pdf
"Journal of Geoscience Education", May 2005, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 319-323. Patrz reakcję prezydenta National Association of Geology Teachers (NAGT): Geoff Feiss, "From the President - Re: Intelligent Design Article",
Document Carl Zimmer, "The Big Picture" (2005)
"Corante" August 21, 2005;
Document Wesley R. Elsberry, "A Response to Berlinski" (2005)
"Talk Origins" --- In this article Dr. Elsberry addresses the recent op-ed piece by David Berlinski in a California newspaper. In that paper Berlinski, among other things, falsely accused Talk Reason of deliberately misspelling William Dembski's surname in a derogatory manner and of allegedly viewing such a misspelling as "clever beyond measure." In fact, Talk Reason has never resorted to the mentioned misspelling of Dembski's name and likewise never expressed any approval of such a misspelling as being "clever beyond measure," or in any other way. Berlinski's groundless accusations amounted to slander. In subsequent messages to Talk Reason (posted under this essay), as well as in his comments posted to the Panda's Thumb weblog, Berlinski not only did not apologize for his groundless accusations but tried to evade the question in point by using irrelevant semantic acrobatics obviously aimed at obfuscating the matter under discussion. Readers should draw their own conclusions regarding Berlinski's intellectual integrity. Comment: While originally David Berlinski asked not to post his letters (see discussion), in a subsequent letter he gave his consent to make these letters public. --- Posted April 11, 2005
Document Michael J. Behe, "Design for Living" (2005)
"The New York Times" February 7, 2005;
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: 'The Death of Science'" (2005)
Live Science 23 September 2005;
Document Mike Gene, "All that matters" (2005)
Document Michael McGough, "Bad Science, Bad Theology" (2005)
eSkeptic: the email newsletter of the Skeptics Society, Friday, August 26th, 2005. Opinion Editorial on intelligent design by Michael McGough, originally published in the "Los Angeles Times", August 15th, 2005.
Document John Mark Reynolds, "Séances & Science. The Lessons of the Spiritualist Challenge to Darwinism" (2005)
"Touchstone" September 2005, vol. 18, issue 7,
Document Daniel C. Dennett, "Show Me the Science" (2005)
"The New York Times" August 28, 2005;
Document Sally Jenkins, "Just Check the ID" (2005)
"The Washington Post" Monday, August 29, 2005, p. E01;
Document Margaret Wente, "Intelligent design and other weirdo beliefs" (2005)
"The Globe and Mail" August 23, 2005;
File Guillermo Gonzalez, "Habitable Zones in the Universe" (2005) pdf
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres --- Abstract --- Habitability varies dramatically with location and time in the universe. This was recognized centuries ago, but it was only in the last few decades that astronomers began to systematize the study of habitability. The introduction of the concept of the habitable zone was key to progress in this area. The habitable zone concept was first applied to the space around a star, now called the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Recently, other, vastly broader, habitable zones have been proposed. We review the historical development of the concept of habitable zones and the present state of the research. We also suggest ways to make progress on each of the habitable zones and to unify them into a single concept encompassing the entire universe.
Document Matthew Yglesias, "Kuhn and Intelligent Design" (2005)
Document William Dembski, "John Mark Reynolds in Touchstone - Out of Touch?" (2005)
Document Pam Sheppard, "The Smithsonian/Sternberg controversy" (2005)
"Answers in Genesis" August 22, 2005;
Document Alex Johnson, "‘Intelligent design’ faces first big court test. Parents sue after alternate to evolution added to science curriculum" September 23, 2005;
Document Tony Snow, "Why can't we have a rational debate" (2005) August 12, 2005;
Document Bo Emerson, "Intelligent design suit inspired by local man's ideas" (2005)
"Atlanta Journal-Constitution" 09/27/05;
Document Richard Gallagher, "Let's Talk About This" (2005)
"The Scientist" Sep. 26, 2005, vol. 19, issue 18, s. 6;
Document Ker Than, "Why scientists dismiss 'intelligent design'. It would ‘become the death of science’" (2005) September 23, 2005;
Document Geoff Feiss, "From the President - Re: Intelligent Design Article" --- Jest to reakcja na artykuł Marcus Ross, "Who Believes What? Clearing up Confusion over Intelligent Design and Young-Earth Creationism", "Journal of Geoscience Education", May 2005, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 319-323,
Document Tristan Abbey, "Michael Behe Promotes Intellegent Design" (2005)
"The Stanford Review" May 13, 2005;
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: An Ambiguous Assault on Evolution" (2005)
Live Science 22 September 2005;
Document Marshall Berman, "Intelligent Design: The New Creationism Threatens All of Science and Society" (2005)
APS News, October 2005, Vol 14, No. 9;
Document Matt Donnelly, "The father of intelligent design" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" September 29, 2005;
Document Tom Heneghan, "Vienna cardinal draws lines in Intelligent Design" (2005)
Document Douglas Kern, "Why Intelligent Design Is Going to Win" (2005)
TCS Tech Central Station 10/07/2005;
Document William Dembski, "Creationism’s Reluctance to Enter ID’s Big Tent" (2005)
File Jonathan Witt, "The Origin of Intelligent Design" pdf
Document Matt Donnelly, "Making irreducible complexity a bit simpler" (2005)
"Science & Theology News" October 13, 2005;
Document Matt Donnelly, "A cardinal’s climb-down" (2005)
"Science & Theology News"
Document Thomas D. Schneider, "Origin of the Novel Species Noodleous doubleous: Evidence for Intelligent Design" (2005); --- This is a proof of intelligent design much superior to all the volumes and essays incessantly produced by all the fellows of the Discovery Institute. We expect an acknowledgement of our contribution to their cause from the fellows of Discovery Institute.
Document Tom Heneghan, "Cardinal backs evolution and 'intelligent design'" (2005)
Reuters Tue Oct 4;
Document James Curtsinger, "Intelligent Design 101: Short on science, long on snake oil" (2005)
Document Allan Glenn, "Organisms that Look Designed" (2005)
The author of this post, Allan Glenn, passed away on November 4, 2005 from cystic fibrosis, at the age of 20. A surgery that could possibly have saved his life would have cost about $400,000. His insurance refused to cover such a surgery. He was bright and witty. We all suffered a loss on November 4. --------------------------------------------(The following summary was written by Allan himself.) A tongue-in-cheek spoof (and, I've been told, devastating reductio ad absurdum) of the "irreducible complexity" arguments put forth by proponents of Intelligent Design "theory." This article describes some of the most grotesque lifeforms known to man and makes a case for a sociopathic god worthy of an H.P. Lovecraft novel. "Equal Time" proponents, be careful what you wish for--or the baby-killing liberals might just have this taught in schools. Now with dozens more evolution-wrecking lifeforms, lots of colorful pictures and myriad inside jokes! Note: This article contains mature subject matter like utterly horrendous parasites and graphic illustrations of disease-ridden walking corpses; it is NOT for the squeamish. published: Nov 06, 2005 ---
Document Stephen C. Meyer, "Not by chance. From bacterial propulsion systems to human DNA, evidence of intelligent design is everywhere" (2005)
"National Post" 01 December, 2005;
Document Stephen Pincock, "Monkey business" (2005)
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: 'The Death of Science'" (2005)
File Robert S. Schwartz, M.D., "Faith Healers and Physicians — Teaching Pseudoscience by Mandate" (2005) pdf
"The New England Journal of Medicine" October 6, 2005, vol. 353, number 14, s. 1437-1439;
Document Benjamin D. Wiker, "Faith, Science and the Persecution of Richard Sternberg" (2005)
Catholic Educator's Resource Center;
Document Rush Holt, "Intelligent Design: It's Not Even Wrong" (2005)
Document "Attacks on journal editor raise questions about academic freedom and intelligent design" (2005)
Catholic News Agency November 13, 2005;
Document Ondrej Hejma, "'Intelligent design' supporters gather" (2005)
"Seattle Post-Intelligencer" Monday, October 24, 2005;
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: An Ambiguous Assault on Evolution" (2005)
Document Sheldon Danielson, "Divine Farce: A Scientific / Philosophic Romp Through Intelligent Design" (2005)
"Talk Reason" published: Nov 07, 2005; --- Abstract --- The history of science can be regarded as the gradual process of removing the supernatural from our understanding of natural events and replacing it with concepts of material causality, matter and energy. In so doing, science has often found itself in conflict with religious dogma committed to a contrary view of the natural order. In the past such conflicts have usually taken the form of open contests between competing magisteria: theological on the one hand, empirical and rational on the other. Intelligent Design presents science with a qualitatively new kind of challenge: theology masquerading as science – a modern Trojan Horse. In responding to this subterfuge, this paper reviews the history and philosophy of science, neo-Darwinian evolution theory, and examines in detail some of ID’s specific claims.
Document Ker Than, "Anti-evolution Attacks on the Rise" (2005)
Document Seth Shostak, "SETI and Intelligent Design" (2005) --- Abstract --- Intelligent Design (ID) proponents often refer to the SETI project as allegedly using a methodology analogous to their search for signs of Intelligence in the universe in general and in the biosphere in particular. They point out that the SETI project has been enjoying support from the scientific community (which is true) and therefore ID must be construed as legitimate as well. In particular, William Dembski has been persistently using such an argument in his ceaseless attempts to confer legitimacy upon his discourse aimed at "proving" that ID is a real scientific theory deserving serious consideration. On this site several contributors (Elsberry, Edis, Perakh, Shallit, and others) have debunked Dembski's numerous publications, including his pseudo-mathematics, and including his use of the SETI example. However, until now the SETI institute's staff has been staying away from the discussion of the alleged similarity of their methodology to ID's approach. In this essay, Seth Shostak of the SETI institute starts from the standpoint of the legitimate SETI approach and shows the lack of substantiation in ID advocates' comparison of their notions to the actual contents of the SETI project. In fact, SETI methodology has nothing in common with the ID advocates' fallacious approach and in a certain sense is contrary to it.
Document Rob Moll, "Science that Backs Up Faith" (2005)
"Christianity Today" May 30, 2005:
Document Edna DeVore, "Intelligent Design and Evolution at the White House" (2005)
Document George Ellis, "Physics ain't what it used to be" (2005)
Book reviewed - The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion f Intelligent Design by Leonard Susskind, "Nature" 8 December 2005, vol. 438, s. 739-740.
Document Ker Than, "Intelligent Design: Belief Posing as Theory" (2005)
Document Jonathan Neal, "Intelligent Design theory is flawed, anti-scientific" (2005)
"The Exponent" 2005-12-06;
Document Laurie Goodstein, "Intelligent Design Might Be Meeting Its Maker" (2005)
"The New York Times" December 4, 2005;
Document Wesley R. Elsberry, "The Galvanic Response" (2005)
"Talk Reason"
Document William Grassie, "Beyond Intelligent Design" (2005)
File Matthew J. Brayer, Barbara Forrest, Steven G. Gey, "Is It Science Yet?: Intelligent Designe Creationism and the Constitution" (2005)
"Washington University Law Quarterly" 2005, vol. 83, no. 1, s. 1-149; --- Abstract --- On several occasions during the last eighty years, states have attempted to either prohibit the teaching of evolution in public school science classes or counter the teaching of evolution with mandatory references to the religious doctrine of creationism. The Supreme Court struck down examples of the first two generations of these statutes, holding that they violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. A third generation of creationist legislation is now being proposed. Under this new generation of creationism legislation, science teachers would present so-called “intelligent design” theory as an alternative to evolution. Intelligent design theory asserts that a supernatural intelligence intervened in the natural world to dictate the nature and ordering of all biological species, which do not evolve from lower-to higher-order beings. This article considers whether these intelligent design creationism proposals can survive constitutional scrutiny. The authors analyze the religious, philosophical, and scientific details of intelligent design theory, and assess these details in light of the constitutional doctrine developed by the Court in its previous creationism decisions. The Article discusses several factors that pose problems for intelligent design theory, including the absence of objective scientific support for intelligent design, evidence of strong links between intelligent design and religious doctrine, the use of intelligent design to limit the dissemination of scientific theories that are perceived as contradicting religious teachings, and the fact that the irreducible core of intelligent design theory is what the Court has called the “manifestly religious” concept of a God or Supreme Being. Based on these details, the authors conclude that intelligent design theory cannot survive scrutiny under the constitutional framework used by the Court to invalidate earlier creationism mandates.
Document Laura Sheahen, "The Problem with God: Interview with Richard Dawkins" (2005)
Document "Intelligent Design not supported by science" (2005)
"Iowa State Daily" August 23, 2005;
Document Mariah Blake, "Darwin This: Jews clash over the intelligence of intelligent design" (2005)
"Miami New Times" Article Published Dec 29, 2005;
Document Kazmer Ujvarosy, "Why Rational Thinkers Value the Theory of Intelligent Design" (2005)
"American Chronicle" Wednesday, February 8, 2006;
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