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Witamy w serwisie internetowym Polskiego Towarzystwa Kreacjonistycznego

Link Creation Science Research Center
Link Why I Disbelieve Evolution
Assessment of evolution on empirical, not religious, grounds.
Link The Religion of the Blind Watchmaker
by Phillip Johnson.
Link The Creation Science Association For Mid-America.
Link Neo-Darwinism: What is at Stake? An examination of the cultural implications of neo-Darwinism and creationism.
by Tom Bethell, Correspondent, the American Spectator.
Link God and Evolution: An Exchange
Debata: teistyczny ewolucjonista Howard J. Van Till versus kreacjonista Phillip E. Johnson.
Link Evolution and the Pope
Link Darwinism: Science or Philosophy
Proceedings of a symposium entitled Darwinism: Scientific Inference or Philosophical Preference?
Link Darwin's Black Box
Artykuł dr Ray Bohlina w
Link Creation Science Resource
Link Creation/Evolution Controversy
Definitions and evidence to examine more than two sides of this debate.
Link Creation, Creationism, and Empirical Theistic Arguments
Link Center for Scientific Creation
Dedicated to the research of the origins of humankind.
Link Lebendige Vorwelt Museum The Alternative Exhibition
The history of the Earth from a Christian perspective The "scientific confutation" of the Bible scientifically confuted.
Link Evolution Deceit. The Scientific Collapse of The Theory of Evolution and Ideological Background of The Theory
Link Creation Research
Link Creation Web Sites. Best-Known Creationist Organizations
Link Creationism Connection
Rozbudowana baza danych i linków do kreacjonistycznych organizacji, literatury, grup dyskusyjnych itp.
Link A New Look at Old Earth
Online'owa wersja książki kreacjonistycznej napisanej z perspektywy kreacjonizmu Starej Ziemi!
Link Creation Science Evangelism
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